Today at the beginning of the day, my little Maria danced into our room. She's a gorgeous little thing, all decked out in her Sunday-best for picture day. Here's the first thing that came out of her mouth:
"My mom told me I have to stop eating my boogies.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a great pic too! And all I could think was something about she has to kiss her mom with that mouth...but the joke just wasn't pulling all together, so I can only share this much. What a riot. Thanks for the laugh!
Oooo. I probably could have done without hearing that one.
Does every school in the country have picture day today or what?
I just threw up in my mouth. Kids are so fucking nasty.
Um that is just plain gross.
Gag. Kids and buggars. Yuck.
Taste like chicken...lol
I should have known better than to look at your blog just before dinner!
Kids are sooo honest!
Crunch crunch crunch...
Now I cant get THAT sound out of my mind!!!
Ah, a booger connoisseur! The discriminating gourmand always chooses the crunchy ones. (But I wouldn't know that from personal experience... it's just the scuttlebutt around the kindergarten.)
I feel as if I really missed out on a culinary delicacy as a child. Now it's too late to take a taste.
I read your post to the family as they ate dinner! LoL
Good think we were not having creamed-spinach for dinner. LMBO!
OH MY GOSH!! That is sooo nasty but cute at the same time?? UGH hahaha
I just threw up a little in my mouth....thanks....
Yikes! Such charming . . . candor.
Get ready for a wave of h1n1!
Spit coke all over my keyboard. Thanks a lot Maria!
Went to Kylie's Grandparents' Day today, ate lunch with her class, and I have a question for you:
How in the hell do you listen to 6 of them at once????
I bet all the commenters gagging eat their boogies and are just trying to pull the wool over our eyes... LMAO
Now you have to bear with this classic:
How do you make a Kleenex dance?
You put a little boogie in it.
Ask her what they taste like.... ewwww
Why did I read this while making dinner? :(
Eeew and hahhaha!
I had a student once named Boogerface.
I think his mother named him something else, but to me he was Boogerface.
OK. That grossed me out for today!
That is so funny! Kids. . . . you do have yourself a gold mine of little angels there! Everyone of them disguised and little devils and I bet you wouldn't trade them for anything.
Now that's a little TOO honest.
Hmmm... tastes like chicken? Perhaps... nasty anyway. :-)
Hope she picks a winner every time.
Kids connoisseur!
Well, I guess she has a point...
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Well make sure you get that one written down somewhere to torture her with when she's a teenager! LOL
Sneeze Doodles!
Peace - rene
When I babysat, I told the little girl to stop picking her nose. She said, "No, it's booteeful." I said, "No, it's not--it's ucky. Her response was, "Yes, it is booteeful. My mom does it all the time."
If you leave the gooey ones out for about 24 hours, they will be crunchy also!!! haha!
She's a discriminate booger-eater, isn't she? A booger snob.
Ok - am I the only one who remembers doing this, or the only one who would admit to it? :)
My son tried to convince all of us..."If people only tried boogers they'd realize how great they are!"
This is the kid who wouldn't TOUCH a hot dog, chicken nuggets, or a hamburger.
Why are kids so gross? LOL!
I guess my diet is going to start... right about... now. Thanks.
I don't think I even have a comment for THAT one!
And I was under the impression that the opposite was true!
OMG, please, I have a very low gag level. EWWWWWE
I always question just how finicky my daughter's palate claims to be when she digs for treasure in the northern mines.
Do you think the gooey vs. crunchy is a future predictor of gummy bears vs. Butterfingers?
Bless the teachers and the boogers!
The amount of time they can spend digging...
Thanks Maria!
Delicious! And it's food to go... so you're never hungry! ;-)
but you've got to give the kid credit for knowing *exactly* what she likes...
I think I feel a little ill. Oh, my son does it, but I still feel a bit off.
I knew this was going to be a booger post as soon as I saw the title in my roll.
I read somewhere that kids eating their buggers is actually a good thing, because it helps build their immune systems by ingesting all the dust particles that the nasal cavity blocked from going up into the brain.
...Doesn't stop the involuntary scrunch my face made when I read this post, though.
Ewwww! But thank you for killing my appetite for the evening. I need all the help I can get!
good protein
Kids could be so unassumingly funny.
And the pic. is really cool!
You know how to make a kleenex dance?
Put a little boogie in it.
The child has excellent "taste." I prefer the crunchy ones myself.
Well, sure. Who doesn't like a crunchy one?
I shudder to think what my kids used to share with their teachers...
I think I was just a little sick ... ;0)
Gotta love a girl who knows her own tastes! :D
AND...they're FREE! ;)
Again, glad I have dogs.
mmm...may have to skip lunch now...you know i can reach my nose with my tongue...just saying...
Snot cool at all. :P
She is probably right
Ha! When I first saw that picture, I thought you'd caught an image of me in my rearview mirror. No one can see you when you're driving, you know.
Cute kid.
I call timeout! Nast! Just nast! (But still funny as hell.)
at least she has discerning taste...
Oh God, my tea and Apple Blossom are coming back up....
Eeeek. Well, that's honest anyway!
hahahaha I think I just threw up in my mouth a little!
Uuuugh!! She didn't actually say that...did she?!!?
Oh great, a year of gross children's personal behavior. When does the plane leave for Samoa?
Somewhere there's a little kid who only likes the gooey boogers. Maria's soulmate. The yin to her yang.
Ewwww, but that's hysterical!
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