I am SUCH a b@*@&. I say that I am not judgmental, and I always pray that my children will not be judgmental. I want them to be nice to everyone, and never, ever feel they are better than anyone else.
Okay, so, here’s the story. Last night, Sassy got picked up by a friend. He was driving a beat-up red pick-up truck. He DID have all his teeth, even if they were a bit crooked, had what appeared to be a bit of a pimple problem and looked like he needed a shower.
My comment when she came home from “a quick bite”?
“I think you could do better than that.”
Sassy: “And I think YOU could have done better,” and with a flip of the hair, stormed off.
Touché. I need a drink.
Never a dull moment, eh?
That does it!! YOU need a day off! Or a time out! Or stronger martinis!
Loosen up VM - that guy could easily end up being Prince Charming. But, even if he ends up just being one of the frogs in the pond - it won't hurt for her to be friends with a variety of folks.
Now, go to your room until you can come out and be a loving member of this family!!
Wooooooooooooow! Did you throw a shoe at her at least?
This is exactly why I don't talk to my youngest if I can ever help it.
Make mine a double....
But, err, if you'd done "better" she wouldn't be here . . . right?
Oh Crankles.
Mother's and Daughter's sure know the buttons to push don't they. I know I sure did. When I think of the things I've said to my mom, I'm so relieved I have boys.
Oh my .. well hells bells she sure told you didn't she?
I'm sure you're not THAT judgmental and really, you're simply looking out for her best interest, right? Am I right? Of course I am!!!
I bet that kid ends up becoming a millionaire. But hell ... he could just as easily become a bum too. Say it straight up and say it proud, sistah! Tell it like it is. No worries!
I am having a drink. After I almost put my own eye out with the stopper of the Champagne bottle.
That'll learn ya!
My kids are always calling me on something, now that they're old enough to geet away with it. Gone are the days when they thought I was an all-powerful oracle goddess. Little bitches.
Did I tell you that mine are 21, 24 and 28 ? I have seen it all. done it all, heard it all (almost). I know you may not want to hear this ...but this one may call for an apology. Not a huge dramatic one - just a little quickie. And then have another drink.
(one of my girls brought a guy home and I asked him where he went to school and he said "The school of hard knocks" .....oh, yeeaaaah there was a winner.)
Oh, snap! You got served!
I see nothing wrong with encouraging our kids to reach their full potential. One day she will appreciate you - I just hope it's soon!
We want the best for our kids. Funny how our idea of "best" often conflicts with what they think, those opinions which were formed by our teachings.
It's a bear when it comes back to bite us in the butt, isn't it?
She's daddy's little angel isn't she?
Stinger! Oh well, VM... all bets and social graces are off in the rearing of our children. Still, I think you'd better go to confession...
Mmmm..a tit for a tat.
The teeth are always a deal breaker for me, so I totally understand where you are coming from on that one!
It was - SORT of a compliment, no? Sort of... I think your hubs got burned way worse on this one than you did!!!
Ohh! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh. Lol!! Don't you hate when they come back with a smart remark like that?
He sounds sort of 'icky' to me. At least from your description. I'd have said the same thing and then thrown the shoe at her..
The Blue Ridge Gal
I'm guessing she means you could have done better in your value judgement, not her Dad, right? :)
Cut yourself some slack. I'm exactly the same way.
Good grief! You are getting smacked left and right. . . . first baseball tears now this. . . go have a double!
Mothers are allowed to be snobby on behalf of their daughters. But daughters are allowed to be bitchy on behalf of their boyfriends. Moral of the story: better not to go there...
Is she angry at her dad?
Well damn. LOL!!
Methinks you need a big ass drink. One too heavy to lift so you'll need a straw.
sheeeeit! Teenagers know how to hit below the belt, damn!
Oh, my my my. Wonder where she got that mouth?! (Mine definitely got it from her father. Definitely.)
Two snaps.
I'm thinking your daughter was probably thinking the same thing you were. Just had to have that attitude.
She is good! You should be so proud!
Dude, you gotta remember: the nerdy unattractive ones ALWAYS end up rich and hot in their 30s. or was that the movies?
You should be proud. She sounds like she just might be a good person...OR, she knows what would make you feel guilty.
Could go either way.
Ouch! Is there any way to prevent mine from growing up?? No? Damn.
A red pick-up? Is the dude a brickie or something?!
OMG! I have a daughter 9yrs now...BUT reading stuff like what you just wrote, I dread the age when she starts going otu with guys ;-(
So, Sassy was bitchy too.
The other day my wife saw something on TV about a dumb criminal getting busted.
"Oh, smack." She said. "What is it that you say?"
"Yeah, snap."
Enjoy your cocktail!
Yep, that's the way it goes. Just order yourself a whole pitcher. CHeers!
Whoo, boy. Better make it a double!
Bwahahahahaha. She's got a pretty quick wit about her too. Wonder where she got that? Bwahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. :)
this scares me....on the first day of summer. I need a drink too!
So Sassy takes after mom?
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