
A pick-me up; and not a MINUTE too soon.

You know that hard-working guardian angel of mine, Marguerite? Well, she's gone out of her way recently to wrap me in courage and strength. And sometimes, she makes me smile.

I received an email last night from the parent of one of my active boys, Josh.

Dear Mrs. Smythe,

I had to share with you a precious moment in the lives of my boys. Let me set the stage for the story. My youngest son Jack (2 1/2 years old) likes to give kisses and hugs. Josh is not very affectionate and he usually thinks girls are yucky until a week ago.

We were driving in my van tonight and Jack was telling us he has a girlfriend at his preschool. That did not surprise us. Josh usually gets embarrassed about girls, so we decided to ask him if he had a girlfriend. Before he could answer, Jack says, "Mrs. Smythe!!" Of course, I start laughing so hard. Then Josh says very seriously, "No, she is like 31 years old."

I thought you might enjoy knowing that you have made an impression on my two year-old and according to a kindergartner you are very young looking.

I laughed and laughed. Until I realized that 31 years old, to a five year old, is really A HUNDRED. I've learned a thing or two these last 10 years about five year olds and numbers.

31 = 100.

It's the new math.


Notes From ABroad said...

Hey ! He appreciates "older women" ! and he made an excellent choice for his First.
mil besos ! C

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

These days, my pre-school kids say with wonder in their voices... "You're as old as my grandma!"

Anonymous said...

Well then, at age 56 I guess the math must go like this. 56= DEAD


highheeledlife said...

That is so sweet!! .. I remember thinking my aunt and her friends were very "old" when I was about 6 .. they were 20 something...lol..HHL

Scope said...

He must have seen you spring into action in the "Great SLide Incident" and been transfixed.

I think the boy is "Smyten"(tm) with you.

Brian Miller said...


Kate Coveny Hood said...

I LOVE this. So cute. And so true. Even 25 year olds think 31 is 100.

Sue said...

How sweet! Little kids can just make your day. And hey, let the math go and enjoy the moment. You have a five year old in love with you!

Take care,

justmakingourway said...

I think 31 is like, twelve. At least that's how it seems the further I get away from it!

tamilyn said...

So wait, to a 5 year old, we age in dog years? Oh man, I must be, let's see ....times that by 8 divide by birth year, carry the one...I better call the undertaker soon....

Cheryl D. said...

Yes, but to a 5 year old 15 = 100 too. Just take the compliments where you can (forget what the intention was). Life is much happier this way!

Suzy said...

I think Josh's disclaimer of "...like..." means you're really only 30.

Elenka said...

Yeah, I know. Been there, done that.
I already have had kids of some of my x-kids. When I start having the grandkids, I know it's time to go....
(p.s. Easy to have generations of kids when teaching, especially when they all have their babies when they are about, oh, let's say 13 or 14 years old. It tends to run in families often times. That's also the new math.)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Ha Ha Ha! Love this. Yeah, 31 does equal OLD to the young folk. Did I just say, "YOUNG FOLK." I guess I'm old.

Brenda Susan said...

I remember when 60 sounded like one hundred!

Dawn said...

Yeah... I miss when kids used to tell me "Hey you're younger than my mom!" And I'm only 35. lol

Missy said...

That is just the sweetest thing ever!

Mommy with a Penis said...

Thanks for the laugh. I'm truly afraid of the new math in regards to my age... What is it they say...like a fine wine.

King of New York Hacks said...

So basically you are...a COUGAR !!! LOL ;-)

Zip n Tizzy said...

Sounds like Jack has good taste!

Brie said...

I remember being in kindergarten and marvelling at my 13-year old babysitter as if she was the wisest person I'd ever met. I can only imagine what 31 seemed like at the time. Could I even count that high? Who knows.

Irish Gumbo said...

And kids can't really appreciate a fine wine, either...which is good, because it leaves more for those of us who can....;)

Kacey said...

Ah, new math ;) I remember thinking people in their 50's were ancient...

Joanie said...

So, ow many "boyfriends" do you have this year?

Lynn MacDonald said...

Age is such a funny thing. When i got my first job in NYC i was 23 and the person i worked with was 29 and married. I thought she was SOOOOO OLD and that she would never "get" my life. Looking back on it, i see how ridiculous i was. Of course, now that I'm 51 it is pretty damn funny. Still, at least somebody is still crushing on YOU!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hey, I'll take "31" any way I can get it :-)

What a great story!

xo jj

Anonymous said...

According to my now five-year-old, I've grown younger the past three years. In my son's first year of preschool, when he was 3, he told his teachers I was 35 (close, but no cigar, I was 45). The next yaer, still in preschool, he was four and I was 46, the kids did a project about their moms and he listed me as being 30. This year, he just started kindergarten and my birthday came around -- he proudly announced that I was 27! I am definitely liking that! However, my hair doesn't seem to agree as the white keeps on coming!

Liss said...

Aaah yes. That Math is so encouraging. PMSL!

You know today I had to fill in a questionaire for my kindergarten-er for her yearbook.

Q: What do you like about your teacher
A: She's pretty on the inside and the outside

So sweet!! She never says that stuff about me though :P

WeaselMomma said...

Ride the wave and enjoy being mistaken for 31, even in the eyes of a 5 yr. old.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hmmmm.... Well, I've met you, and I'd guess around that age except I know how old your kids are. And I'm not kissing up to the teacher.

How sweet of him, that he loves you so much...