
Do NOT call on that boy. I don't care if his hand has been up for two hours.

Note to Self:

When the adorable Korean boy wants to share when you are talking about Santa, you might want to think again. Odds are GREAT that he will stand up and announce to your class of TWENTY FIVE STUDENTS that his mudder and fadder told him there WAS NO SANTA CLAUS, and that he was JUST A MAN in a suit…..

And he might have gotten more info out had the teacher not TACKLED HIM TO THE GROUND and HELD HER HAND over his mouth.

Jesus, I should have known better. (And who KNEW I could run so fast?) Same thing happened about 7 years ago. Won’t I EVER learn????


Vodka Logic said...

Never occured to me the dilema of being a Kindergarten teacher..and exercise too.

Mrs. C. said...

Oh, yeah. I was subbing long-term in a kindergarten some years ago and had a little sweet-faced cherub inform me that Santa was FAKE and anybody in the class who still thought he was real was a BIG DUMMY. And boy was she LOUD right by the desk. Good thing I had bronchitis and my hacking cough drowned out her diatribe...

Unknown said...

Even worse, I worked in a theme park for years so my kids think anyone in a suit is a big old faker.

mo.stoneskin said...

Well Santa Claus DOES wear a suit, a red one with white bits, so the kid had some of it right. Give him credit for that.

Formerly known as Frau said...

There needs to be a manual we all follow on Santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy etc...lets get everyone on same page and update manual every five years!!

Anonymous said...

Kids at that age are famous for "blurting it all out", mostly with candid honesty. It can get embarrassing.


Suzy said...

Wait a minute. There's no Santa Claus?


WeaselMomma said...

Shit! That kid has been in Kindergarten for 7 years? He broke my old record!

Jeanne Estridge said...

As to the learning, if you're anything like me (and I think we've established that there are some similarities), I'm guessing, no.

Brian Miller said...

tee hee...i am imagining a dive reminiscent of secret service protesting the pres...nice VM.

Anonymous said...

julianna has been coming home with tales of other girls telling her about santa...i think she's on the fence about it but her response to one of the mean girls had me rolling...when told, J said: 'well you must have done something really rotten to have your parents have to pretend for him'.

it left the kid speechless.

LucyCooper said...

Yep, got a Six year old who is questioning the magic. Not too much, though, 'cause I think he realizes that those who don't believe might receive lass under the tree.

Vodka Mom said...

Yep= the motto at OUR house is "IF you DON'T believe, you DON'T receive.

We've been pretending for a long time.

Kat said...

LaLa caught on that every single Santa she has seen has looked different. I finally had to explain to her that Santa gets so busy at Christmas that he needs helpers to take all the orders.

Lori P said...

I'll never forget the time I watched some OBNOXIOUS kid tell my son the very same thing. I wanted to tackle the punk, but I was in the school lunchroom at the time and would have been expelled. :) Needless to say, I told my son to NOT pay attention to the big mouth kid, he knew not of what he was speaking.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you give that kid his cookies last today.

I circumvented it by asking my kids if they thought mom really could afford all those gifts??? They answered it themselves...

And then again there's the "if you don't believe he stops coming". Which translates into I still have to buy gifts for my 23 year old son who swears he still believes. Ha!

Cora said...

Yep. My five year old nephew told me a girl in his class told the rest of them that there was no Santa. Then when we got out of the car and he saw the big-mouthed culprit he pointed and bellowed "there she is! That's the kid who said Santa's not real! She's BAAAAAAD!" and the girl's mom looked horror-stricken and gasped at me, "oh God, did she tell them that? I'm so sorry! She has two older brothers, so she's known for quite awhile."

Difficult age for sure.

Scope said...

Some kids just like to be spoil sports.

The Mind of a Mom said...

Easy teacher answer; That's right kiddo, the Santa at the mall is just a man in a suit because the real Santa is at the North Pole making sure the elves are making lots of toys and making sure to get the boys and girls toy lists are right.
Voila! :o)
Merry Christmas

CSY said...

We don't do Christmas and I've told my children that there are some children that do believe in Santa and its not our place to tell the other children about him.

Aunt Becky said...


Joanie said...

My brother told me when I was 10. HEY! HEY! HEY! The 1960s were a simpler time! I still hate him for that.

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

All I remember is when I found out the truth, I was devastated. Not that there was no Santa, that Mom and Dad had lied... to me... their flesh and blood. I knew then, that I could never, ever trust them again. But I got over it. ;)

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Wait. There's no Santa???


Karen Harrington said...

Sounds like "A Christmas Story" the sequel!

Anne said...

Keep him taped up until after Easter please. :-) And BTW - SN*W DAY here today. Yippee...happy dance...bummer that it is freezing rain and I will be stuck at home...no Starbucks runs... no trashy magazine runs... no escape from my own small children runs... but it is all better than work.

plainolebob said...

VM, we had a kid like that at school, i remember him well. he always said stuff wasnt true, even the easter bunny and tooth fairy were myths to him.
well, i happen to know he DOES believe in alimony.
he pays it out to three wives and they call him SANTA

Anonymous said...

If there was no santa clause then how the heck would I be able to track his every stop on that norad site?! lol

LadyFi said...

What does he mean.. Santa is only a man in a suit?

♥ Braja said...

i LOVE that kid :)))

Desert Songbird said...

Am I missing something here? Your previous experience with this - did it also involve a Korean child? Am I understanding this correctly? 'Cuz, is it BECAUSE the Koreans are non-Christian that you should have been keyed in to what he might divulge? If so, then why not Jewish kids or other non-Christians? Maybe I'm over thinking this one.....

Stacey J. Warner said...

Lol! Agility is key in your life...I'm learning this...LOL!

much love

mepsipax said...

Oh snap. You are lucky those little desks are great at trapping kids.

Anonymous said...

I am dreading this happening to my son. He questioned Santa last night for the first time ever and it BROKE MY HEART. I posted about it last night. I think I smoothed it over well enough, though.

Sandee said...

Oh no, your kids are all traumatized now. Bwahahahahahaha. They have to learn this somehow. I'm going to chuckle about this all day you know.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Sara said...

Whose stupid parents are running around spewing out truth bombs?

There's always that set of parents who don't want to lie to their child. Well, good for you.

Now stop ruining it for the rest of them, bunch of wieners.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Ooops! This is hilarious. My kids have not believed since age 3 and 5. Much fear on this mom's part that they have spread the news far and wide.

Meeko Fabulous said...

Are you effing serious??? He's NOT real??? ;) Little Korean kid isn't so adorable anymore is he? Just remember . . . Wire his mouth shut when it's Easter Bunny time, k??? ;)

Kyddryn said...

The Evil Genius is six and still believes...and I am right testy with anyone who tries to tell him that The Holly King/Santa isn't real. It helps that we home-school, though...

Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who tells the kid that we're having his picture made with the man DRESSED as Santa in part to deflect questions about how the man can be so many places at once, and in part because it's the truth)

Pretty Zesty said...


Laura Marchant said...

Seriously, the same thing happened to my my 3rd year teaching. He was also the same boy who after I explained an assignment and asked if there was any questions, right away shot his hand in the air and said, "Um yea, why do you look so fat today?" Yep, I started crying on the spot. He caught me so off guard and I just teared up and then all my girls started crying too. It was bad, lol.

Betty said...

How sad! I wish I could have seen you fly into action.

Sparkless said...

I let my kids believe until they didn't. If they asked me if santa was real I'd just throw it back to them and say "What do you think?" When they could honestly say they thought he didn't exist I smiled and told them that only those of us old enough and wise enough knew the real secret and we had to keep his secret for all the other little kids now. I hoped it would avoid the exact problem you had in your class. LOL!

Rena Jones said...

Some of these comments are so funny.

Julie said...

omg I would've died! I still resent the snarky little beotch that spoiled santa for me!

midlife slices said...

You are a hero!! You saved Christmas for a lot of little innocent kids. I'm proud of ya. :)

Melissa said...

From Moms everywhere: "I love you!"

When my daughter was in grade school the lunchroom lady of all people told her that there was no Santa. I was livid. I figured it was her last year to believe and I was determined to give her that one last year. I got a neighbor to dress in a Santa suit and come into our house at midnight (making sure she heard him). It was her last year to believe but she did at least get that last year. I could have muzzled that lunchroom lady!

Anonymous said...

seriously I want to be a fly on the wall in your classroom...such funny things happen...lol

Irish Gumbo said...

Dart guns or tasers are faster. And much more dramatic.

No Santa? Well, s*&t. My year is ruined!

Little Ms Blogger said...

I hope you had a nice chat with his parents...

I still remember the Vitti twins telling me there was no Santa in the 1st grade.

Rat Bastards those Vitti boys.

Sharon Rose said...

I do hate it when a little know-it-all feels it is their responsibility to educate the rest of the class with their notion of what is true. . . . . I just saw Santa at Target. . . and his beard WAS REAL. . . . I know becuz I pulled it myself!!!! LOL

AS Amber said...

Why the HELL does a five year old know that already? Those parents should be hauled to parent jail or something. I hate them!

Banteringblonde said...

lol I'm thinking the same thing - how does he know already and isn't that child abuse? I'm hell bent that as soon as any one of my kids finds out I'm going that if they tell a single soul in our household then suddenly santa will not exist!

Anonymous said...

Children should probably not be allowed to speak to other children in the month of December. The good thing, most kids believe in Santa at that age and can't be swayed.

Unknown said...

LOL! Most kids lose their innocense about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, etc when they start kindergarten... too bad in a way.

LegalMist said...

I hate to be the spoil sport here, but why are we talking about Santa at school? There are so many kids who don't do Christmas for various reasons - they're Jewish, or Muslim, or Hindu, or atheist, or even just too poor for their parents to indulge the fantasy. Whatever, the reason, many of them don't believe in Santa Claus. You can't expect a kid who knows something not to tell it.... And I know Santa is fun, and is pretty secularized at this point, but he's still, at the bottom of it all, a religious icon - "Saint Nicholas" if I remember correctly. Promoting religious beliefs at school is a no-no, isn't it?

I was annoyed with one of the Kindergarten teachers at my kid's school, who did a "holiday puppet show" for all the kids for Christmas and Easter, despite the fact that half the kids in the class weren't Christian. I wasn't annoyed that my kids were exposed to religious beliefs at school (although I imagine some parents were very annoyed for that exact reason). No, I was annoyed that it inevitably led to some kid blurting out that Santa, or the Easter Bunny, wasn't real, thereby ruining it for my kid well before it needed to be ruined.

Leave it alone, I say! Let the kids enjoy this stuff at home, not at school!

Otherwise, you're just going to prompt some kid to blurt out that Santa isn't real, and then you have two choices: (1) agree with the kid, and annoy the parents who are Christian and want their kids to enjoy the Santa fantasy; or (2) stifle the kid or tell everyone he's wrong, and annoy the parents who are not Christian and /or who do not play the Santa fantasy at home.

It's a no-win situation, isn't it?

Zip n Tizzy said...

Better hiim than you. Brad had ateacher who decided they were all old enough to know and took it upon herself to inform them. There were lots of crying children and lots of angry parents!

Bethany said...

Oh no! I teach K too and every year I'm freaked that someone is going to spill the beans. We've had a few close calls but thankfully they haven't involved the whole class. Phew.

Mellodee said...

LegalMist above: You're kidding right?? Its really a stretch to think that Santa discussions or activities in public schools kindergarten is in anyway inappropriate, prosletizing, or harmful to 5 and 6 year olds. Keep it in the home not the schools???? Dream on sunshine, in December Christmas is about the only thing little kids think about. And don't you think for one minute that Children will be permanently damaged by hearing something different than what their parents believe! That is how tolerance, respect, and freedom works! You learn that your way is NOT the only way and that is OK.

This is the perfect example of what is wrong with political correctness and trying to make everyone into Stepfords!!

(Sorry Vodka Mom, this stuff just makes me implode!!) You did not do one single thing wrong and don't let anyone tell you you did. (big breath.... I'm better now)