
Well, it’s been a long and interesting day. When I started this blog initially, it was to share all the thoughts and funny stories that were swirling in my head. I never knew I could experience such joy and relief when I was able to put those thoughts to paper.  I never in my wildest dreams meant to offend anyone in any way. 

I want to thank you all for sharing in my life- even if only for 10 months. As you could tell from the stories- it’s never boring, and is often sprinkled with incredible joy and occasionally deep sorrow.

I have come upon a situation that requires that I take a break from posting thoughts and stories. I will continue to visit all my friends, and hope that when I am able to return to blogging (in some way, shape or form) that you all will not have forgotten about me.

It’s kind of like what Warren Beatty said at the end of that movie where he gets put into a new body. It was something like, “You’ll remember ME, won’t you? I might not look the same, I might not talk the same, but deep in my heart, I will BE the same.”

Be well… and laugh often. That’s what makes the world go round, right? Wait, maybe that’s LOVE….dammit. I knew I’d get that wrong.


1 – 200 of 247   Newer›   Newest»
for a different kind of girl said...

Hope you are well...

Your blog definitely stays in my Reader, and I'll look forward to the day you can come back.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Forget you??? NO WAY. You are far too memorable for that. Sending good thoughts your way right now.

Anonymous said...

What the hell??? Are you seriously leaving us?? What happened? Are you okay? You are my FAVORITE, don't quit!! :-(

Boozy Tooth said...



You will never be forgotten Deborah. MISSED TERRIBLY, but not forgotten.

God bless you.

Sherry Dale Rogers said...

I finally make it in the top 10 and you are leaving. Say it aint so...

The blogging community will miss you.

Mrs. Booms said...

This is horrible!

Best of luck to you!

Kim said...

Damn. What's going on around here?

blognut said...

I'll be here when you get back. Without a doubt.

Take care, be well, and I hope everything works out for you.


Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...


Crys said...

Take care and good luck with whatever has swayed you to take a break.

Candy said...

Saying a prayer that you're ok. I'll miss my laugh o' the day :) Take care of yourself, please. I look forward to your return!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

All the best to you as you take this break from blogging.

Keep working at getting published. I look forward to your book(s).

Your blog is definitely one I will be eager to read once it's back up and running.

*big warm hug*

April said...

oh, noooooooooooooo!!! i'll be here waiting. :-(

PurestGreen said...

Crap, crap, crap! Not fair not fair (cue vibrant, ridiculous tantrum)

But how will we find you if you crop up somewhere else? I feel like that kid at the end of that film with the guy on the horse and the kid yelling after him.

(sings to self: Grey skies are gonna clear up...put on a happy face...)

Missy said...

So sorry to hear this! I will be praying for you and your quick return!

Bar-b said...

damn, I just got settled in too :(

good luck with whatever life has for you.

LegalMist said...

What happened? You can't go! We'll miss you too much...

And did the archives have to go, too? I only recently found your blog, and I hadn't finished reading them yet ... so many great stories, just vanished into thin air? This just can't be...

And after your declaration of "LOVE" for me just this morning?

Ack, I can't take it....

But I wish you well, and hope you'll be back sometime soon.

Marty said...

Very sorry to see you take a break, delurking to say I hope to see you around again. Cheers :D

foxy said...

So sorry to see you go. Your humor will definitely be missed.

Thanks for all the times you made me laugh - most of the time OUT LOUD!

Cheers - and good luck!

Michelle said...

Although I never told you, because I'm more of a lurker and less of a commentor, you were one of my very favorites! You made me laugh daily...what happened????

Desert Songbird said...

That's okay - laughter DOES make the world go 'round. At least it does in my home.

I'll leave you in my Google Reader. If you come back, I'll be here!

Anonymous said...

Bloggers are dropping like flies lately. Certainly did not expect to receive this news from you today of all people... a sad day in Bloggyland for sure.

Unreal and unsettling,

The Blue Ridge Gal

Errin said...

Your voice will be missed!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you will be gone. I very much enjoyed your posts. Please think of coming back soon.

Hope everything is ok...find us again.

Anonymous said...

Crap...I love this blog, and it breaks my heart I won't be able to read it every day. But, as long as you come back, it will be a welcome surprise on my reader list.

Be well, Martini Mom. You are hardcore awesome.

Nicole said...

HUH??? I love your posts, they light up my day and always make me giggle! You will be missed and I hope you are back soon.

Take care and dont forget to stop by and say hi!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend..I am thinking of you and hope all is well. Funny how life works huh? All your real friends out here in blogtown will always remember you and will support you in any future venture. You are one talented chick and I know you'll be back one way or another....


Kat said...

I will keep you in my reader and stop by when you decide it is the right time to come back, in one way or another. Take Care VM.

mo.stoneskin said...

My word.

Hope this situation resolves, we'll miss you you know.

I'm gonna try damn hard to be first to comment when you return. Maybe you could send me a email to warn me.


Thoughts and best wishes.

Joanie said...

shit. i'm going to miss you. i hope you can come back. shit.

Sandee said...

You've been in my Google reader for a very long time. You shall remain there.

I hope all is well and that you will return in the near future. After all, what will you do without all of us?

Have a terrific day and break from blogging. :)

Unknown said...

Your stories and comments always make me smile. Please keep in touch. I will send you funny Kindergarten stuff if you would like.

I hope whatever it is that you need to resolve gets resolved.

(Awkward sentence but you get my point:) )

Enjoy your summer break and live in the laughter.

As always:

Peace - Rene

seriously? said...

OMG...this is one crappy day!!! I hope your break is short lived. You will be missed... :(

Yo said...

ugh, WHAT? you're breaking up with us???

i miss you! come back!

whatever it is, i hope it works out. i have fallen in love with you, your words, your funnies.

hugs and hugs.

MAN, this feels like a breakup! i miss you! i really really miss you already! please visit. can i give you my phone number? will you call or text? send me flowers?

Mrs. E said...

I just found you and looked forward to every new post. I'm so sorry! I'll wait for you to return!! You say all the things I'm not brave enough to say! : )

Debbie said...

Well, it is a sad day in blog land, that is for sure. I hope you won't be a stranger.

Malisa said...

Tell me it ain't so! I hope it's not what my gut is telling me it is. You've got my email address and I'm here if you need me!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh drat! that damned kid's mother found you didn't she? the bitch. now who is going to make me laugh? it is all about me, right?

smiles, bee

just kidding! ps
i'll miss you! pps

anymommy said...

oh no. I'm sad. I hope you're okay? Like many others, I'll be here when you decide to come back.

love, stacey

ps any chance we'll still see you in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Heaven Can't Wait...one of my favorite movies...

I'll be watching for your return.

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Oh man, you were one of my favorites! What happened???
I will keep you in my blogroll...waiting patiently for your return.
Hang in there!!!!

Karen Harrington said...

1/ Random assortment of curse words

2/ Hugs and love, love, love

3/ Drinking

Note to self: Rinse & Repeat as necessary

sAm said...

I'll miss you until you're back.
I hope all is well and you use your time away however you need to in order to take care of whatever it is you need to take care of.

Girl Interrupted said...

Hope all goes well for you V Mom ... you'll be sorely missed in the blogosphere.

Hope to see you back soon, take care :)

Rick Daley said...

So that give you more time to read my blog and email me, right? RIGHT?

Dammit, don't you quit me!

Rick Daley said...

And on a side note, I am absolutely certain I am going to offend someone eventually, if I haven't already.

Jane! said...

Wow, I'm floored! And confused. Not that confused is anything new but what happened to the rest of your blog????

IB said...

This is a sad day for our little community.

I'll be here too...for when you come back...I can wait. I am very patient.

Anonymous said...

which one's pregnant?

jessica said...

oooooh i bet it was one of your parents. i know it was. i just just know it. because i'm a pre-k teacher and i know that parents are crazy creatures. and even if you said their child was adorable and funny they took offense in that in someway. so sorry to see you go.

Mommy with a Penis said...

Okay, that was a punch to the gut. I go to my blog this morning and find NUMEROUS people who say they visited me because of you. I go from 82 followers to 100. Tons of traffic and I owe it all to you. I come here to leave the biggest thankyou ever and I see you're taking a break.

I know you will be back, and I will be an avid follower once again when you do, but I will miss your voice. There have been certain bloggers who have made me up my game, and you are one of them.

Huge, huge, hugest of THANKYOUS, and even a cyber hug,


I'll be drinking vodka tonight.

Michel said...

I will miss you!

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

I hope that everything works out for you personally and professionally. I will be waiting to read you the minute you come back. Be well and know that you will be missed.

Sandi said...

I am hopeful this is a short break and even more hopeful I am still sleeping with you in Chicago. Please get in touch with me.

Sandi said...

and sorry about the random call today, it was Parker.

Sherendipity said...

I hope that you're okay and this hiatus is only temporary.
Sending many good thoughts your way.

Mama Dawg said...

Hope things will be ok. You'll be missed!

cheatymoon said...

Oooooh, VM. Thinking of you and wish you well. Keeping you in my reader, of course and look forward to sharing teacher stories with you sometimes in the future...

Anonymous said...

Are you going to tell us what happened? Did a student's parent get mad when you told a kindergarten story?? Was it Sassy's boy trouble? Has Bitchy done this as a joke? Don't leave!!

Marinka said...

I miss you already. xo

Mags said...

I will miss you too...I hope your sabbatical is not a long one!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I will miss you, your family and your students. Come back, we'll find you. And we'll recognize you. Best wishes! Muah!

Lorraine said...

I don't remember how I found you, but I hope I don't lose you. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope that the break will be brief.

Anonymous said...

Another lurker coming out of silence to say... I hope all is okay, that everything goes well, and that you'll eventually be back.
I'll definitely miss your posts, and will keep you idling in my reader until you get past whatever this is and come back to us.

Unknown said...

I am srry to hear this! But I understand. Sometimes we all need a break to focus on the more important things in life. I will miss you and I can't wait till you start agin.


Wunderwoman said...

This is truly a sad day in bloggertown. I will miss you, please hurry back! Hope all is well with you.


OMG.... I can't believe you are leaving us.

ChiTown Girl said...

OMG!! I am so sad that you're leaving us, even if it is just temporarily. :(

From one Kindergarten Kop to another, good luck and I'll be anxiously awaiting your return!!

Anonymous said...

Come back soon!

Madge said...

take care of yourself and of course we will be here waiting for you to come back. you will be missed!

San said...

I 've been reading your blog for about two months and am de-lurking to tell you how much I am going to miss your posts. Please don't stay away too long, ok?

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to read this. As a fellow educator, I'm hoping it's not because of a school/parent/student issue.

Will you stay on Twitter? I hope so.

Don't be a stranger.

Anonymous said...

I just went and checked - you deleted your account? Now I'm so sad. :( Please check in from time to time on my blog. I really hope you're okay, and that it's not a professional thing. That sucks.

Hit 40 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hit 40 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann On and On... said...

Taking care of yourself is most important. It is fun to read all the comments... you are one special person.
I'll be waiting.

A Woman Of No Importance said...

I want to scream it from the rooftops - Calling your name like a feral cat on heat, VKMom, but instead I shall say, I wish you well, fellow traveller, and when we meet each other once more on our journey, we shall know each other by the colour of our vodka bottle label, non?

With love, and take goodly care of yourself, gentlewoman. Fhi x

Peggy said...

I can't quit you!

You will be missed...

until you return.

I'll never delete you!

Musings of the Mrs. said...

WHAT??? What the hell am I gonna do with out Martini Mom. I hope everything is ok. That was a very criptic post.

Lawyer Mom said...

I'm thinking this has something to do with those sticky copyright laws?

If so, congratulations!

Zani said...

You will be so missed. You are one of my top faves. I will be praying for you and for your family. Come back soon.. please. *hugs lots* =[

Anonymous said...

Ooh VM, I'm so sad :-( You always make me laugh a lot, and you're so kind and fabulous... you are going to be soorely missed. I hope that everything is okay, and we all look forward to hearing from you soon you great nugget of funniness!

Anonymous said...

There'll be a hole in my reader each morning.

Take care of business, and then come back. Over 700 people are counting on you.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I will miss you and eagerly await your return. I hope all is okay--or it's at least nothing a few martinis can help.

Queen Bee said...

I'll know when you come back and it will be a great celebration!

We'll miss you until then

Jeanne Estridge said...

I'll keep you in my bloglist so I'll know when you're back.

And I'll keep you in my heart, so you're not really gone.

Midlife Slices said...


Unknown said...

What?! WHAT?!?! Huh? Whhaaaaa! (That is me being whiney by the way.)

Ugh, who made you feel bad, or stop? Who? I'll sock them in the face cause I'm nice like that.

Ash said...

Oh no! Really?

I'll be thinking of you my dear. Take care of yourself. I'll just be here, hanging out, waiting for you.

No pressure. No hurry...:-)

Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention that we saved Braja's life so she owes you and we owe you a world of THANKS for making us laugh each day.

Ann Imig said...

Hi Ms. Vodka,

Guess who I think of now when I drink my straight-up-and-sometimes-dirty?

Don't take things to much to heart. Seems the longer you stay in bloggyland, the more inevitable this moment comes in some way shape or form, no matter how hard we try to keep it kind AND real.

Go back and read all the other hundreds-heck THOUSANDS--of comments and which side of the scale is heavier.


Chris said...

I think "A Lawyer Mom's Musings" hit it. I hope so anyway. Your farewell tone doesn't sound like you've been spanked, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say "Congratulations!" too.

I hope that's the case.

We started blogging at about the same time. I'll never forget your first post about Cameron, and how your words touched my heart. You'll remain in my Reader unless you choose to disappear.

Take care, good luck and don't be a stranger! XO, Chris

Tuesday Taylor said...

Somebody messing with you? Do they wanna piece of me? A scandalous housewife beat down?

Fragrant Liar said...

OMFG. I am so sad to hear this. I truly hope whatever is going on in your life isn't bringing you too much sorrow or stress. I will miss you, and look forward to the day you return with more great writing and poignant humor. You have been an inspiration to me, so thank you.

We all love you, you know that, right? See you soon.

Lori said...

You will be sadly missed by many of us. Just about every day you made me smile or laugh and I have appreciated that. I hope all the best for you and your family.

Deb said...

bitchy? is that you? i know you know your mother's password, and i could just TOTALLY see you holding her prisoner in your closet because you caught her in your boots.

listen, we're not going anywhere. if you need any assistance in the BPOPP (blogger pisser-offer protection program), just let me know. i can score you a cool, new identity. i've got your back...

you have a heart of gold. anyone who takes the time to actually read the love and affection behind your posts could not possible take offense.

Deb said...

possiblY take offense. i get nervous leaving comments for teachers. i know they are always analyzing my grammar.

Carolyn...Online said...

What?! Are you going somewhere to do something fabulous? I like to believe it's fun and fabulous.

Heidi said...

I really really hope that your blog is being published in book form and that the publisher made you take it down. Am I right? If I don't hear from you I will get Suzy after you.
I hope you are okay.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I will miss you and anxiously await your return. I hope it's nothing a few martinis won't help with.

Keely said...

Did you give Bitchy access and then make her mad?

Seriously, I'm really, really, really sorry to hear that. You're a fantastic writer and a hilarious story teller. I'll stand on the shore and await your return.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

You know we love you. And Sassy. And even Bitchy! We will all be waiting .. .. .. and hoping that you know we (at least most of us) are non-judgemental - and would help if we could.

Say the word and there's about 700 of us ready to back you up if you need us!

You know how to track us down - and I for one will be really hurt if you don't reach out if there is anything I can do. I've got great shoulders to cry on - and I also have good ears to listen to some bitching and moaning!

We'll be waiting . . . impatiently


Shawn said...

Oh my, I hope everything is okay.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

I miss you already.

Be well, and hope to see you again sooner rather than later.


K Dubs said...

:( you will be missed

Boyd said...

What movie is that, again?

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously, if you are leaving b/c of something GOOD, then leave us a hint. A really obvious hint. PLEASE. Or else we are worrying that something really bad happened.

So leave us a hint of sorts, k?

Unknown said...

I'm speechless. Everything has already been said that I feel, but I'll add that you will be truly, truly missed by me!

Here's hoping that all works out for you in whatever way you want.

Karen said...

OMG. I'm so sad. I will sooooo miss you and your funny and witty stories. I hope whatever is going on can work its way out soon and you'll be ok. You'll be truly missed.

Nancy said...

Um, Excuse me ... but but but ... I just got all caught up on the archives and settled in to having an addiction to your writing!

Hopefully this is just a blip in the screen and you be back soon!

I'm keeping you in my reader and waiting for that next post =)


darkwitless said...

VM: Reading you has brighten many average days.

I have passed your link to many because I've adored your stories and way with words. I am devastated that you need to close the blog for now.

Sincere wishes that all is well in your world.

I hope light shines on you, gentle breezes keep you warm and your vodka glass is never empty.

Amy W said...

Aw, Vodka Mom.... Sorry to see you hanging up your hat. I hope we next see you in a fantastic book-jacket photo that makes you look sooooper sexy. ;-) But really, I'd rather see you right back here tomorrow. :)
Good luck resolving things. It's all a process and we all have lives. XOXO You are wonderful and I'll miss you.

Mayberry said...

Take care, okay? You'll be missed, very much. Until you COME BACK!

Ritz said...

You definitely will be missed. I wish you the best.
Big hugs to you and hopefully we see you back soon.

lisahgolden said...

It's because some of us don't comment enough right? Okay. I promise to comment on every post.

Just don't be long gone please.

Teacher Mommy said...

Why do people always leave me?!?!

Seriously, there must be something in the water. Too many wonderful bloggers either leaving or threatening to.

I am sad. I will miss you. Don't wait too long to be sucked back in...

Paige said...

Huh. This is an unfortunate turn of events

I will be waiting

An Unlikely Retirement said...

Oh, snap. I suppose you know better than I what you need for your life. I'll truly miss you.

Hal Johnson said...

I hope you're leaving for some other opportunity, and that it has nothing to do with some thin-skinned ninny getting offended. Thanks for your words and thoughts. Please don't come back as Warren Beatty.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I will miss you.

Your posts have always made me laugh.

Hurry back! You have tons of people who love your posts.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hey folks, she's not gone forever. I know she's just cleaning up shop over there.

Hon, whatever the situation is, I hope you can resolve it quickly. You can email me anytime.

Love you lots. Miss you till you return....

tamilyn said...

Aw hell no. It's like you are my crack-like if I ever did crack, which I haven't, but I imagine if I did it would be the feeling I get when I read your blog.

Hope all is well and you will stay in my favs until you return.

And the idiot 'anonymous'-that was uncalled for and honestly none of your freaking business. You give bloggers a bad name.

Hurry back VM-I'll be tipping the Rekva vodak in your honor!

LPC said...

Hints. Please hints. Just one hint. A little hint. Please please please please. With teenagers I figure this is what it takes to get your attention...

Pseudo said...

But I love you... Who will I compare my 10th graders to with no kindergarten voice reminding me they were once cute?

I don't know what happened, but I hope it gets fixed soon.

Seriously, miss you already. Will be here waiting for you to get back.

Anonymous said...

i really want to be supportive of you, but all I can think is NOOOOOOOOOO

Kelly Dawn said...

arrrghhhh where are you going woman???

Pollyanna said...

Take care of yourself. I'll anxiously await your return :)

Tamis Marks said...

I think I shed a tear in my Grey Goose Martini tonight. Sorry to see you leave, I hope all is well.

Bea said...

i was so looking forward to reading your post today so i am devastated at your news. i hope you come back soon, i'm going to miss your posts so much. i hope the problem gets resolved soon. hugs.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

So very sad to see someone many, many enjoy to not post any longer. I'm sure you have good reasons and I respect them. But most certainly, I would love to see you here in different form, if necessary. You are an inspiration and I have very much welcomed your comments. Best of luck as you move forward.

Counselormama said...

Are you OK?I'm so worried! I'll be here.

LadyFi said...

Oh NO! I'll miss you! We'll all miss you!

Hope you pull through the situation you're in with that amazing strength and sense of humour that you have.

Be well!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Say it ain't so! But if it is, hope you come back soon in some different configuration that suits you well. Best of luck and blessings til then.

Beth said...

You are scaring me. I hope everything is ok.

Scary Mommy said...

This is a joke, right? You're not REALLY leaving are you??? {Going in to corner to sob.}

WeaselMomma said...

I hope everything works itself out soon. I also hope to see you tweeting and visiting, because I would miss you.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

You'll be missed ~ hope you can come out to blog again soon.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Shit, there is not enough vodka in the world to get me out of this depression.

Unknown said...

Go here to see how I really feel about it.


F-bombs! Be warned!

Peace - Rene

Cajoh said...

I can tell by the number of comments that you got that you are well loved and will be missed.

I try to see people as they are and not see them as they appear at the moment. You will be surprised as to how the core of your being remains the same even though the way you interact with the rest of the world changes over time.

I look forward to reading your next post whenever that is.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of the other comments. You will be missed. You such a skill with writing and the ability to make us laugh. Wishing you an awesome summer. Take care and I hope to see your posts back out in blog land soon.

koopermom said...


I'm sure you have good reasons, but just know I love to read your blog and get a good daily laugh at silly little kids.

Please come bacK!

diane said...

Take your time and deal with what you have to, we'll all be right here when you get back. xo xo xo xo xo

Green said...

We'll be here for you when you return. I'll miss you.

Deb, If I could read only one blog, I believe it would be yours, you're wonderful!

Bum Atom said...

look what you did
you're a pro or something

Judi said...

You know...yesterday when I tried to read your blog and I was forced into putting some kind of Twitter password, I was panicked. But, now I'm heartbroken! Yeah, heartbroken! Just when I found a kindred spirit--with a fondness for booze, a penchant for satire, a loving soul, a brilliant mind and who also volunteered to find possible companion for my son in the town where he lives! Isn't that always the way?
Well, here's hoping it's nothing too big or irrepairable of a problem that's taking you away from your adoring readers!
Come back soon....we all need you! And, as a fellow blogger--I know you need your blog!
P.S. I ain't going nowhere so I'll keep checking back....until I see your sunny words again!

Magpie said...

I hope you have a nice nap, and that we see you sooner than later.

Judi said...

Did my son find out we conspired to find him a mate and somehow used his cyber Phd wisdom to scare you off?
He can be so pissy like that....
If so, email me, I know just what to do to get him to behave...

lovinpaper said...

NO you cannot leave us. You make me smile everyday. Hope you are well and that everything is ok and you will bring smiles to our faces soon.

Kelli said...

NO!!!!! I love reading your blog! Please don't leave! Okay, I know that if you have to, you have to. I just hope that you'll be back soon! I hope that everything is okay with you and that your break will inspire you even more! I look forward to reading your book someday :)

That Janie Girl said...


Girl. You are my inspiration. You always have the best stories, and the very best attitude.

I love you.

I'll miss you.

I'm calling you. Right now. In the middle of the school day. And if I don't get you, or if I do and you can't talk or some crap like that, you'd better call me back, heifer.

Cause remember - I know where you live.

And I will come up there and give you a hug and take you to Outback.

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

Just when I found a replacement for Pittgirl!!

I have connections at the FBI, I can get you in the Blogger Protection Program.
We'll just change your blogger identity and no one will ever know. You're secret will be safe with me.

Maybe your new name can have something to do with AA. That'll throw them off!

Or.....you come over to my blog and write sometimes.
Wait, that won't work. Your grammar is too good.

Seriously, do whatever you have to do, but know you will certainly be missed.

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

But... but... If you leave... what excuse will I have to totally neglect my kids all day?

Come back soon... What's the poing of living if you can't offend people at the same time???

Michelle M said...

Another lurker here- I just love your entries. Hilarious and you will be sorely missed. Please come back as soon as you can! Sending positive vibes and good thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Hey... don't know WHAT it was that hurt you so much that you have decided to go on "vacation"...

Don't let the TURKEYs get you down...

... just lean on us... we will pull you through...

AND you took your archives on vacation too.... NOT FAIR... at least we could pop in once in a while and read your past blogs...

PLEEZE reconsider... at least leave the past... and to HELL with the complaints...

IF we didn't have the complainers... we wouldn't know how FREAKIN fantastic we are... and how deeply you have touched someone's nerve and make them THINK....


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss you...you're one of my daily faves. So sorry and hope all is well for you!

- Connie

Silverton, Oregon

LiteralDan said...

Glad to know you'll still be visiting, but I hope you're able to come back soon. I'll keep you in my reader, awaiting your return.

I hope you didn't get in trouble, and that nothing else is wrong.

See you around!

jolott said...

What?! No!!!

beth said...

so sorry to see you go! i hope that whatever the situation is, it works out well for you. good luck!

Lisa said...

You and the laughter you've brought will NEVER be forgotten!!!

I hope whatever the situation, that all works out and everything is good.


Sue said...

Stand tall and know how well you write and listen to your heart. I hope you will be back soon. I'm really sad today, as I read your blog every morning to make my day just a bit brighter. Take care, Sue

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I hope it all works out.

I will miss your blog.

(I would be happy to take your 745 followers off your hands if you need to do a fire sale...just saying.)

Counselormama said...

It's your school district I bet! Hope things work out, we're here for you!

CoftheU said...

First Heinous, now you!

Oh no! You've been Ruminated! (I'm trying to coin a new bloggy phrase like Dooced. Think it will catch on? I'll be checking urbandictionary.com regularly.)

Seriously though, I'm sorry to see you go and hope all the best for you. This too shall pass.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

May you find peace, Vodka Mom:) I will miss you...hang in there...

Phat Mama said...

I read your blog and it inspired me to do one as well. To share the funny, the sorrow, the confusion, the facets of my life.

Just as you do.

I don't know what happened for you to make this decision.

But please know how many people (745 for cripessake, I was so hoping you would profile my blog on yours so I could have lots of new readers and now look, shitt, I could cry)..

Umm, back to you..

Please know that all of us look forward to clicking your blog, sharing the martini and laughing with you, every day.

I'm so sad that you've left for now.

Real Live Lesbian said...

What if I bribe you with another elephant mug? ;)

Definitely let me know where the hell you are. Ok? Don't be runnin' off and not tellin' anybody.


Kendra said...

Your posts always make me laugh and even though I don't always comment you are one of my first reads every day. Looking forward to when you return to making me laugh on a daily basis!

Unknown said...

Wow there must be a story here, hope you share it someday! kiss kiss

MommyTime said...

OH, I am so sad to see you have to put this on hold. I will miss your hilarity (and Anthony's). I hope that wherever you are and whatever is going on gets resolved quickly for your sake. And if you ever return to blogging: PLEASE put a post up here to let us know where to find you. (You do know that you can post something here, and it will show up in readers, and then you can remove it from here 30 seconds later, and it will STILL be in readers, right? So that those of us subscribed to you can have a breadcrumbs post leading us to the new you if you start a new blog, but the public internet world doesn't have to be able to see that post. Just a hint...)

Be well. I will miss you.

blissfully caffeinated said...

Hope all is well with you. Take care and hope to see you soon!

darsden said...

say it ain't so grey goose..say ain't so.. WTF... is somebody after you...point them out!

Prayers that the resolve is found soon! Peace be with you Vodka Mom.

Anonymous said...

this is the first time I visit! Damn I'm always late for things! will look forward to your return!Good luck!:)

Susan said...

You have totally ruined my day and it's all about me, remember?

Seriously, I hope everything is okay. I'm going to miss you, sniff, but not delete you, sniff sniff.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I'll keep you in my reader - but I really want to know what happened...

Hope you're okay.

Cora said...

Whatever is going on, I just hope you're alright.

You'll be missed terribly!!


jessica said...

i'm looking for clues in your writing that will direct me to your new secret blog. i haven't figured it out yet but i've searched everything that has to do with warren beatty and i think i've almost got it ;) i wish this were true.

Paige Lacey said...

What on earth happened?!

Well, hope you stay well. Please keep in touch, and come back soon...

Maggie, Dammit said...

Wait, what?!


Wait, really??

Email me? Please?

San Diego Momma said...

Oh good Lord, please say this is a joke? I will laugh! I will think it's funny! I will still love you even though you gave me a heart attack. Please say "just kidding?"

Deb! I hope all is well. Would love to hear from you.

The Other Deb

SSP said...

i am so sorry to hear you have to leave for a while. I hope everything is ok in your world. You have a lot of cyber support, you know and your voice will be missed by us all.....Come back when you can. I, for one, will be waiting!

nis said...

Oh, oh, oh....

I'm a lurker, I'll admit it. But I've been a rather *dedicated* lurker so this really bums me out.

I hope that whatever is going on is resolved SOON so that you can continue to make us all cry with laughter and shake our head in recognition.

Hang in there...come back soon.

Karen said...

Wow, I am speechless. I have followed your blog as a lurker...
I never missed a day. Good luck to you and I hope that someday you will be able to come back!

Spring Hill, Fl

G. B. Miller said...

I'm sorry to hear that you will be taking a sabbatical.

Your blog was one of the very first blogs I started following.

Just like everyone else here, I'll be sending out positive vibes, and will be keeping you in my tracker, so I don't miss you return.

Good luck.


Captain Dumbass said...

My stupid reader didn't even tell me you'd posted. I'm sorry to hear you won't be posting and I hope you can resolve things with whomever you offended. I definitely won't be removing you from my reader. Be well, VM.


tiff said...

bummer...sadness abounds...

Joanie said...

What the heck? If it's for the sake of your family, I get it. If it's because of your job, I get it. If it's because someone in the blogosphere was mean to you? Tell me who it is and I will kick their butt.

Love you!

Da Goddess

transitionyourlife said...

Just stumbled upon your site today, I was in awe of the comments and feedback from your readers.

May you find peace in your day and on your journey.

ShanaM said...

Hope you are okay!!
Hugs!! to a never-could-be-forgotten person

Marie Reed said...

Oh honey... crapppp! This is serious stuff.. I'm worried.. I hope that this will all be resolved soon.. Huge huge hugs!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Do you need a safe place to hide out? If so let me know, no one ever thinks about looking for anyone in Minnesota..you can secretly tell Janie and she can secret double code the message to me...and I can pick you up at the nearest bus stop..in the dark of night, I will bring sunglasses and a scarf for ya.. and a parka.. and Vodka! Damn I will have to make a quick liquor store run. But you are worth it! Lordy girl.. ya are!!
If I can do anything to help ..you know where to find me.
What ever caused this, or whoever..I pray it turns out ok:)

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I will await your return as you are an inspiration and support. Meantime, you take good care.

KiKi said...

I hope everything works out for the very best, and will be watching for your return!!! xo - KiKi

Lucia said...

And I just left you an award at my blog, :(

I understand. Please take care of yourself, I will smile and laugh in my head remembering your posts.

Zani said...

*sighs and hangs out hoping* Going through some Vodka Mom withdrawals here. Miss you. *hugs*

Travis Erwin said...

Hope all is well and please let us know when you make your triumphant return.

flutter said...


SweetPeaSurry said...

Be well, find happiness, share love, and brightest blessings!

laughingwolf said...

no way to forget you, v m... and haste ye back! :)

jessica said...

i keep coming back daily...just in case.

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