
Wait, WHAT did you say?

This was a story from my good friend who’s a fifth grade teacher here in Oregon.  Here is the email: 

I was teaching the 5th graders about the systems of the human body. Our focus was the digestive system. I asked the kids to explain the beginning of the digestion process. One student raised her hand and explained that she believed the brain was the beginning because the brain is in charge of our senses.

She said that when you see and/or smell food, your mouth waters.

I said, "That is exactly right. The extra saliva in your mouth aids in mastication. Who can tell me what mastication is?"

A very bright fifth grade boy raised his hand and excitedly said, "I know what masturbation is, Mrs. Jones!!"


There was a bit of puzzled silence and he raised his hand again and said, "But I don't know what that has to do with the digestive system."


Mrs. E said...

And how do you respond to that one?! Man, I'm glad I teach sophomores...most of the time! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

That's what we in education call a "teachable moment", isn't it?!

cheatymoon said...

Oh my goodness. Gold. Hey congrats on getting over 800 followers.

Unknown said...

THink I would lose it... I want to go back to school to teach... I think I would have a blast! : )

Blasé said...

..and Mrs. Jones response waaaaaas (drum roll)??

Kim said...

I don't know how you teachers keep it together when kids say stuff like this.

Merrily Down the Stream said...

I love it! Lucky he didn't yell out the definition.

peewee said...

I have nothing to say other than HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

The Peach Tart said...

How did you keep a straight face?

Anonymous said...

wha???? lol

Unknown said...

Hi, I started following yesterday :)

Wow, that is HILL AIR EEE US!!!
Glad I am majoring in secondary education. Although, the same could be said by an older student with more malicious intent.


Boozy Tooth said...

Yeah. Too much mastication and you'll go blind, kid.

Bobbi said...

Oh my God, that is too funny!

I love these kid stories!

SkylersDad said...

I drool a lot when I masturbate, does that have anything to do with digestion?

This comment is under the influence of several beers.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should have handed out hearing aids with the class? doh.. oops.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

outa the mouths of babes


DKC said...


I think any teacher might want to tread lightly around the word "mastication" no matter what!

Everyday Goddess said...

It's like the old saying, if he isn't doing it with someone else, he's doing it with himself.

WarriorHeartGypsySoul said...

hahaha!!! At least they are contributing to the discussion!

Unknown said...

Beats me?

Peace - Rene

flutter said...

I suppose it depends on what you are trying to digest....

Lucia said...

HAHAHA!!! Hope that wasn't my kid here in oregon. Wait, I don't have a fifth grader...

Aren't you going to tell us what it means??

darsden said...


Anonymous said...

That's why I just prefer the word "chew".

Kristen said...

lol! Let's just move on to the next question okay.

Sharon Rose said...

I am laughing way too hard. . . and how do you respond to that?

Michel said...

hahah! OMG. She kinda desevered that one. NOBODY says mastication anymore! NOBODY.

Michel said...

unless you're talking about goats and cows....

I stand corrected.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

What, indeed?

I believe we should change the word "mastication" into something else. How about just "chewing with spit." Or, "grindage." I like grindage. That sounds descriptive and hip without being TOO kinky (though it does bring Pauly Shore to mind...).

Anna Lefler said...




Formerly known as Frau said...

Classic!! Poor boy he will never live that one down!

Unknown said...

This could easily be one of the 'stars' in the book you should be publishing about kids saying the darndest things! Wait, I think that was Art Linkletters title...

Anonymous said...

Hahha ooh risque! That's a tricky question.... Fifth grade!? I think I thought that "that" was, "Debating about Maths," when I was that age!

Unknown said...

well, with my digestive system it just made me spit my tea !

WeaselMomma said...

Awesome! Those sex-ed classes are paying off, even if the kids can no longer keep their minds on science.

zelzee said...

I think it works up an appetite, too.

Beth said...

Talk about an awkward silence...

Fragrant Liar said...

Kindergartners these days are wa-a-a-a-ay to smart for their own good!

Glennis said...

Hilarious! Smart boy!

Minka said...

That's just too funny! Did the rest of the class know both words? Or at least HIS word? Any reaction?

Aria said...

...sooo he'll wind up with a girl that spits...

Joanie said...

And then we all went out for recess.