I bought this shirt for Bitchy several years ago. She was wearing it yesterday over her bathing suit before she went to the beach (in the CLOUDY WEATHER).
My sister (her loving aunt) looked at the shirt, and with a huge smile said to her, "Oh, honey, that shirt is PERFECT for you!!!"
She turned her head, looked at me and smiled. "Isn't it?" And with the flip of her hair, off she went.
I love that b*$@*.
First? Really? WOW!
At least she isn't afraid to show the world what you already know
nosce te ipsum
"Know thyself"
I need a shirt like that
Love the shirt! Need the shirt...
She is an awesome girl who is obviously comfortable with who she is! You should be proud!
It's awesome to know who you really are!
Wherever did you get it. I so have to have 2. One for me and one for my sister. She'll love it.
Heh, if the shirt fits. . .
Glad that she has a sense of humor about things, even if it's a bitchy one.
I have a "Grumpy" hat from Disney World for the same reason.
She's come a long way, baby....
If you're gonna wear it, you gotta own it...:)
Peace - Rene
Bwa ha ha! I love it. You really ought to get each of the kids a "blog" name tee made. Actually, for you and Tight-Ass, too. And then we need to see you all in them in a pic, please!
Love that shirt and that she wears it with pride!
Yup. Just perfect for her ;o)
Have a great weekend!
You need a shirt that says your the bitch's mom.
What Hit 40 said. Bwahahahaha. Aren't they all that when they are that age? I think so.
Have a terrific day and weekend. :)
Ha! I agree with Hit 40 :)
I love y'all's relationship. Here's to strong and funny women!
I gave one to the Former Vegetarian that said ' Here comes trouble'
Embrace the bitchiness!
I need that shirt for my kid too!
love that attitude.
Oh! Where can I order one? LOL!
hilarious and wear it proud Girl, wear it proud!
hehehe! You should cafe press it and then sell it on your blog:)
Perfection! I love that she actually wears it!
Can I get that in purple?
i LOVE that she is proud of her bitchiness! way to go!
smiles, bee
i'm not bitchy today. ps
I could use a number of those shirts in my home.
I'm going to get shirts for my kids that say
P is for Patricide!
Every woman should celebrate their inner Bitch. :-)
My son would so buy that shirt for his sister--and he doesn't really give her a lot of unexpected presents.
My daughter still cannot believe you address your daughters in this manner. I explained that not all families are as uptight as ours, but I privately refer to her as PITA when I'm at my limit of endurance.
Wears it with pride, she does. Good for her.
Someone has pride in her bitchyness!
When that shirt is worn does it make it okay to say "What's up Bitch?!"
Love the shirt!
Love that she actually wears something mom bought her.
Dude, Where did you find that shirt!? Because I totally need one of those.
Snaps to Bitchy for owning it! She makes it trendy!
I could probably use that shirt for myself at times! ;)
I've always wished I had the talent or guts to say something snarky with a smile on my face!
Perfect! I'm going to keep an eye out for a sassy one!
One of mine could use a shirt like that. Sometimes I think she's downright proud of her extreme crabbiness...
I guess I missed out by raising a son. . huh? Or not!
It's wonderful to watch them all grow up into amazing adults though, even through those B@#$% moments
I love that she embraces it!
She isn't that way around guys, is she? The kind of guy that puts up with a Diva, is destined to be an unhappy man....
love it!! nothing like embracing the inner you :)
been gone for quite awhile--looking forward to catching up (and laughing my ass off) with your blog!
I am constantly amazed that you've never won Mother of the Year. I submit your name...along with mine...each and every year.
Awww. I love my fiesty little bitches too.
Reminds me of a t-shirt I got for my birthday this year.
It says, "Get ready, get set, go away."
"Isn't it?" And with the flip of her hair, off she went"
No complaints from a single person or are they scared of her?
My God, I'm following Midlife Jobhunter everywhere, it seems. Tell her to quit getting in the way, will ya??
Now I forgot what you blogged about. Oh yeah, Bitchy. If the shirt fits!
I want that shirt!
It would be funny if it wasn't so true. I don't need the tshirt, I think it's apparent in my everyday attitude ;)
Found you on SITS. Will follow you like a lemming. Grabbing the button...
Aw, it's good to know your kids so well.
Does that shirt come in 6X or maybe just XS?
Love it!
Need I add that my own daughter was quite proud of herself when she gave her little brother a shirt that said, "My sister is a witch" a couple years ago? Oh yes, she was proud to have given it to him and even prouder when he wore it. Of course, he couldn't wear it to school because someone complained, saying it was too naughty.
I wanted to know who it was who complained so I could tell them to fuck off. Administration couldn't be bribed for the name though
Da Goddess
Hey, if you're gonna be bitchy you might as well own it.
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