
A NOT so brilliant forgery...

A word of advice to any would-be first grade tricksters here in Oregon - When forging a note to the teacher stating that you will be walking home, do NOT use the newsprint drawing paper, do NOT use all capital letters, do NOT use crayon and do NOT sign the note “Mommy Smith…” 

The teacher just might suspect something…


The Stiletto Mom said...


The Stiletto Mom said...

Oh hell yes I was...I think there is an award for that! Or there should be!

This sounds very much like a forgery I tried to pull off waaaaay back when...didn't work then either.

WarriorHeartGypsySoul said...

Oh that is too cute!!! I just love these little stories.

Anonymous said...

I would so love to hear THAT explaination...

Tara@Sticky Fingers said...

What do you mean? I pull that one even now at work. Are you telling me they know it's a fake?

Roshni said...

of course God loves you! That's why he keeps giving you these funny stories to laugh and write about!!

Deidre said...

what you're saying is that "mommy smith" isn't actually his mother's name? Good catch, rook!

mommakin said...

Signed, Epstein's Mother.

(Oh please get the reference, or I'll feel like such a dork...)

Elaine at Lipstickdaily said...

This is hysterical! A forgery in first grade? You're gonna have your hands full! I didn't forge my first note until fourth grade and by then I was old enough to know to at least trace my mom's signature!

Adrienne said...


mo.stoneskin said...

Damn, all these things I should have been told before. I always had a hunch that those crayons weren't doing it.

Laughed at Stiletto Mom's comment - there should be a 'First at Vodka Mom's' award. IT would be the most prized award out there...

The Peach Tart said...

Bless your heart, you've got your hands full...no wonder you need a martini

Mum Gone Mad said...

This reminds me of the time my eldest (only six at the time) came to me with a scrap of paper and written in purple crayon (no honestly) the words "school is closed today" I was presented with this masterpiece and he said, "this blew in the window this morning and I forgot to give it to you" It all seemed perfectly plausible to him poor lad :)

Laura (ILTS) said...

My 3rd grader tried a similar forgery this year - not once but twice in the same week! Thankfully his teacher is "Smarter than a 3rd Grader" and called me.

After I may have mentioned killing him, she replied: "Well, here at school he'll loose recess. Whatever happenes at home, stays at home :-)"

Yo said...

yeah, that might fly in any other state but oregon :D

Yo said...

i was pretty good at signing my dad's signature, but not my mom's. i was always nervous that they would find out, but they were so used to seeing my mom's signature that they didn't say anything about my dad's.

Yo said...

i also was not six.

Blasé said...

Back in my school days 1970s...students would come to me for their forgery signitures. I had the hand writing of an older female (yes, I had pretty hand writing). Teachers never knew.

Today, I can hardly read my writing. But, I can read what I type on the keyboard.

Joanie said...

Did you actually get a note like that? Please tell em you made that up!

KMcJoseph said...

I learned that lesson in first grade. NEVER AGAIN!

La Belette Rouge said...

Are you a forgery expert? What gave it away?LOL!!

flutter said...

BAHAA!! very stealth, very very stealth

Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com said...

That's too funny! The explanation must have been golden =)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Adorable! I hope Mommy Jones frames it!

Stephanie said...

LOL Mommy Smith. Very cute:)

NOLA said...

I had an eighth grader forge his mother's signature on a progress report. What gave it away? He spelled her name wrong (something difficult like Elizabeth). So when I said I was going to call her to confirm, he said "Oh no, she was just really drunk when she signed it so she spelled her name wrong."

I don't think I've ever been that drunk. So he hinted at harder drug use and terminal disease.

To reward him for his persistent BS, I called all his other teachers before he could even get to the other classrooms. He was mocked mercilessly for the rest of the year by us all.

Ah, life is good when you're a teacher and smarter than an 8th grader!

Debbie said...

You must be brilliant to see through notes like that!

Lorraine said...

Ha, it was just yesterday when the transportation secretary called my office and asked if I issued a bus pass to a certain 5th grader. I said yes, why? She told me the girl had lost her pass so she made up one of her own. She forgot bus passes are on blue paper.

Just imagine what could happen if these kids paid attention to details.

DKC said...

My sister became a pro at my step-mom's signature in high school. When sis went off to college she left me several blank sheets of notebook paper pre-signed with Tricia's signature. Awesome.

peewee said...

ooh. You think a boss might suspect something too???

shrink on the couch said...

Good thing for the forgerer, THIS teacher doesn't pay attention to the details.

Hey, it's friday night. What can I get you?

Unknown said...

That reminds me of Kotter and Co, and the excuse note signed, Epstein's Mother LOL

darsden said...

LOL too funny have a great weekend

AiringMyLaundry said...

That is hilarious.

Fragrant Liar said...

Kids are brilliant in their ability to feel to brilliant about their impersonations. My little sister, when she was about six, impersonated our mother (pitifully so), and in her best adult voice told the babysitter she wasn't needed that day. This was just the beginning of my sister's school ditching career. And penchant for creating trouble.

Pseudo said...

See? All that teacher training wasn't for nothin.

Joanie said...

I did not write this comment. Neither did my daughter. Nor my son.

Epstein's Mother

Da Goddess

♥ Braja said...

Aw, c'mon...kids have to learn their talent somewhere...

Formerly known as Frau said...

First grade wow your kid is a genius I didnt forge parent notes until High School! Awesome brillant kid you got, you should be so proud.

Unknown said...

what a ballsey kid!

Suzy said...

I forged all my report card signtures. I can still do my Dad's (died in 2001) and my mom's (still driving me crazy)

How's Oregon this time of year, I was thinking of visiting...

Wendy said...

LOL. I love your kid stories. This is hilarious!

Kristen said...

How cute...though he might be scary in 10 years.

Aria said...

Oh, picky, picky! That kid has a brilliant career-criminal life ahead of him!

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