They say that when searching for a sponsor for your blog, or for an event, that you should first go (and when I say go I really mean beg shamelessly) to the companies or brands that you and your family use the most. Okay. Here goes.
1. Goodwill. What can I say? Frankly, it’s recycling at its BEST, and if we ALL shopped there, then none of us would feel like hiding when we run into parents of kids in our classrooms, or co-workers looking for gag gifts. If we really wanted to go green, we’d ALL be shopping there.
2. Ramen Noodles, Mac & Cheese and Barilla Pasta with Generic Sauce - Thanks for keeping my family in food for the last ten years. I didn’t think we’d be eating it QUITE this long, but we’ve all convinced ourselves we’re eating it because we love it. (Pasta = big savings. And apparently a big butt.)
3. Middleswarth Barb-b-Que chips. You are the BEST chip in the WORLD, and I’d like to thank you for the 25 pounds I plan on losing in the next six months. I wish I could quit you. Well, you and the cheese.
4. Angel Soft Toilet Paper- Not only are you CHEAP, it seems we are constantly in need of you. You’re kind of like funeral homes and beauty shops. Even in a recession, you’re always packed.
5. Dawn Dishwashing Soap – YOU can thank my crappy dishwasher for our constant need of you. Oh, that and the fact that our coupon saver always has your coupons, and Giant doubles them. (Jesus, you’re practically FREE.)
6. Nikolai Vodka- I can’t for the LIFE of me figure out why they don’t sponsor me. Don’t they have RECORDS of people who BUY their vodka? I pay their SALARIES for the God’s sake.
7. Wal- Mart. I know, I know, but for us poor people it’s like the Holy Grail. Not only do I spend MORE than what is in my account there each month, they have given me TWO GIFT CARDS to give away. (If I could keep them and get away with it, I would. Let’s be honest.) (More on the giveaway tomorrow.)
8. Bissell Carpet Cleaner and the Carpet Cleaning STUFF that goes with it - You can thank my two dogs that continue to pee all over the carpets. One is senile (so we forgive her) and the other is just trying to piss me off. (It’s working.)
I'm sure I could come up with a few more, but apparently I need to start some Christmas Shopping, perhaps some baking, my Christmas Newsletter and someone is insisting I clean. (Where's my shotgun?)
Wal-Mart will sponsor you, but only if you pay them and you work over 40 hours a week with all overtime off the clock.
Shopping goodwill is like a badge of honor. I once found an ironing board there for $3.00. I've never used it but it look very nice in the laundry room.
Agree on all your vices.
Thanks for the heads up on that idea.I'm scooting over to Simply Wine as soon as they open to petition them for some love. If Target would agree to 10% of what I spend between now and Blissdom I'd be golden.
Finding the signed Steve King book at the Goodwill..was a CLINCHER for me.
Keep on blogging please!
My Blissdom sponsor list sounds a lot like your with a few exceptions.
switch vodka for any red wine that is less than $10.
VodkaMom....you should be going after Absolute. You could turn your blog into an add for them. Wait. You already are an add for vodka...doh. Just go for the big bucks. And hell yes....contact that vodka company. They should send you a case. Or five.
That is the fanciest Goodwill sign I have ever seen! I want to go shop at yours!
I love Goodwill and other thrift stores! I've found little treasures at all of them, at one time or another, but they've wised up to us decorative artists and jacked the prices up on anything we might can recycle and use. I don't blame them; they have to make money too!
We don't have a Goodwill store where I live, so we use the Salvation Army store, but it's sorta the same thing.
I totally agree with most of your vices, and yes, that Angel Soft TP is a Godsend!
I doubt Goodwill has the dough to sponsor, but try a vodka company! Maybe they'd even make a line of VodkaMom vodka.
I left you an award over on my blog should you choose to accept it your holiness.
Hey! No knocking Wal-mart! I bought the 2nd season of Star Trek next Generation for John for Christmas for $40. Barnes and Noble wants $70!!
We go to Goodwill for Halloween costumes and theatre costumes (well, I used to when my kids were in the drama club in high school.
I am going to hit up all the tequila manufacturers to sponsor me.
Happy Friday!
xo, Mango
goodwill would definitely be on my list...think if igot starbucks to sponsor me they would give me free coffee...only way i can afford it...smiles.
Why I can't seem to get the beer companies to help me out is beyond reason!
I think I may have a giveaway netbook from Samsung to add to the mix. Stay tuned on that!
(I always manage a smile when I visit you. You have that ability, and for that I am thankful. I needed it today.)
Hey how can I get one of those vodka sponsors...lol
Go big or go home.
Contact Absolut
I agree about thrift stores. The BEST. I go to the Salvation Army on the west side of L.A., where all the richie richs live. The stuff they donate is beyond fabulous. About 1/8th of my apt is from there.
Killer jewelry, paintings. YUM.Great, now I feel like going shopping. I hope you're happy.
Ahhh...Walmart is a money sucker! It is ridiculous (and depressing) to consider the moola I spend in there.
I think my sponsers would have to be Clorox-I use way too many Clorox wipes or possibly M&Ms-which I use to bribe my boy.
We just got a new Goodwill store. I need to check it out soon... Has a nice looking sign like yours.
Great post!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Hmm, why isn't Lego and Kraft contacting me?
Oooooooooh, I love Goodwill!! Actually, ANY thrift store will do if I'm being honest. Anytime I need new clothes I start hunting at thrift stores and eventually work my way up to Wal-Mart and Target because, dammit, if I can get a pair of slightly used jeans for $5 rather than paying $40 for a new pair, WHY THE HELL WOULDN'T I?!?! Hello? I'm not made of money here. Clearly.
I've bought clothes, furniture, toys, paintings, Christmas ornaments, younameit at thrift stores. I love it.
Keep buying Dawn - my hubs works for the company that makes it!
Should we start an e-mail campaign to convince the vodka company to sponsor your blog?
I got nuttin'. I'm trying hard, but nada.
I'll make sure they put the shotgun out on my porch after I'm done. You can borrow it.
Well, I shop at Value Village on the East side. That's where the Coach purse's and Ann Talbot suites are... . . I gotta keep the look up with this job. . . .and if that Wii doesn't start working out. . . I'm gonna have to get busy filling a wardrobe that ranges from a size 8 to a size (wait. . . I can't say that here! People read this stuff!)
You should have said Kleenex or Cottonelle and I could have hooked you up but you like my competition better and gave them a plug and now I have hurt
feelings :o(
Goodwill is the best. Many good finds. And VERY green.
You need a sponsor! xo
Love Goodwill and they have an online auction across the nation, which I've won some awesome antiques and collectibles. http://www.shopgoodwill.com/
x0 Great post and thank you.
You are really making me laugh...
Ahhh the Bissel Carpet Cleaner, what a lifesaver that is. I currently borrow mine from my mother, HOWEVER ... that will be my next big purchase. MMhmm. One dog can't seem to find the wee wee pads and the other is just weird.
Mac n Cheese ... I miss that. I cannot have it on my 'special food program' (I cannot find a good way to shorten up the Six Week turned Six Month body make-over either!)
I do hope all the best for you in 2010!
back at your blog after quiet a long time..
hmmm...gonna read frm where I left off
VM, seems like the only sponsors that even check out my blogs, all have somethin to do with coon-skin caps, or bad odor products.
I never even wrote bout no coons, and the odor thing, what they sayin my blog just stinks?
Middleswarth BBQ Chips! I miss them so much! I would trade almost any Texas treat (except margaritas) for one of those round cartons of chips.
Just dropping in to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year :-))
If I win the lottery between now and then, sugar, you're sponsored...otherwise, I hope some of those companies pony up the dough. Do their executives REALLY need another bonus??
Shade and Sweetwater,
I can't believe the line outside the Goodwill. I've never seen that. I thought that only happened at Walmarts when they announce their crazy flat screen tv sales...
I can't (outright) sponsor you, but you should enter my Blissdom conference pass giveaway. You might win! (If not, I'm sure that you'll get a sponsor anyway with your humor...)
Love this post! Very cute! Good luck on the sponsorship!! =)
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