
Oh Governor of Wisconsin. What would your mother think? (I'm guessing she's not a teacher.)

You just knew I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

I don’t often use this space to climb upon a soapbox. I’ve found that they are often weak and unsteady, and topple when a great gust of hot air blows by.

The events unfolding in Wisconsin have given me no choice but to speak. And you know why.

I’m a teacher.

I hear and read here and there, that people think that teacher’s have it easy. They spout about the three months off during the summer, and other various things that they think make our jobs easy.

We often smile at those who make those comments, because we know in our hearts that it comes from ignorance.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak to who I am.

I’m a teacher.

I spend each of my 180 days wrapping your children in love, hope, and great expectation. I offer them various ways to approach a problem, to solve a problem, and to avoid a problem. I strap them to my back and run a marathon for nine months, hoping and praying and making SURE than no one falls.

I show them ways to make a friend, to keep a friend and to be a friend.

I show them that if we make a mistake each and every day, then we are LEARNING each and every day.

I show that that even if they anger me or frustrate me, I will still smile and remind them that I love them very much while I am enforcing whatever punishment I feel is necessary. I force them to own their mistakes, to learn from them and to grow; all the while maintaining a great sense of humor and pride in whatever they accomplish. I show them how to turn their face toward the sun, even when the rain is pelting them on their backs.

And behind the scenes?

I am planning lessons each night that will motivate and inspire your children. I search through magazines for teaching aides, search websites for new activities, look through my resources for new ways to re-teach lessons that didn’t reach some kids, and ask for help when I need it.

I go to soccer games, dance recitals, karate lesson, hockey games, t-ball games, first holy communions and birthday parties. I spend my own money on stickers, snacks, things I need for science, cookie cutouts for centers, and things I know the kids will love to find in the prize box. I do this because my job is not somewhere I go five days a week, but because it’s my passion; and because I care about the souls in my classroom.

So, Governor Walker , are those teachers camped out in your front yard because they want to protect their BMW’s or their beach houses or their trips to Aspen or their billion dollar retirement funds?

No. They are there because they are showing all of the children that they have touched, that if you believe in who you are and what you do, then you take a stand. You fight for what you believe in your heart and soul is right and good and fair.

You show by your actions that WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU DO has value.

And I wonder, Governor Walker, what your kindergarten teacher is thinking right about now?

I’m thinking that perhaps she might need to go over that “Do unto others” lesson maybe one more time.


Beth said...

This is so well written and spoken so truely from the heart. Beautiful.

ThePeachy1 said...

I taught, 1 year. That's right 1 stinking year. And I got to create my lesson plan without stupid standardized testing involved. I hate the rules and restrictions put on teachers today and to be honest most of them simply automate their classes ( younger kids) and there is no interactive discussion and learning. does that make me angry? yes, because there are GREAT teachers out there that KNOW they are forming our future. Hang in there, I have a feeling you are one of the Greats.

Theresa said...

From someone living in Wisconsin, thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be forwarding this on to my son's (very frustrated, very beaten down, very worried)kindergarten teacher.

Pam @ Our Adventures in Home Improvement said...

Well said! Thank you!

Melissa E. said...

Great post. I firmly agree that teachers must stand up for what we believe in. They're making this about the budget, but it's not. If it was about the money, the governor would've given in when the union members all agreed to the pay cuts and increases in pension payments. It's just about sticking it to the unions. Those who think that teachers have it easy need to try it for awhile.

I'm a national board certified ESL teacher with a Master's Degree and ten years of experience, and yet I could be in restaurant management and make more money. I accept this for the love of my students and my work.

You have the same kind of passion for your students. Let's hope this anti-union crap doesn't spread.

Malisa said...

Beautiful! Couldn't have said it better myself...although I will be writing about this topic soon! At least Minnesota teachers stick up for each other...Texas teachers would never do that! Sigh. At least I have some new heroes!


Chrissy said...

I stumbled on your post from a friend. I live in NJ and my husband is a teacher. We were just talking about this tonight. I can see why you feel the way you do AS A TEACHER but I do not think that is what the concerns are about in the political world. It's about the Union. Noone is attacking TEACHERS. Well, some people are--the ignorant ones that we all have heard say that teachers make too much, do nothing for their money, etc.--but whats going on in politics has little to do with the actual teachers and more with the unions. Is it all correct and justified? no. But some of it is and we have to be careful what we get on our soapbopx about because others will listen and not do their own research, and that causes problems for everyone.

Vodka Mom said...

Chrissy, I understand completely that it is also about unions, but it appears that education is the center of this huge target.

When I think about all those who fought for the rights of the workers- all those who lost their lives fighting YEARS AGO so that workers would have a voice, I am shocked. I am shocked and mortified that what SO MANY FOUGHT FOR is being questioned in this day and age.

Yeah. I'm shocked and shaking my head.

Vodka Mom said...

BY the way, Chrissy, you're not a republican by any chance, are you?

Tug said...

My parents were both teachers, so yeah. wow. This is going around facebook right now, enjoy.

Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or10 months a year! It's time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - babysit!

We can get that for less than minimum wage.

That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan-- that equals 6 1/2 hours).

Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day.

However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.


That's $585 X 180= $105,300

per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

What about those special

education teachers and the ones with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an

hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

Wait a minute -- there's

something wrong here! There sure is!

The average teacher's salary

(nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days

= $277.77/per day/30

students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student--a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!!

Kids, Canines, and Chaos said...

Very well said. I'm glad you mentioned that we listen to the nay-sayers and simply smile because we know what we do is meaningful.

I know somewhere out there is an email listing all of the "jobs" we take on as teachers and it's so true. Not only are we teaching the curriculum, we are parenting, nursing, being custodians, teaching problem-solving skills, etc. And yet we spend the "summer off" preparing for the next round of kids, hoping to improve our craft to be even better than we were before.

If only they understood that.

CHrissy said...

I am a democrat, to your surprise I'm assuming.

Like I said, I am the wife of a teacher, and a daughter of a teacher. But, I have been very involved in discussions about the education systems on our country. I just think that, with any profession that is feeling attacked, you get defensive. Yes, there are some people out there attacking the teachers because they do not know any better &/or they are ignorant. Unlike myself, they may listen to or read one persons point of view and BELIEVE it wholeheartedly, then spread those beliefs to other people. It's a gossip chain, just like rumors in high school.

I'm not accusing your post of anything. I think you did a beautiful job expressing your thoughts and feelings as a TEACHER. I was just simply interjecting my thoughts to remind other readers that there is more to this situation. it's NOT the teachers fault. and if you look closely, it may SEEM like it's all about them but there is so much more to it, and some of that stuff, unfortunately, is true & needs changing to keep this country afloat.

Vodka Mom said...

Chrissy, THANK you for responding. I hesitated posting this, because I do understand that this is more to this incredible event. I just gave a tiny perspective on what WE are feeling as a group. Where I live, we already contribute to our health insurance and other things that I know teachers in Wisconsin haven't had to do yet.

However, to remove the collective bargaining chip from any group is crippling.

I think we DO need to be educated about all the facts, but I also wish that our profession was valued more than it is.

We do, after all, carry all of the children in this country in our arms. THAT more than anything else, should be valued.

Tracy said...

Bravo! As a teacher in Ohio, I also want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! We are beyond worried at this point. Terrified is more like it.

mosey (kim) said...

I volunteer in my daughter's classroom for one hour every two weeks. I need to be fortified with mega-doses of caffeine just to get through it. I heartily applaud all teachers for what they do because I don't know how they do it.

Anonymous said...

I never, ever comment but as a fellow teacher and wife of a teacher-thank you for being brave enough to tackle this issue head on. I think that we teachers feel very attacked, undervalued, and unappreciated in this world today and I wish just once to hear someone defend us in a public venue.

#1Nana said...

So very well said! This is a hard time to be a public employee. I made the decision to retire from eduction two years ago and now I live in fear that they will change the rules that govern my pension and I will live out my old age unable to work and in poverty. What a reward for my 30+ years in public education.

Brian Miller said...

speak it VM...teachers change lives and need to be compensated accordingly...

Steph said...

Growing up, I loved my teachers (with rare exception). BUT after having my children, I am in awe of teachers. Taking care of my own flesh and blood is unbelievably hard. People who teach OTHER people's children are my heroes. God bless you VM. Also, you should never pay for your students' school supplies. SERIOUSLY. That is wrong. Although I'm not unaware of that problem, I just can't wrap my head around it.

Katie said...

I was a teacher before I became a SAHM, and I live in WI. I totally agree that this is about the unions, and only became focused on the teachers when their union encouraged them to stop going to work and 40+ districts had to cancel school, some for multiple days. The teachers called in sick because it is illegal for them to strike. What kind of that message does that send to the students of WI? The ends justify the means? It is OK when we lie, but you shouldn't?

wfbdoglover said...

I am a registered Republician and did not vote for this man in either election.

We are not all teachers, but thank you for taking a stand.... still wondering if you are wearing red??

T = wfbgal
and now...

Thank you again for your support!

Lynn MacDonald said...

Very well put about what teachers do. It amazes me that people will entrust their kids to people and yet, not really respect them, so I totally respect teachers.

Having said that, our budgets and governments are a mess and somethings gotta give. I'm not saying that it is the case here, but honestly...we all need to change our mindset!

Anne said...

I hear you. Deep sigh. I know you will keep on keeping on, because that is what you do... at home and at school. I worked in the private sector before I became a teacher... so can sometimes 'get' where people feel justified to complain... but seriously... if you haven't walked our walk... then you better fine tune your research skills because life is not as it seems from the other side of the school yard fence.

This business of raising the children... what could be more valuable?

In case you aren't 'up' on your hometown state (wink-wink) Oregon right now... we are getting the $h!T kicked out of our teaching @$$e$ right now too.

Rachael said...

This is a wonderful post. I am constantly amazed by the lack of respect and appreciation for the teachers who spend so much time and invest so much of themselves in raising and teaching our children.

You all deserve more, so much more than what is happening.

J.J. in L.A. said...

My best friend teaches 4th-6th grade. He's the busiest man I know: grading papers every night, going over lesson plans during weekends, and Spring Break? What's that? His school is year-round so no 3 month vacation either...and he drives a used car.

You tell 'em, hon!

Cheryl D. said...

Before I had a child, I thought teachers were woefully underpaid for what they do. It's such an important job, and the country really needs smart, dedicated, caring teachers. Then I had my daughter. Now I have a totally new respect for teachers. I can hardly handle my daughter, but I see teachers able to handle large groups of kids and teach them academia and social skills. I'm totally floored by what they do! The Wisconsin Governor sucks ass.

G. B. Miller said...

As both a taxpayer and a government unionized employee in the state where I work, I support what the governor of Wisconsin is doing.

I would love to work in a right-to-work state and get rid of the CBA as it applies to wages, etc.

Unlike you and most of the thoughtful posters here who don't have a clue on the economic realities facing a state government, I do.

I do payroll for a living and let me assure you that when a state says about 75% of their budget goes towards salaries and benefits for government workers, they are telling the truth.

Example: as a taxpayer, my taxes pay for the state's share of my health insurance. While I pay premiums totaling about $2500 a year, the state's share of my health insurance is about $15,000 a year.

That's right, $15K. Now if you multiply that $15K by about 50,000 (which is the amount of of workers we have here in Connecticut), then you can get a basic idea of what a typical expenditure is in state government and why unions are crippling the economies from state to state.

Linda M said...

Goosebumps. That's what I feel after reading your post. You speak from the heart and the words you choose just make it beautiful. I hope everyone who reads this and has it resonate with them will repost it on their social media site.

Thank you so much. You made my day.

Jana@anattitudeadjustment.com said...

Nor should you keep your mouth shut! This guy would walk over his kindergarten teacher if he saw her in the street in a trash bag with a shopping cart. He'd say, "Get a job!" and ignore the fact that his politics could put her and others there.

It makes me so angry, I'm trying not to read too much. It affects my health.

ShanaM said...

Interesting post and interesting comments!

Michelle Krassan said...

I am also a teacher (In NJ, where we are closely following WI as we are in the same boat) and I realize that things need to change and sacrifices need to be made. That being said, ALL of the people of each state need to make sacrifices. Not just the union workers. It is hard to be targeted as a union worker when our governor and other state politicians still collect fat pensions and benefits. Should we all make the same sacrifices? And removing collective bargaining; the pensions and benefits that we have worked so hard for the past many years would be a diservice. Changes should come going forward but not punish those for work already served.

It has come to the point that when making decisions about schools, the decisions are all about the money, the contract language, the law, parents, and the bottom line.

Teachers may be the only ones left who actually consider the best interest of the children when making decisions. We deserve something for that.

Courtney Breul said...

All I can say is Amen! Thank you.

Carla said...

I am NOT a teacher. NO ONE in my family is a teacher (to my knowledge). I am also NOT an idiot, and much of the credit for that goes to some of my teachers. I would rather see teachers make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, than see it go to people whose only purpose is to entertain us. I think teachers, policemen and firemen should make more money than most other professions. But then, I'm also NOT in the majority. I'm glad there are still teachers like you, because so many have become disillusioned and either stopped caring or moved on.

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome that it brought tears to my eyes. Well said.

Kokopuff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kokopuff said...

This gentleman has a good compromise. It's practical, but in order for it to work, ALL unions (including the firefighters and police who are currently exempt from Gov. Walker's ruling...big campaign contributors, huh?) must be included in the solution. http://www.forbes.com/2011/02/23/wisconsin-teacher-collective-bargaining-leadership-managing-standoff.html

Wendy said...

Uplifting thoughts and strength coming your way right now. =-)

If it weren't for the dark places, we wouldn't realize when the Sun is shining on our faces.
If it weren't for the hard times, the good times would never come either.
We must have Bad in order to have Good. We must have Difficult in order to have Easy. It's just the way of the World.
Your mission is to find the Balance in life. To endure the Negative in order to relish in the Positive.

Keep telling yourself, "It will get better.
I deserve 'Better'".

regimus said...

My mom is a teacher. She's a teacher in MPS in WI actually, the system that Scott Walker has been attacking since before he was governor. When he thinks "teachers unions," SW thinks MPS. He's not considering the small towns in central and northwestern Wisconsin. The ones that need state and federal funding just as badly as Madison and Milwaukee do. The ones where the number of kids on free/reduced lunch skyrockets in comparison to those in metropolitan areas. Did you know he's trying to send back Title 19 funding if he hasn't already? You know, for the kids who are going home with a bag of groceries at the weekend in those more rural communities and for those same kids and so many others who only get a chance to really eat and feel safe at school? Why? From what I've heard it's some variation on it being "too complicated" even though the school districts have been navigating the program and its loopholes and intricacies for years now. Just because he doesn't understand it, because he's not thinking of it as worthwhile or a burden on a system that already has welfare programs, doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile.

It's not just the teachers' unions, no. It's everyone. State workers. City workers. Everyone in a union who is getting their collective bargaining taken away with the exception of emergency workers because SW doesn't want to interfere when peoples lives are at stake.

Transit workers. Sanitation workers (including the people who drive the snow plows, Scott Walker!). Prison Guards. Postal Workers. Nurses. Almost everyone in the capitol who works for him. So Many people. Teachers are getting the focus here because almost everyone can remember their teachers. Almost everyone's had an experience with a teacher even if they were homeschooled and their teacher was their parent or a private tutor.

The teachers are a universal rallying point for things like this. Yes, there are people out there who constantly blame them for low test scores when you should be pointing the finger at funding that's too low and high class sizes so as the students go higher in grade levels, they can't receive the attention they need. The attention they deserve because they're competing against 34 other kids and the ones who need the guiding hand or the push to put forth the effort? They're the ones intentionally flying under the radar.

At the beginning of the school year, my mom had a class of 38 kids. She teaches in a high school. At press of this comment, I have not called her to check to see if that's still true since she's currently in the classroom and I'm not disrespectful enough to interrupt when she's trying to teach.

The point is: Scott Walker's attempting to change things in so many ways that looking at it, rallying around the teachers makes sense if only because there's so much there that doesn't.

Thank you and everyone else around the country and the globe for your support.

jessicaj75@aol.com said...

Private preschool teachers should be unionized. then maybe we would get paid for the MANDATORY vacations and days off. I didn't choose to be off and not get paid for a week in February!! My rent still needs to be paid whether it's vacation time or not. But no one thinks about that. They just say, "wow you're so lucky to have the week off!"

Anonymous said...

You know, when we're kids, we get mad at teachers for not having our stuff graded the day after we turn it in--we've had to stay up late to do it, they may as well stay up late to grade it, right? But when you grow up you realize that your job, as tough as it is, probably doesn't always require that you work at home. If you do that's your deal, but what you said about planning lessons etc really resonated with me. I don't have to sit on the couch at night and contemplate what I'm going to do at work the next day; I just show up and do it.

Someday I plan to teach, and I thank you for the reminder that it absolutely must be a passion, since you give your life to it.

Have an Extraordinary Day!

RottenMom said...

I don't have much to add to what has already been said except that I stand behind you and every word that you wrote.

Lucy Keturi said...

That was wonderful! And very well said! Thank you!!!

The Random Blogette said...

This was so well written! I had to listen to my uber-republican secretary go on and on about this, this morning and I wanted to punch her. Teachers deserve so much more than they are paid. I just don't understand how anyone can say that they are not worth it.

SkylersDad said...

Well said. You don't get nearly enough credit!

Lynn said...

Send this to tevery newspaper in the US!! Not kidding.

Lili said...

I am so incredibly angry over this move.My family is a family of teachers and this is the highest level of lack of common sense and respect imaginable.

We are ranked almost dead last in terms of proper compensation and treatment of teachers.

My brother was treated like a king when he taught in Japan.

There is no higher job and nothing-at all-that is more important than the development of our children.

I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you exist.

I hope everybody here takes Vodkamom's article and passes it to every major newspaper in the country.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully put! I'm a teacher in Louisiana and I feel your pain!

cheatymoon said...

I'm a teacher in a state where many cuts are on the table. It's frightening.

Nobody goes into teaching to get rich. Seriously.

Very well put, VM. So heartfelt and eloquent.

And here's a fun fact... Gov. Walker did not finish a college degree.

Sue said...

LOVE THIS!! Thanks so much for all you do!

Dawn said...

If more people were forced to walk a week in our shoes, I think there would be less discussion (and more action)on this matter.
Thanks for a GREAT blog post!!

Sharon Rose said...

You have made an incredible, outstanding sermon come alive from your soapbox.

Very well done!

It is good to hear there are teachers who have gone before others, who stand where others are getting ready to tread, to stand up and speak out!

Oh and by the way, thank you so much for your willingness to keep your heart open while you are walking through hell to still love those little children you teach everyday.

You are shaping our future, 25 children at a time. And for that, we are all grateful!

Anonymous said...

I should have stopped after reading your post and not read the comments. Your post was beautifully written, but I was insulted by your comment to someone writing with a different opinion. Because they disagree they must be a republican? You talk about teaching so eloquently but show such disrespect to someone who disagrees with you politically?

Grace said...

As a taxpayer who lives in Wisconsin, I agree with G.

You don't live here, you don't pay taxes in this state.

My property taxes and state taxes are becoming more than I can afford, and as a private sector employee, I pay much more into my insurance and pension than any teacher in the state.

Govenor Walker is simply asking the state employees to share the burden, and pay more into their insurance and pension. He is not eliminating the unions or collective bargaining. He is trying to help all the taxpayers in this state, but the unions are threatened, and are demanding we keep paying and paying even though there is no money in left in the budget.

Most of us in the private sector have had to take a cut in this economy, that includes the educated professionals. Why can't the "teaching professionals" in the state understand this?

If these consessions aren't made, there will be layoffs. How will that help the children?

Michelle said...

My heart aches for those I went to college with that are still teaching. All while going through school, I told myself I'd only teach until I had a family. While many do it well, I couldn't teach someone else's kids all day and have the energy to go home to mine and give them the love they deserved. Did I do it? Hell, no. I left after only three years. Sick and tired of feeling like I had five bosses (my students, their parents, my principal, parent/teacher organization and the school board). My mom got tired of my Christmas wish list being stuff for my classroom instead of for me. I've been out of the classroom for 14 years now and it was the best thing I've done for myself mentally. Kudos to you, and to all the other amazing teachers still out there. Before government dares say teachers have it easy, I'd like them to try teaching themselves. Pigs.

Sodermoto said...

AMEN! Well said!

Vodka Mom said...

The great thing about being over 50? I'm a big girl. I know that we all have opinions and strong feelings about the things are important to us. The great part about living in this country is that we won't get shot for voicing them.

Well, at least not with a gun.

(:- ) )

wlkingbluepirate said...

Just shared this on facebook since I have lots of friends who are teachers or going to school to become teachers and I'm going to school to become myself. Well said.

tamilyn said...

My niece is employed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and she said the scenes there are wonderful-teachers, parents, children....peacefully but forcably stating the facts and concerns and the realities. It scares me on how this will end.

tamilyn said...

And Grace? Yes is he is trying to break the unions. Did you not see the piece run about the phone call that on-line magazine editor fooled Walker with? For 20 minutes he lay out how he was going to 'crush' them? I was raised in union household and my husband was in the mechanic's union at Northwest Airlines for almost 20 years. We all know how it ended for those employees. My husband holds many lisences in his field, and yes he was well compensated. But he was protecting your life every time you get on a freaking plane by making sure it was air worthy. I rarely will fly anymore due to the scabs that crossed that line and make less than half of what they used to. Why do they care anymore when they made consession after consession and oh yeah, made more consessions. We own an old house, drive old cars and vacation rarely-but the executives still had big house, big cars, fancy trips and nannies. I agree that the state workers do need to pay more for thier pension and healthcare-I don't have a pension, I fund my 401(k) myself with about 3 percent add on from my employer. We pay $386 a month for health care (a lot less than COBRA was when he lost his job and we had to choose making a house payment over having coverage for two children). We ALL need to make consessions in our lives because our country is falling apart. But to attack a group of workers who, let's face it, do not teach because of $50,000 (apparently the reported average salary of a teacher). They teach for the love of it. And to rip one section of the work force apart because of their apparent 'easy' job sucks. I know many of the teachers at our small school district coach sports during the year for extra money. They wait tables on weekends, teach drivers ed in the summer, work at the golf courses and resort areas that need help in the summer-so they can afford to put extra crayons in the classroom for Jimmy whose father lost his job at the mill and mom has to work stocking shelves overnight while her kids sleep to put food on the table.

What is the answer? There are a million theories, but making unions a scapegoat is wrong. Sit at the table and each group gives a little. Start there.

Sorry VM, didn't mean to rant, but it just came bubbling out

Sylvia said...

I am a teacher with multiple degrees and 30+ years of experience in several different districts and 4 states. Personally, I am disgusted by the actions of many (not all but a significant number) of the "protestors" in WI. The absolute hatred is evident by the vulgar language and profane signs. Calling in sick when it is obvious they are not; doctors writing bogus notes to excuse these absences is beyond the pale. I am a union member but will not ever participate in such a disgusting spectacle. You wonder what Governor Walker's kindergarten teacher is thinking? What are the parents of young children thinking when they see the unruly behavior of the teachers and their supporters?

As Cape Cod Turns said...


I hope you forwarded this to him :)

Amanda said...

I just came across this and just read this well stated post! I wanted to let you know about a conversation I had with my Dad, a retired post master, the second week of school. My Mom and Dad came to stay with me during the second week of school because my daycare provider needed 2 days off. My husband was prepping for a conference and I was, well busy with second week kindergarten stuff. Here is the conversation we had when I finally came home for supper at 6:00.

Dad: Do you work this late every day?
Me: No, just at the beginning of the school year and anytime I get behind. Which is usually progress report time, times where meetings have been scheduled pretty heavy, and times that I have taken on too many extra projects. It really is only about a dozen times a year and I work like that until I catch up.
Dad: And what happens if you don't work that late?
Me: Well there is always the weekends.
Dad: No I mean what will happen if you don't get everything done.
Me: Well then I'm not doing what is best for the kids, you see I teach K and I have to be 12 steps in front of them. I hit the ground running at 8:00 and I don't get a break until 2:00.
Dad: What about lunch?
Me: Well I do eat, but it is not a break. I have exactly 30 minutes to get them settled, check my school mail, e-mail, go to the bathroom and if there are no problems I sit down to eat for 10-15 minutes before heading out for recess duty.
Dad: Do all teachers work this hard?
Me: Every one that I know. Someone tried to tell Matt Damon that 10% of teachers are not good at their job but I don't know any of those teachers and where the heck they teach at.
Dad: *shakes head in disbelief*

Ann Imig said...

I'm proud of you for posting this and commenting back to people.


As someone who attended the protests, you've never seen a more peaceful friendly crowd of the bedrock of society: farmers, teachers, nurses, electricians, plumbers, librarians etc..Thousands and thousands of them making history with signs and voices. Sure the crowd was angry--thus the word PROTEST--but anger does not equate to uncivilized, unruly or for heaven's sake violent--especially not in this case.

More fights and injuries have occurred in rock concert crowds with less people, than occurred in Madison during the protests. Don't get sucked in to Fox news fallacy. See: PALM TREES.

End of rant.

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yanmaneee said...

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