In order to be a successful kindergarten teacher, one must be bi-lingual. You must be fluent in what we like to call kindergarten-ese. Here are some of the more common words used in this language, followed by a sentence in which that word is used. This might shed some light on its definition!
Disausted: Mrs. Smith, I’m disausted.
Shmergency: If someone cuts off your head, it’s a shmergency.
Chickmunk: Did you see that huge chickmunk?
Balentimes: Here are my balentimes, Mrs. Smith.
Bodder: Shoe-fly, don’t bodder me…
Udder: The udder day, I got a new transformer!
Invincible: (not to be confused with the real word.) If you can’t see me Mrs. Smith, it’s because I’m invincible.
Micole: My big sister Micole is mean to me.
Remembery: Don’t worry, Mrs. Smith. I have a great remembery!
Tomayo: I’m gonna bring my doll to show-and-tell tomayo.
Wunch: Mrs. Smith, I don’t wike what’s for wunch.
Wike: Mrs. Smith, I don’t wike what’s for wunch.
Towin: My name is Towin. (Collin. Yes, the speech teacher will be coming in to take a look at this one...)
Fad: Is Fad here today? (Thad)
Nafanial: No! It's not Nafaniel, It's Nataniel (From one of our Korean students, talking about Nathaniel...)
Bomit - I'm gonna bomit.
Mushally - Mushally the moon is yellow, but last night it was red.
Betended - She just betended to throw up.
Cyean - We need to cyean up before yunch.
Yunch – We need to cyean up before yunch.
I fink that after six years, I’m pwactically fwuent.
So you'd fully understand when my 5 year old finishes her "breafkiss" and wants to be "discused?"
Of course you would. ;)
I had a Cowthton (Carston) a couple years ago. In 6th grade!
You forgot "basketti" . . . with gawlic bwead!
Too daughter use to say I want to wear a mikini!
I like "mushally" I'm going to start using it
Mmmmm wunch, cute and so funny.
Great post, Vodka.
May I add:
Five: I just got Pokemon Binocole! (monopoly)
Two: We're going to Five's Congratulations! (preschool Graduation)
My daughter always loved her Yife ceweal at bweakfast and her favorite planet was Earf.
I miss those days.
I hate it when bomit happens.
another one to add to the humor...
my daughter thought that the
Pulitzer Prize was the...
Pull it..surprise!
And she asked me what the surprise was after you pull it!
Yeah, mushually rocks. Can't wait for grandkids. But yeah, maybe I can...
LOL that's not kindergarden...that's living in the South babe'
yes I know it's
When i was a lower Case G, I used to say Moise for airplane (cause of the noise maybe?) Atatakadee for motorcycle (Again cause of the Harley sound?) Lol
hey, i'm fluent in that, too.
I want your life. Can we trade for a day? I can promise you a bunch of men chasing your ass in convertible Porsches.'ll be fun.
Of course when you get back, you're kids will likely need some type of medication.
But they're young. They'll spring back.
My daughter is entering kindergarten this fall and she says, "Brecksfist" for breakfast - drives me nuts!
LOL! This all sounds so familiar. Oh, wait, it's cause he want his tweet now cuz his bweakfist is all gone now!!
I better get to it! :)
I totally understand this language.
My son used to crack me up. He would say
"Dad, conk the corn" (honk the horn).
And my daughter would say "are we taking the pukons to the store." (coupons).
I miss the little ones!
LOL, just love this, especially bomit!
It's been a while since I volunteered in my kids kinder class but you just reminded me ... they did talk that way ...
Two of them make a nice combo: "Betending to bomit". Here's one from my stepson, last Christmas: "Mormons". Used in a sentence: "Mom, can we hang some mormons on the tree?" (He may have meant ornaments.)
My favorite ones from my own kids?
Pick me down: Done after one has been picked up.
Lasternight: the conjunction of yesterday and last night. Duh.
love it.
kinders are so incredibly creative...and yet we squash that before them become adults...bummer deal!
Yady, dat was de-ricious!
My oldest daughter teaches after school art classes in a low income area to kindergarden and first grade. I LOVE what little kids say so she shares frequently what comes out of the mouth of babes! In our family, those special words that come out of my granddaughter Riley's mouth we use daily. For example, if Riley tries to lift something that is heavy, she says "hebby". That way we never, ever have to refer to someone has "fat", which is mean. So we just say, "oh, she is just a little hebby"! Thanks for sharing all the new words I can now share!
I have a whole collection of words written down because each of my 3 kids had their own language.
humbugger - hamburger
yiddle - little
user - loser
jars - jennifer
That last one gave my husband fits because he was afraid that it would someone evolve into 'jugs' and that's not an appropriate name for his daughter.
what, no 'hangamers'? :O lol
If I could burst from "awwww"-ing too much, I'd be in splattered in a million pieces on the walls.
I love this, and I love YOU for being in my bloggy life.
You're teh awesomes.
I bet they also like to get books from the liberry.
My favorite is still when my son says "its sunny days" instead of "its a sunny day." I feel bad that he'll still be saying that in high school because I make no effort to change it. Then again, he's only 3.
Here's a good one: Furchina.
Guess what that is? That was my daughters way of trying to use the anatomically correct word for her private parts. :)
Nice collection, but didn't you leave out any reference to poops in pants?
Love these. My guys are all little, so everything they say is up for translation. George is the best. He calls leaves, "leaps" and instead of "don't touch," he says "don taunch." I will be sad when they start speaking clearly.
I'm not ready to see these go...I was glad we got through K without a rec for speech therapy:)
Oh these are adorable. I don't know how you keep a straight face.
My favorite of my daughter, lasterday:anything that happened in the recent past. Yesterday, last week. It happened lasterday
Love the kid speak! it's my favorite part of the lol cats site:
Always especially endearing are the ones we adapt into our own family speak and carry on for another generation.
Ohh, if you could only be Katie's teacher, then I could stop spending $100's on her speech therapy :)
Boy do I love your blog! You make me laugh everyday!
Bwahahahahahaha. I used to have a great remembery too.
Have a terrific day. :)
HAHA! My neice used to say, MissKell (she could never say my name), when I grows up, I want to work with amnimals in the hopsital. I want to be a vegeternarian.
I still love it!
that's all ridicli-ous (which is an official term for the whole family here now, thanks to my 5 year old)! my daughter cayabibibet would love your class (you may hav to call her caroline eliabeth, though)! have a good day!
It all makes perfect sense to me now. This is why we get along so well, we speak the same language.
Ahhh! I am in danger of creating a very strange adult, in the guise of my 5 year old. I just love how he speaks and can't bear to correct him. Gradually he is growing out of it... daughter has only just stopped saying crococridal (crocodile) cos we liked it so much. Honestly, this growing up malarkey...
i'm going to bomit!!
by the way...that one sentence in my earlier post is supposed to read: you may have to call her caroline elizabeth, though. damn me for not proofreading!
Here are a couple more from the House of Fragrant Liar:
baiting suit
One more: My birthday is Nextember.
I'm still trying to get my chick out of saying: Memember when....
No such luck yet.
I'm just betending to be on summer vacation. It's awesome!
Necorize: Hey! I necorize that guy!
I forgot to say necorize was from my son.
My daughter used to call the telephone the "hello".
I think if a child came to me and told me they were going to "bomit", I'd probably giggle and then they would, in fact, "bomit" on my shoes.
Stopped by from SITS!
Oh my goodness! What a co-incidence, I used this exact same image about a week ago for an entry. I think he tells a good tale ;o)
Some of those new words should absolutely make it into the dictionary. I particularly like remembery!
Thanks for the laugh, Vodka. My Monday was not going so well, but you made it better. As always :o)
I get it!! I'm disausted myself today!!! Isn't everyone disausted on a Monday?
Mo used to say, "early ago," to refer to something that had happened in the past. Being a teacher, I'm sure you're familiar with vomzorb - that sawdust stuff they use when someone didn't betend to bomit. I wonder where they sell that stuff?
I love bomit. I am smirking, thinking of when I can use it and not come across as a complete idiot.
I got one for you. My daughter cannot say cellular phone. She is 16 and to this day avoids it by saying cell phone.
If she tries to say cellular phone, she instead says:
celery phone.
oh my GOD these comments are FUNNIER than my POST!!
I am totally using these in my column next month. Just warning you all RIGHT NOW!!!
I am still laughing.
ha- lola!! my 14 year old still says "cellephone" kinda like a telephone except you can take it outside!!! oh and she also still says "movie thee-tee-er"!!!
As my nephew would say: "That was historical." Of course, he means funny, but you can take it in either context.
I'm a follower now.
That sound like my nights in a pub as a student :-D
Ha! Spot on.
My son is an F-abuser. Fink and stuff like that he would do often.
Wow. You weally have it down. I didn't wike what I had for wunch eithor. ;)
I'm wiking the bomit. It just has a certain ring to it.
Sang tink happen wis me wis my estudints. Is so much confussed!
Wuv this post, VM.
Aren't those kids in Oregon out of school yet?
Lastday, we had letti for supper & the littles were firsty to deaf.
You got all that, right?
Lord I didn't read one other comment because who does that?
But I talk like these kids so you can MOST ASSUREDLY bite me because these are my peeps.
Lord I didn't read one other comment because who does that?
But I talk like these kids so you can MOST ASSUREDLY bite me because these are my peeps.
My nearly kindergardener asked me to pick up his "Bagina" off the floor of the car today. I nearly crashed.
Apparently his bagina is a piece of pink paper. Who knew?
My daughter went to kindergarten with a kid named Germy who used to talk dirt to her on the bus.
Concerned, I said, "Just what is this dirt he's saying to you?"
"Dirt," she said. "He says, 'dirt,dirt,dirt,dirt.' He knows it makes me mad!"
Gotta love 'em.
(At the other end of the spectrum, my post today is on geriatric sex...."
My kids watch The Cartoon NeckWork and this September we are going to Yew Nork! I don't correct them - it is too cute.
Yunch?! How much do I love THAT?
I used to get comfortable and situated mixed up when I was little. So, I would say "Mom...I can't get conserated!" :)
Between your post and the other comments, I have laughed my butt off!
I subbed in kindergarten for 6 weeks right after I graduated from college. One of my favorite guys would replace his Ls with Ws and his Ys with Ls, so he said wower-case lellow wetters instead of lower-case yellow letters. Another little guy called Abraham Lincoln "Abra Lincolnham."
Chickmunks are a menace to society.
My son would have eaten 'frumps' seven times a week if I would have let him! That's shrimp to you and me!
And - not to change the subject or anything . . . what happened during the questioning of all suspects last night???
You know that we are all dying to hear the bloody details!
Brilliant! My first visit here - but not my last!
Oh yes you are fwuent, alright. Great post!!
I love it!
Tonight at dinner, my little girl asked me if her fork and spoon were her "youpencils". Yup. Exactly.
Lol. Geez, I'm glad I got to this post a little later than usual; I got to read all these great comments!
I have two boys, two years apart, just turned 5 and 7 and they just won't stop 'un-ignoring' each other.(annoying, isn't it?). They also hate when I ask them to 'organacize' their toys!
My 2 1/2 year old daughter eats 'wahmun noodies'(ramen noodles), is 'cared to biders'!(scared of spiders), and loves our 'petty pink wose powers' out front. (pretty pink rose flowers)
Thanks for another great laugh!
I am fluent in toddlerese
I have so, so many after seven kids.
"Oh what fumitz" Jingle Bells, think about it.
"*ucky Tried Chicken" KFC in later years.
"Reddolph the Rude Nosed Reindeer"
From Foxymoron.
"The Young and the Breastless" Seriously, my girl was not quite three.
"Pooey the Bear" for "Winnie the Pooh".
We have a little girl at our school who loves to come to the oppice (office) to spread her perry ust (fairy dust). And we love for her to come because she is just so dang cute!
Too funny! My kids still say chickmunk. I enjoy it so I don't correct them :)
Oh wow! That is fabulous. It made me smile and brought back some memories.
Thank you for the dictionary. And the memories. My remembry isn't as good as the little ones'.
Over by way of David. Congrats on POTD.
Congrats on POTD Contender!!!
So good and so true.
Here from David's POTD award to you.
You are very fwuent! Love it! I came over from David's authorblog. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award! Well deserved!
Those are adorable!
My four year old niece used to call gymnastics 'binnastics'
"Let's get agonized!" my son blurted when trying to organize.
This brought big laughs. Thanks!
This post should come with a warning label. I have a pulled muscle in my rib cage and read this with tears in my eyes!
Great post! Congrats on POTD.
Craig Glenn
I'm sure you will bemember all of those forever!
Best laugh I've had in months!!!! And to contribute to your next column, I offer:
GRIPTION: the quality needed for boots during Minnesota winters so that one does not fall on the ice.
CONTROLSIVE: "Mom, stop being so controlsive. You don't have to call the parents of the kid having the party!"
NAKUNE: the thing that goes on your lap when you eat
And now that summer is here thay can all go home to color with their crowns while wearing their baby-soups in case they get to go to the poo!
"My grandma lives in misery (missouri)" from my then 4yo. As she was referring to my mil, I was amused.
I got one for ya.... My neighbors sons come running up to me one day and the younger one says "Where is your titty! I want to pet your titty!". Needless to say, I stood there shocked for a second all red in the face because his mother was right there until I realized he meant KITTY! I had just gotten a kitten.....
I'm a little behind on my blog reading, so I just found this today...
My nephew has cute ones like "shragon" for "dragon" (we all call them that now) but my very favorite is "scartled" for "scared/startled". It's such a great word!
He gets it from my brother, his dad, who said things like "kitchen" for chicken, "walnut" for wallet, and "finater new you" which took us forever to figure out meant "theater near you!"
This made me laugh so much. My favorite mispronunciations at my own house are that one daughter says "banket" and the other says "blanklet," as if one stole the "l" from the other.
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