This a quick recap of “Things I Learned at Blissdom”, because I am busy UNPACKING, SHOVELING massive amounts of snow, and paying some quality attention to my family. (Much to their chagrin.) I’ll had some hilarious details once I manage to wrestle the laptop away from my technology deprived children in about five billion hours.
1. Always count the number of people you promised to room with after conducting a massive search on Twitter. Odds are great that you’ll end up with way more people that you have room for. (Thank God they had cots. And who needed room to move around, anyway?)
2. If you press the “Get it Now” button on the hotel phone TOO many times, they’ll get wise and start ignoring you.
3. Remember to take the colored do-hickies off the garments you purchased at Goodwill. They are a dead giveaway.
4. When flights home are cancelled, United Airlines will only have two people manning their ticket counters and ONE of them will be new. (And because I’m so lucky, guess which one I got? Yeah.) And the harrowing fourteen-hour drive in a rental car with a complete stranger? We'll share more about THAT later.
5. When you are away from home for six days, your family WILL miss you.
And that screaming, barking, hectic craziness of your life? Well, hand me those red sparkly shoes, cause there is NO place like home.
good call with the Goodwill tags! I will remember that for my upcoming trip with P.S.O.. There was something in your last post that I didn't expect to hear and that was "Aunt Jimmy". I mean, I expected to hear that from Gay Andy, but not from you.
You make me laugh! I wish I could have been with you all at Blissdom, it sounds like it was a BLAST!
New year, I hope! P.S. Need a roomate??? Ha!!
Thanks for the smile...
You deliberately deprive your children of technology? Good work.
Glad you made it home in one piece! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Yes! They miss you! Isn't that wonderful?!
did you really think they would not miss you? smiles.
Oh, come on, you know you had a great time.
Waiting with baited breath to hear about the 14 hour drive with the stranger... hmmm, sound's kind of like a Halloween horror movie.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Glad you made it home safe and sound...can't wait to hear all the stories!
I can't wait to hear stories. My life is so boring and I need to live through yours!
Sounds like one helluva trip!
So true about the airlines!
I absolutely love that movie "Planes, Trains and Automobiles".
Love the movie "Plaines, Trains, and Automobiles"....absolutely hilarious! Good call on the Goodwill Tags.....nice to know.
You're such a funny lady! I'm glad I found your blog!
I was feeling for you with the screaming children tweet from last night. Cheers to being home!
Sounds like quite a few post will generate from the last trip. Hope all is well, Vodka Mom.
the way you started #3 made me think you were going to talk about necking and cover-all makeup. i'm glad it didn't go there.
I've got to hear about sharing a rental with a stranger! Glad you made it back, even if you didn't stop by for drinks! ;)
How lovely to know your family WILL miss you xx
NICE! Can't wait to hear more.
Ha! I was trying something on that i'd gotten yesterday at Goodwill and my daughter says, "oh it's new too because it has a tag." It was the colored tag.
And, yes, they miss me after 6 days. But only because they want a home cooked meal - can you believe it? And I'm a crappy cook. They get desperate.
omg...you are well funny! ;)
that is a hoot. Cots rock. Unless you are the lucky guy that gets the one next to the bathroom. :)
New to your blog :)
OMG!! We were just talking about that movie and had to see it again so we did. It's so funny.
Can't wait to hear more about your car trip home.
Sounds somewhat like my life. Did we anger the gods @ some time?
I'm waiting to hear about the car trip too..
Well, from what I hear Blissdom was terrific this year! Did you get to meet HCJ? I would have been totally inappropriate with him. ;)
Are you saying your co-captain of the car ride was like John Candy and you were the Steve Martin part?
Glad you made it home! So nice to meet you this weekend.
I can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm so glad you're back at home with your family. 6 days is waaaayyyy to long to be away. I can't wait to read about the 14 hour drive home with the complete stranger. I'm laughing already.
sounds like you had fun, though :)
Sounds like it was a slumber party for moms!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time!!! Can't wait to get the deets!
Details, chica, details.
And while you were having too freaking much fun, I was in the hospital.
I'm glad someone had fun!
love ya heifer.
I agree, there is no place like home!
Own bed, bathroom, kitchen...
Freedom to be.
I'm going to NYC for the FIRST time EVER in May, for five glorious, childless days, and I. CANNOT. WAIT. And yes, they will miss me, dammit.
absolutely the funniest post-Blissdom post I have read. Thanks for the laugh. And the reminder about Goodwill.
I did a "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" trip home 3 days before Christmas once. Flying from a business trip in New Orleans to Boston, plane had to land in Baltimore because of weather. I took a shuttle to the Baltimore Amtrack station, took the train overnight to Boston (this included a 2+hour stop in the middle of the night in NYC), got to Boston early morning, took the subway as far north as I could go, got on a bus, took the bus to my town, trudged with my luggage several blocks to my house, had to throw my luggage over the 4 foot snowbank in front of my house and bang on the door until my husband woke up to let me in (he had stayed home from work because of the snow). My boss wanted to know what time I'd be in the office . . .
ANYWAY, it sounds like the rest of your trip was worth it, though!!!!!
Want to hear more details!!!
14 hour drive?!?! With a stranger?? Holy Hell. You are a brave woman!!
PS -
Totally loved meeting you at Blissdom! (Even if it was in the little girls room!! LOL)
VodkaMom, you are so funny!!! Now I have to find the post on the harrowing ride with the stranger.
I love my funny women.
Thank you
you know... no matter how good and strong the relationship in your marriage is, you always need a marriage counselor. i never knew that and that's why my husband and i was always fighting when i don't even know where the problem was coming from. we are deeply inlove but when we fight, you won't believe we would ever be husband and wife. it's has been like that ever since and i was kinda getting use to it and anytime we are having quarrel i thought it is a minor thing that we can always solve it out but the last one we had, almost lead my marriage to divorce if not for the help of goddess sunlight who saved it. the marriage was already on the falling point by then it was like someone in a burning building...she tried to escape but the door was smashed and the window burning heavily escape was far from her she looked around and plug the tv and started watching hoping to die without any hope o getting out of it... just like in such frustration. i really want to thank goddess sunlight for her great restoration because if i'd get burnt by then my husband won't look at me but now, he'd prefer to be set ablaze just for me to live and i love him that much and i prayed that this love jai mata sunlight brought to home should never end because now i am enjoying the real love from my husband. sunlight is a queen mother of love with full understanding. if you want to get your love ones back contact her if you need counseling in your marriage contact her via sunlightmata@gmail.com and i assure you your broken heart shall be restored back
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