This weekend I am reposting a few pieces that I love. I am proud of the writing; the topics are close to my heart, and I can't part with them. You'll SURELY be bored, so feel free to move along...
Are you fascinated by things that go bump in the night? I am. I love to watch Ghost Hunters on the sci-fi channel; love a good ghost story, think about past lives, and often have dead relatives visit me in my dreams. It just fascinates me.
I am reading a great book by Sylvia Browne that involves past lives and how re-visiting these can heal some fears and ailments people have. For example, someone who has a fear of water may come to find that in a previous life they had drowned. Another person who was having chest pains for no reason, for an extended period of time beginning from their early twenties, found that in a previous life he was crushed to death by a cart that struck him in the chest.
Sylvia Browne also goes on to tell stories of people whose spirits are traveling together in order to reach some knowledge, or growth in their beings. The stories are endless and compelling, and I JUST CAN’T PUT IT DOWN! (I’m also reading her book Psychic Children – which is just as fascinating.)
So, the bottom line is, now I am constantly thinking about why I am here in this life that I have, and what it is my spirit is trying to learn! Well, here’s what I’ve decided.
- I MUST have died in a horrible car crash in a previous life, because I am a terrible passenger, and I mean terrible! I have real big time fear when I am a passenger, and can often be seen with a coat or shirt over my eyes.
- My husband must have tortured me in a previous life, and vowed to continue that torture in this life.
- Perhaps I tortured my husband in a previous life, and vowed to continue that torture in this life.
- I must have been royalty in my previous life, and was sent here to learn how to clean and life a simple and cheap life. Let me just say that this lesson is no fun. I could have done without this one.
I’m sure I can come up with some other lessons that I’m supposed to learn but right now I have to put the laundry away, shop-vac the steps, get the sheets off the line, put the dog out, take Sassy somewhere, pick up some groceries, try to find the Golden One and make dinner. Crap. Why couldn’t I still be royalty?
I completely believe in past lives. Sylvia Browne is amazing.
We all need to tune in and listen to our spirit guides and elders..
The world would be a MUCH better place.
Too bad people shut it down at an early age
WOW! I was first wooohoooooo
I've been royalty so many times it's ridiculous.
Oh. I was meant to think that...not write it.
Wait...you're not still?? Bugger... here's me callin' you Queen of All Blogging...
btw i do past life regression. when we meet i'll regress you. but you gotta believe in past lives :))
I have always thought I was once a civil war era lady and have always felt connected to the early 1900s as well. I don't know why. maybe I was there...
But, hon, you ARE a "royal" pain! :)
*love the little guy in the photo, sitting in a wee puddle*
I'm extremely leary of that Sylvia Brown. I used to buy her books, watch her television appearances, too. I noticed one day, though, that when she described the deceased loved ones of audience members, she really was just rattling off physical characteristics of that particular audience member. Of course a woman who is tall, with red hair and glasses is likely to have a dead relative who was also tall, had red hair and wore glasses. Pay attention to this next time you watch, or check out the TONS of videos on YouTube or the many many websites exposing Sylvia Brown's fraud.
That being said, I can't speak of the existance of past lives. It's just not something I could know one way or the other. It's an interesting concept, though. I think if I had one, I must have been some kind of horrendous mother-in-law to be punished with MINE the way that I am in this life!
In a past life... I must have been a lady of leisure. I must have traveled a lot and eaten the best food available....
I SO believe in past lives and wish Braja lived nearby because I'm sure it's not something she could access from so far away. Damn!
I think I was a man in my most previous past life, and in the military at that. Would love to know if this is for real and why.
Find Sylvia Browne also a bit compelling; will have to get this latest book.
So here is the upside of your disappearing blog trick...I get to read posts of yours that I missed the first time 'round!
There's always a silver lining. ;o)
I think sometimes I've had a couple of past lives too. There's a LOT of things that I find myself 'remembering' that never really happened to me.
I am so with you on this VM - fascinating. :-)
Glad you found your old posts/archives.
Since I am new to your blog - I love these past posts 'cause I missed them the first time. Re: past lives - it only makes sense to me....and I have a wonderful spirit who is living with me here in the church and takes care of me. I believe in everything - makes life much more fun.
I used to love watching Sylvia Brown! My friend, Tina's mom always watched it. When I go to their house for a massage. Mrs H would b watchign it. But sadly, Mrs H has died, they sold the house and I can't afford massages any more. ah well....
I remember you from our life together when we ran a small b&b in the Loire valley circa 1179.
Only last time, our URL was, Where's my grog wench? I was the silent partner and your name was Mead Mom.
I think Sylvia Brown is a fraud, For starteds she stole everthing from Brian Weiss, specifically Many Lives, Many Mastes, which is scary, creepy and weird. His credentials are impeccable whereas she mikes the audiences and picks up the dish from a shill she has in the audience. Also pick up Soul Mates reunited by Weiss.
IF YOU HAD READ MY BOOK YOU HEINOUS WICKED WOMAN, you would have read all the paranormal that goes on around me. But NOOOOOO, someone is too busy getting in trouble right and left.
I'd fix my spelling but I'm waiting for the Xanax to kick in so I dont really care.
I think I was japanese and American Indian. Or really drunk.
I love the Chit out of all that stuff too. I am going to check out that book you are talking about. I have seen her on the Tv on Montel!
That's one heck of a past life!
do what i do honey. put on your solid gold plastic tiara and go out and smile at people...
smiles, bee
oh, and it lights up too! ps
Oooh I want Braja to regress me! I have a few ideas of things I was in a past life and yes you are queen of blogging so the royalty stays!
Braja does regressions?! Count me in!
Until then, I'm guessing in a past life I was a poor driver or something like that. I think I got lost a lot because I hate (HATE) driving now and always fear I'm going to take a wrong turn and get lost and then have the car break down and I'll be stranded in the middle of nowhere and I won't know what to do and then....
Oh God.
I captained the Donner Party, didn't I?! DIDN'T I?!?!
I wanna be past life regressed.
I believe in the paranormal - I have this irrational fear of nuns! Then someone told me my spirit guide was a nun - I guess the nun is the one sitting on my shoulder telling me off all the time and that is why I am frightened of them.
I was a blogging kindergarten teacher in a past life. That's why I follow this site.
I follow this site because I was a "I Need A Martini Mom" in another life.
Yeah. That's it.
I think I might have been a dog..a very loveable one..or very snarly..one or the other..or maybe a goat..:)
I'm not sure about past lives, but I definitely believe that there is more to this life than what we can see.
I find the idea of past lives really intriguing but don't know much about the subject. However, I had repeated dreams for years about 2 dead friends of mine from high school who died the year after we graduated. I kept telling them, "you know you're dead, right?" I would often wake up crying. I finally went to the cemetery with another friend and stopped having the dreams then. I was actually kind of sad about that.
What really interests me sometimes are dreams I have where I swear I know someone in the dream but wake up and realize I don't, only they are very clear and real in my mind. I wonder sometimes if they were people I knew in a "past life".
I used to love watching Sylvia Browne when she came on the Montel Show.
I totally believe in past lives. I'm really interested in Henry VIII and I believe that I may have been a courtier in that era. Most people think I'm nuts when I say something like that though.
All through my childhood, if someone seemed familiar but I couldn't place them, I attributed it to knowing them in a past life.
I was raised by CA Hippies in a past life... Oh wait, that was this one.
These days, I try to stay in the moment. The idea of multiple lives through eternity, while seeming to ring some truth, seems very exhausting.
I don't have a clue as to who/what I was in a past life. But, if this is payback, I must of been a real hellion! Just sayin'.
I had always believed in her. Then someone challenged my thinking and now i have some doubts on my feeling. Its a long confusing tale (of my little brother passing last year) and now I'm all confused aboutht things like this. Sigh...
Anyways though great blog! Don't give it up:) I have just been checking out new blogs. I'm on a mission to leave 1000 comment for the month! :)
Stop by sometimes please :) Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm just a mom of 2 little boys.. helping other moms grab freebies, deals, and save money :) If you subscribe please let me know.. I would love to return the favor!
You should try John Edward- One Last Time. He and Sylvia Browne are great to read when you lose someone as you have so many. My heart is with you and your family. I feel horrible that it's taken me this long to catch up reading your blog. HUGS to you all.
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