YIKES!! I was so distracted yelling at Frank that I forgot I was over here today!!
It was the party to beat all parties. And frankly, she's still mad at us.
Feel free to share over there. I can't be the ONLY crazy parent around here.
Now someone fix me a martini. Quick.
OMG!!!! We currently have trust issues, so she tells the truth when she wants to do something. I tell her that she can do it, but she has to move out within 24 hours. That usually helps.
She recently tacked on an event in addition to where she started out the evening. It did not end up well for her. I think she may stick to the whole truth, and nothing but the truth now!
Excellent post for parents of teens! You never cease to amaze me with your writing!
I have yet to pull that trick...
Although I can very proudly say I'm a pretty good teen, I tell my Mom where I'm going and stick to that plan. But there was that one time I went on a "camping trip" without my parent's permission... That was oh so much fun (Although I bet the cops would beg to differ).
Oh my hell! You are obviously a much better parent than I am, cuz my ass would still be sitting in the lock-up for beating the ever-livin' shit out of my kid!! I'm just glad nothing serious happened. Other than raising your blood pressure, that is!!
Oh my goodness - I pictured all of your steps the entire way through your post. You and your husband actually sound like me and my husband - our daughter would have been grounded for life after a stunt like that. Though, we too have been having trust issues with her the last few years as well, but think we are on the uphill side of it now - we hope (fingers crossed). Anyway, what I want to know is if your daughter is grounded til she's 60?! LOL Big hugs! :o)
Thank you for making me laugh out loud. You are a talented writer; your stories are captivating.
You are a great mom... One day your daughter will realize just how fortunate she is... But you might have to wait until she's 50.
So far (knock wood) I haven't had to deal with this - but believe me, I've been reminding myself of all the stuff I pulled as a teen so that I can be ready. And hell yes, I'd go up the damn mountain to bring him down - and he knows this. I think that is what has kept him on the straight and narrow - so far.
I've been reading all your posts at BlogHer. My fave so far is the short, beautifully concise reinvention of yourself.
I love that.
Because it is you in all the memories of your house. I love that post, I think you should have it here, on your blog, for more to see...It's really a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful post.
One good thing about having 5 brothers, back in the day, was that I had no curfew (on the weekends) because the parental units thought they'd "take care of their little sister". Ha!
What they did was supply me with all the alcohol I wanted. Having said that, I never got drunk. I did want to get home safely.
Mine always got caught before she could carry out the bad deed. Bah! Usually because she was too conspicuous at acting nonchalant. I love how righteous they get. Like they are entitled to bad behavior. When you write it, it becomes much more palatable.
My mom and dad dragged my ass out of a big beer bash once. It was a long night. Now that I have a teen (and two more up and coming teens), I am hoping NOT to find myself in this parental situation, but I know I probably will. Sigh.
She's mad at you? Seriously? Man, I would have known I was totally in the wrong, even as a teen. That activity was actually not something I would have even cooked up in my wildest dreams!
This was funny, but would have been funnier if I had not lived through this So many Effing times that I can't remember them as funny yet .... grrrr.
I am mostly happy that she got caught and embarrassed, that usually works better than a lecture or grounding etc... and I am glad that no one got hurt.
Which turned out to be what happened to my daughter.. she got hurt, terribly, so whatever you can do to make your kids listen to you, do it.
I don't think any of my 3 kids ever pulled that stunt (telling me they were one place and really at another). I'll have to ask them now they are all adults.
I know I never had the nerve to do that when I was a teen. My parents would have killed me!
Say what you will, I would much prefer a 'Teen BITCH kit'.
Teen's are going to be the Death of us all! Imagine Frank as a Teen!
I am SOOOOOOOOO writing that down... I am going to do it as my daughter has had trouble with the truth since the day she was born!!
I already have a plan for catching her at skipping school... it's humiliating which is how I thought of it!
I am so not ready for teen years and she's 11. Not good, not good at all.
Whoa! That must have been one hell of a drive home! And good for you, by the way, for all going out there and rounding up you kids!
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