Yesterday afternoon I was furious with one of my children who shall not be named but might be a senior and might be a girl, and whose name might start with an “S”.
I was pacing the floor like a woman losing her mind, steam was blasting out of my ears. I’m telling you that I was LIVID.
“She is so RUDE! She is mean ALL the time. She won’t do ANYTHING that I ask her to do! I ask her nicely, and she won’t do it. I TELL her, and she won’t do it. I threaten her, and she won’t do it. When I tell her she CAN’T do something, she ignores me and DOES IT ANYWAY! The ONLY time she is nice – and I mean the ONLY TIME- is when she wants something. She doesn’t do ANTHING unless there is something in it for her. I can’t TAKE IT ANYMORE!”
Tightwad was watching me, deep in thought, “Hm. Weren’t you the same way in high school?”
Me: “WHAT?????????”
Tightwad, “Don’t forget, I was there."
D@*#& that memory of his. D@*#& it all to (@**.
For a moment there I thought tightwad was going to say something about your expenditure.
Yes, my hubby says stuff like that all the time when my girls are ahem.. 'headstrong'.
Ooo, how did you not punch him!? My ex was also there when I was in high school, so remembers how utterly perfect I was. It comes in handy when I tell him all of Stud's character flaws come from HIM!
Whats even worse...is when you start to see similarities between your OWN mother's behavior and your behavior.
My mom and I are the same person. Luckily for me, I have the coolest mom EVER. ;)
ouch,,that had to hurt, lol
Natalie actually sort of behaves like that now. And she's three. So I'm a little afraid of what she's going to be like as a teenager.
Don't you hate it when that happens? I pray my kids aren't like I was in high school. I'll be doomed! Doomed, I tell ya!
Well...I will have to respectfully disagree with Tightwad. I knew you when you were that age and you were nothing of the sort, but then again I was nothing like that either and I am sure that if you asked my husband he and Tightwad might be able to share some stories.HA! MEN!
I have FOUR like that. unfortunately. but it is a good thing because you can sit and figure out what mighta worked on you, right? no? yeah i can't do that either! Cheers girl!
Do you know my 15 year old.. and no I wasn't perfect but I wasn't like that in HS...and damn tightwad.
sounds like its time to make apple pie...cause tightwad needs something to put in his mouth before he gets in trouble...thats what i do, just put something in my mouth...
When did Danielle move into your house?
and CLEARLY Tightwad is mistaking you for his sister.
I hope Tightwad's memory is good enough to remember what SEX used to be like. Kcuz that's all he'll have for a while, I suspect.
That's okay. I shot him. May he R.I.P.
That's okay. I shot him. May he R.I.P.
That is one of the only ways one can deal with this sort of thing. Yep.... mine knows he is just a step away too.
R.I.P. Tightwad and Sassy needs a week un-caton to visit America's Strictest Parents on MTV.
Our children are our parent's payback. When my hubby got his license his Grandpa told him to leave the tank empty for his Dad, just to pay him back for when his Dad did that to him!
I don't believe for a minute that you were mean.
That is all.
I was a pretty rude teenager too when it came to my mom. S will be sorry for her actions/words one day but that doesn't make it any easier for you in the meantime. Perhaps not giving her a 'yes' answer when she is nice would be a reminder to her that yesterday she was a brat.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I concur! D@*#$ it all to (@**!!!
It's cool that he remembers, in a way... but doesn't take the sting out.
I'd like to think I wasn't as tough as my teen. I dunno... ;-)
That's one of the troubles with hanging around with people who've known you a long time....they remember!!
And just because it never hurts to remember, pretty soon she'll be out of the house and on her own. You'll probably see remarkable changes very soon thereafter. Courage! This too shall pass. :)
Don't you hate when that happens, when other family members make you do the "do as I say, not do as I do routine"?
Oh, I definitely would have kicked him for that comment!
Oh, how lucky you are to have someone like your husband who knows you from back then.
I think old memories keep people together, don't you?
hee hee!
well, at least that means there is hope!!
my sis sounds a lot like sassy and perhaps her mother. she has grown into the nicest, most capable human i know!
Did you "bitch slap" Tightwad? I've got a son that is now 26, married, has a baby and they are living with me. Guess what, he doesn't listen either, and he is 26!! Did I mention that already, that part about him being 26??
Take care, Sue
Isn't this what all our mothers wish upon us? That we will have a daughter just like we were once!
That is when you tell Tightwad to "Deal with her!"
That has to suck having her being Sassy and Tightwad being right.
And then you said, oh yeah, that's right, you were the one with the six packs abs, I remember what they used to look like.
See, that's why we need to marry perfect strangers. Emphasis on "perfect."
You're BUSTED!! :)
My husband's memory is just like that. Some days I hate him just because he has a memory. Nothing a good concussion wouldn't help.
LOL. Life has a funny way of gettin u back.... If only I'd have known back then...
The only reason we don't kill our teenagers is because of all those adorable memories we have from when they were little:)However, it's nice to have someone to share those difficult times with - even if they are the voice of reason when we don't want reason:)
LOL too funny but so true! My son is only a bit older than 3 but already showing how much strong headed he is just like his mommy. Sigh!
Stopping by from SITS :)
I think anonymous has a solution to the problem. I'd follow his advise for sure.
Wow. I think there is a word for this type of behavior. Teen, yeah that's it. I think Sassy and Eldest Weasel would hit it off swimmingly.
That's the joy (?) of being married to the person who knows all about you. My husband and I met in college, and I can't start any cute and fun "When I was in college ..." story because I can see that he knows the truth. Sigh.
OMG...that could have been one of my rants about my daughter. Word for word. I wasn't like her in high school, though. The first time I didn't do what I was told to do or talked back would have been the last time. My parents were old school. I'd have been smacked a good one or grounded until...well, forever.
Yeah, I often wonder if my 13 year old will start hating my guts the way I hated my mom at that age, but so far she still loves me. Bizarre.
Right back atcha!
the nuts fall there too, you know...:p
You should warn her that her punishment is that some day she'll have a daughter JUST LIKE HER.
She'll get it....eventually
Oh dear - I could have written this.... I understand your pain :)
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