
It's Super Blog Sunday

I am declaring today Super Blog Sunday.

There are so many wonderful blogs out there- and frankly, TOO many to mention here today. But I will GIVE it a try! (Go big or go home, I always say…) These are ALL worth your time.

Suzy at Where Hollywood Comes to Die (I always laugh out loud when I visit her. I am not kidding.

Angie, of Gumbo Writer……(She'a good friend, an amazing writer- and and editor. You always need one of THOSE in your corner!)

Braja ...Lost and Found in India

Karen at Scobberlotch… (She loves NPR, has written a book, and I love her blog.)

Janie at Sounding Forth (She's generous, kind, funny and a very loyal friend. And a heifer.)

Jill at Scary Mommy (She’s got a touching post about young girls and body image. Very close to home.)

Sara in Vermont! (She's incredibly talented, and a good hearted woman.)

Blunt Force Momma (She’s the author of The Second Nine Months. Funny, funny, funny.)

Mary Anne at Stiletto Mom (She's talented, and just downright good people.)

Elise at Oh My Goddess (The fact that she mentioned the Galloping Gourmet AND Julia Child? We're twins separated at birth.)

Scope at SCOPE!

Cora from Love Letters who just RECENTLY got engaged to SCOPE!! It’s a fantastic story- and you know how I love a little romance. Frankly, I’m sending my bridesmaid dress to the dry-cleaners to I can participate. I’ll just jump in at the end of the procession.

Mo at Mo Stoneskin (He’s got new digs. Plus, he taught me to hold down the control key and scroll my mouse to ENLARGE type. Who knew?)

Ann from Ann’s Rants

Hutch - He's amazing. AMAZING.

Kate Lord Brown from What Kate Did Next – Fantastic discussions for writers.

Ian from Idiot’s Stew

Weaselmomma. She's an amazing person, who smiles and laugh despite having suffered an incredible heartbreak.

Rick from My Daley Rant (He’s just #*$& funny.)

The Captain from Us and Them. (My garden can kick his garden’s you know what.)

Irish Gumbo! (Who frankly I think is my good friend Steve King in disguise. Fess up Kevin. FESS UP!)

Brian Miller from Waystation One (He blows me away with his talent every time I visit.)

Jeff D’Antonio, ChiTown Girl, Pseudonomous, and The Truth Will Set You Free. You know I have an affinity for teachers.

By the time I get all these linked up it's be MONDAY for God's sake..........

Stay Tuned for part two- NEXT Sunday. :-) If you have one to recommend, let us all know in the comment section! Even if it's YOURS.

There. Now I'm disausted.


Kate Coveny Hood said...

Some of my favorites are here. Great list!

LPC said...

You are OK with shameless self-promotion? *gleeful hand rub*.... I'm at http://amidlifeofprivilege.blogspot.com, writing about style, occasional anxiety, and the raptures of life. In a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. And I read SO MANY great blogs, I will only mention Stella's Roar,(http://stellasroar.blogspot.com/) a killer blog on objects of desire, luxe, out of the way, exotic stuff. Also funny. Also she's a red-head:) Thank you Vodkamom for this! Looking forward to the other recommendations.

Julie D said...

Great list, just what I need...more blogs that I love but can't keep up with!!!!!

Vodka Logic said...

Nice list and nice to see some of my faves on it..

Thanks for the new reads

Anne said...

Great, way to help me procrastinate going to the school to get ready for tomorrow.

Also, in regards to bacon... We made a BACON-WRAPPED TURKEY for Thanksgiving. It was the best meat ever. (Now the gravy-it was grody.)

Suzy said...

Thanks for listing me. What do you want?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this list! I love discovering new blogs and you have great ones listed here.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Some of my favorite bloggers I have found from your recommendations.

Mercy Langille said...

Well, if you are really looking for blogs to promote you can use mine. I mostly just write about my kids and being a mother, but sometimes I have stuff about India (where I currently live), and every once in a while my internal writer comes out and you will think you are reading a new yet-to-be-released book.
My blog is Days, Life, Dreams at www.dsouzafamilylife.blogspot.com
By the way, I love the laughs from your kindergarden class. Keep 'em coming!

Mike said...

I read 5 of them already, that is not too bad! I will explore!

Everyday Goddess said...

I am flattered! Thank you!

Julia and Graham are still my favorite chefs. If they didn't share the recipe, it wasn't worth eating.

Ann Imig said...

Thanks so much, Ms. Vodka.

I'm disausted too.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Some of those are my favorites as well but there are new ones that I'm off to visit. Thanks!

Joanie said...

I already read a lot of these blogs (such a small world really), but there are a few here that I'll read this week. Right now, I'm going to John's for sex... OOPS! I mean to visit John, but I'll be back tomorrow!

Pseudo said...

Some of my favs and some new ones to check out.

Thank-you vodka ; -)

Scope said...

Thank you for the mention. Cora and I are looking at wedding venues this weekend. We've seen one great one, one good one, and one meh one. This afternoon we are going to probably see the awesome one. Now just looking for directions on how to grow that money tree. :-)

Aunt Becky said...

Color me in. Thanks for the reads!

I think you and I need to form some sort of Vodka Collaboration/Partnership because that would rule.

Vodka Mom meets Mommy Wants Vodka? Perfection.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Yeah, you should definitely include me in your next one :p

Seriously, though, one blog I always recommend is Julie Kertesz's In London After 75 - she's an amazing woman who moved to London from France in her 70s, and is always out finding exciting new things to photograph. I thought she was so cool I invited her to visit me, and she really is as nice in person. Her blog deserves far more than the 14 followers it currently has.

Brian Miller said...

thanks for the love VM! we have some similar friends, but quite a few i have not tasted yet...off to the dessert table!

An Open Heart said...

I love Brian at WaystationOne, he totally rocks...and no, he did not pay me to say this....He brings it every time.

Love your blog....it's always worth the read....

I love it when you use kindergarten speak....disausted is right!


mo.stoneskin said...

If you stop by tomorrow I'll teach you some more tips and tricks for a small fee.

Lynn Kellan said...

I like making new friends, so I'm going to visit your blog suggestions...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the list!! More blogs and more blogs... Here is one that could use some checking out : http://tocolets.blogspot.com. The blog has funny postings on travel, experiences, everyday amusements and also, takes a dip into fiction..Good fun!!

The Mind of a Mom said...

I'm going to throw my hat into the blog roll ~ I hope that your peeps pop on over and have a laugh with me. You will get the perspective from The Mind of a Mom. I'm a Canadian Mom aka SoccerMom, and not because I drive a van. Because I have a daughter that is the consummate athlete and I coach a soccer team. Come on over and enjoy my crazy world and how I see things just a bit differently :o)

Evonne said...

Thanks for the links. I'm always looking for new blogs to read!

Nyxmyst said...

Hey! How come I never get adver.. oh wait.. nevermind.. its the porn, right? lol

great list

Karen Harrington said...

Aw, thanks for the very nice mention.You are on my list of Super Blogs, too. :)


Unknown said...

Oh, you've listed some of my very favorites! Now, I'm off to visit those who are as yet unknown to moi!

Masala Chica said...

Thanks for the great list Deb! I am looking forward to checking the ones I haven't heard of before.

My credit card bill has been suspiciously lower since I have been blogging. It appears I am no longer trying to keep amazon in business with my reading list!

Irish Gumbo said...

I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation, madam. Not yet, anyway.

See, now I'm all nervous because of the great company I'm in...Thank you for the honor and the link!

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, I could not love you any more. Thank you for the shout out, and I look forward to reading the rest!


Paige said...

Oh good deal--I have been needing to add some to my daily tour--this will give me a good start!

Leanne (a.k.a. IronicMom) said...

Thanks for giving it to us straight up, Vodka Mom.

Of course, in the shameless self-promotion category, here's my link: http://ironicmom.com.

I guarantee you'll laugh, just as I guarantee my children that I'm their real mother.


Sara J. Henry said...

Thanks much - I'd love to tell people to buy my novel, but it won't be out until January 2011. But I'm sure I'll be back to shamelessly promote it on this blog.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Great list-- There are a few I don't know yet. I'll check them out.


The Stiletto Mom said...

Honey! Thank you for including me in such an amazing list of writers! You know the admiration is totally mutual, both on a writer and personal level. I feel so blessed to call you a friend in real life...adore you...love you, from the first time I read you and most importantly from the first time I got to hug you in person. YOU RULE.

Mary Anne

Mrs4444 said...

Excellent recommendations :) Of course, I love NieNie.com. She's wonderful.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wow, you are so nice to do this!
There are lots on here I don't know, but now will have to check out...

ChiTown Girl said...

Aw...thank you so much my Bloggy Buddy, for the wonderful shout out! I'm seriously touched.

shrink on the couch said...

disausted, I like that and am feeling the same, though mine has something to do with last night's prickly pear tinis, if you know what I mean. but not too disausted to discover some new blogs. thanks for the suggestions.

Angie Ledbetter said...

You're a love. Thanks for the linky. Hope your Turkey Day was swell. :)

Cynthia said...

Dang girl...that's quite a list;)

Blanchard Speaks said...

Good list. I've been going through some of them. Very excited.

And thanks for the shout out.

Captain Dumbass said...

My garden could sooooo take your garden! Thanks for including me. And if Gumbo really is King I'll probably end up peeing my pants and squeeling like a little girl.

Carolyn...Online said...

Look at you using your power for good.

WeaselMomma said...

I was wondering my my Sunday Traffic spike was all about. Now I know. Thanks for including me. You truly do rock.

Jan said...

I'm a day late and a dollar short (as usual, but that's what I get for taking a blog break, however brief), but Jane at Gaston Studios.

She is GOOD. Man, is she GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the mention. Us teachers gotta stick together.

Off to check out some of the others on your list.

Meeko Fabulous said...

I love Brian Miller's blog!

Canarella said...

LOL I love your list and Janie is one of my favzzz....hope you will list me sometime...i enjoy the laughs you give me i had my own little bitcy but she grew up to be 6 digit hairdresser so there is hope...LOL....no college threre just drive to make money.....at what she does best...god bless

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Now I have to find time to visit 24 (of the 26) great more bloggers? Will you wrap my Christmas presents for me while I read?

Magpie said...

Ack! More reading?? But thanks - some of those were fun (I didn't get to them all...)

Dorset Dispatches said...

Self promotion? Well I've just brewed the second Bosnian coffee of the day and I'm skidding around off the walls here, demonstrating to my children the correct way of being hyper. So, I'd love a shot at being included if you have the time! Might help me calm down a bit... or may be not.

Thanks for putting the list together, off to go find more some more blogs to read.

Anonymous said...

Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
anyhow thanks for the good read!

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