
They could always work in the W.W.F

Dear Bitchy and Sassy,

The events of this afternoon have restored my faith in the "power that makes all things right”.

I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts lately, off kilter if you will, with how things have been going. You two have been having coffee (sweet jesus I NEVER thought I’d see the day), shopping, going out to eat, whispering in your rooms on the weekend, and basically (dare I SAY it?) LIKING each other.

I’m a bit verklempt.

We’ve spent the last 15 years separating the two of you for fear of bodily harm. This span of quietness has been incredibly unnerving.

Then, as I pulled into the driveway today after school, I heard a sound that was music to my ears. “What is that? Could it be? Are they…” and I RAN to the house.

I burst into the living room to an incredible litany of words that frankly I haven’t heard for months! I think I managed to hear “pants”, “bitch”, “stealing” and several other words that I would love to utter here, but since one of us in the family needs a job, I refrain from repeating them.

Ahh. It was like sweet, sweet music to my ears. Perhaps, just perhaps, there IS something right with the world. (Sigh, my girls AREN’T completely grown up yet.)

Now, you two %$#@*-es clean up the broken glass and dirt from my broken planter, and then we’ll celebrate this event with a batch of brownies. (I mean celery.)

Life is good, indeed.

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Anonymous said...

lol...music to a mothers ears.... ;)

Anonymous said...

there's nothing quite as brutal as a sister fight.

Kim said...

I thought I felt a cosmic shift this afternoon!

Desert Rose said...

Dang the luck...I think I might enjoy watching one of these between our girls, but one is way too sensitive and wouldn't fight back.

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

I grew up with three sisters (I was the pretty one!), this brought back some memories! Thanks! Enjoy your brownies, I mean celery, Mom!!

Rachel Cotterill said...

we could hear it all the way over here... ;) Also, brownies, mmmm!

SkylersDad said...

And all is right in the world again...

Jules AF said...

haha my sister and I only fought about really important things, like cheerleading routines... Sigh, those were the days.

Kelly Dawn said...

I worry REALLY worry when mine are nice to each other - it is truly quite frightening - I much prefer - the "get out of my room asshole" (daughter to son) and the "is she on her period? is that why she is such a bitch? or is it just genetic?" (son to dad and mom on occasion) and "if you werent such a bitch you might could keep a boyfriend" (son to daughters)..

Makes me feel normal...

slow panic said...

if they aren't careful they are are going to cause the days to shorten or something -- like that earthquake in chile -- except by not fighting.

this is not a witty comment.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

glad all is right in the world.

Anonymous said...

Nuttin' quite like a sistah snarl...

I have three younger sisters- we used to have mutually agreed upon times for our fights.

No hair pulling, there. Roundhouse, left hook, uppercut, jab- knockout.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Ah... their true colors still come out! My sister and I hated each other up until the day she got married. (I think her being a neat freak and me being a slob and being forced to share a room had something to do with that!)

Stacey J. Warner said...

funny what we miss...

much love

Trac~ said...

LOL maybe one day it will happen mom. :o)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

You have to normalcy around there, ya know?

Michele said...

When they stop fighting you know that trouble is coming. It's a given. My advise; vodka and aspirin. I would have said vodka and Valium but our mothers were the bad apples that spoiled that bunch. :-)

Brian Miller said...

the more things chnage, the more...

Scope said...

It's like earthquakes, the longer things remain stable, the worse they are when they snap!

x said...

I'm raising a toast to Bitchy and Sassy. Carry on girls, carry on.

Rick Daley said...

So that's how you spell verklempt. I've often wondered about that.

Anonymous said...

Violence between siblings is always only but a breath away.

The Blue Ridge Gal

justmakingourway said...

You have to watch out for those silences. That's when I know things are about to explode!

The Green Family said...

I'm a firm believer that if they're not fighting, they're not LOVING!!

Good old fashion sister riverly...thanks for the laugh Ü

Zip n Tizzy said...


Reading Rosie said...

So glad I have boys...I just have to live with one tossing the other against the wall...LOL!

Unknown said...

I understand completely

the harmony of chaos has returned
balance has been restored

pass the brownies

Peace ~ Rene

Suzy said...

Over 25 years after my sister and I stopped fighting, my parents, who were divorced and didn't talk to each other, ALWAYS ended convos with "That is if you and your sister can manage not to fight about it."

Annoying doesn't begin to describe how old that got with us.

shrink on the couch said...

I have never had a fight with my sister. The secret? I'm ten years older. Now my two brothers, one older and one younger? Annie, git yer gun.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ahhh, I know this story well-- from MY youth.

tamilyn said...

LOL, I'm looking forward to that "music" in 3 months when the college daughter returns home. It has been pretty quiet since Christmas.....

Anonymous said...

Sisters argue until the day they die :)

CSY said...

I didn't have a sister growing up (I DID - mom just didn't have her until I was 17), so I beat up my younger brothers...until they got taller than me and one almost threw me out a window...MY children...2 boys and a girl? Yeah - they fight CONSTANTLY! It hasn't gotten physical...much...I mean yet.

The Mayor said...

My pocket digital camera records video unobtrusively. I've been using it to collect moments like these, they often don't even notice I'm recording.

Future uses: graduation party and wedding events fodder. Behavior modification blackmail, etc.

Pseudo said...

My little sister and I used to fight like that. Almost always over borrowed clothes, but could be anything.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Aw, this is too sweet. My 19 year old daughter is home from college this week, and she and the 15 year old are either laughing or screaming. Life is good.

Otter Thomas said...

Sometimes even good changes can be frightening.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Altbough I too can't wait until the kids stop trying to kill each other, it would be very scary and bewildering even to NOT have them at each other's throats at least 80 % of the time...

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Sweet Jesus! There is HOPE!!!

I am overjoyed

Captain Dumbass said...

Maybe you should just let them have at it.

Grace's Mom said...

HA HA! I love it! I hope my daughter has a sister she can fight with some day...a mom has to dream!

Anonymous said...

Love that you corrected yourself with 'celery' instead of brownies. The nutrition major may have your head for that one and then there would be another brawl! :)

Patty said...

Hah don't worry, I think all sisters used to fight like that but eventually we get over it and learn to get along, well most of us anyway :) great blog!

Char said...

One of the worst fights with my sister ended in a tomato fight. It was a good thing it wasn't butcher knives! It took us all day to clean up the mess! They really 'splat' when they're ripe.

Deb said...

-->My older brother and sister HATED me til I graduated from college. Now they both have moved to live near ME, their pain in the ass little sister. Our common bond? Making fun of our parents!Your girls will get there eventually.

Cindy said...

Fun post. It brings back memories.

Hollywood Farm Films said...

Dear Lord I just saw into my future.

If your ever missing the cat fights, I can take care of that for you.

Mine are 13 months apart 6 and 7 right now but every day I am more and more TERRIFIED of the teen years.

Thanks for the insight.