
Jon Stewart, Will you marry me??? (aka teacher cribs)

This about says it all.

Come after teachers? COME AFTER TEACHERS?? Yeah, we're living in $75,000 homes; driving the sleek Honda Accord and shopping at Wal-mart. We are LIVING the high life.

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Sweet Lord in Heaven, I don't know what this country is coming to. Call me crazy, but I think there might be other pockets a bit deeper than ours.


CC said...

Wow. That's all I have to say. I know I'm personally living the teacher's dream: I even have a 20 inch tv (with no tv reception cause I can't afford cable!).

justmakingourway said...

Okay - so I'm at my work computer which has no sound. Seriously, how mean is that? But I have to say, I love that Far Side cartoon that they show at the 55 second mark.
Will have to watch this at home.

Oh yeah, and Jon Stewart is totally drool-worthy.

Pseudo said...

Thanks for posting this Vodka. My life has been so stressful lately that I cannot afford to watch the news and get worked up.

But yeah. As teachers, we definitely work "part-time" and make "lavish" amounts of money.

Unknown said...

Thank you.
My ESP ( teacher's aide) paycheck just about covers healthcare for my family since my husbands layoff

Lavish is Kid's Eat Free night at Denny's.

ChiTown Girl said...

This was great! Thanks for sharing. You KNOW I'm stealing it, right?

SherilinR said...

i love the way that made that cribs episode!
so rough, dude!

Scope said...

Odds of finding deeper pockets: 90%

Odds that those pockets won't be filled with used Kleenex? 110%

Anonymous said...

Us Canadians can't see that link, but if it's the teachers vs. wallstreet bit he did, well, I think I proposed on twitter while watching it. As I commented on someone else's blog the other day, I'd always heard that being a teacher was looked down on in the US, but good gravy people, teachers are responsible for TEACHING the next generation. I'm thinking they should be supported and hell, maybe even revered...or at least paid accordingly.

Fragrant Liar said...

The conservative media bias is completely out of control!!!

I adore Mr. Stewart like I adore caramel and peanut butter crackies. That man is scrumptiously smart.

David J. M. Samson said...

I can't seriously believe the public would go after educators...

Well, I can, but that is how sad our society is now.

My teacher friends take off home early, yeah, but then have to mark homework and create lesson plans for the days ahead. Teachers' hours aint as groovy as they might look.

It would be lovely to sit in an office and make decisions regarding other peoples' lives, and get numerous benefits, but we are not all capable of being lazy, manipulative charlatans masquerading as responsible politicians and law makers.

jessica said...

that was hilarious, awesome, true and sad.
i know i'm living the teacher's dream. so are my friends. in fact we never turn down a get together just because we have newsletters/calendars/activities/progress reports to prepare. NEVER. we grade those papers at happy hour. besides, everyone knows we just make that stuff up anyway. everyone starts with a c and then improves as the year goes on just so we can make ourselves look good!

Pamela said...

I live in NY, another state that is fucking the entire education system. The governor, bless his black heart, said the other day that we need to cut education to punish towns for being too political about school budgets. He better shape up or he's going to be out on his Sandra Lee-loving ass in short order.

Brian Miller said...

ugh...you know my feeling on this...i grew up in the houseof a teacher...CRIBS would have come no where near us...

unmitigated me said...

See, that's why I had to get out of the classroom. The high life was just more than I could stand. I even had to cut the strippers loose. Now I use that room for its original purpose: the pantry.

I KNOW! It's crazy! It's like something from a reality show!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

You paid $75K for your house? Damn... that's some high livin'! And I thought I splurged when I paid $52K for mine! I must have gotten a job in the wrong district!

Jon Stewart is a genius!

Rick Daley said...

What does it say about the state of our media when the comedy satire show has more truth than the actual news you watch and read?

Anne said...

AWESOME JOB... It is just as depressing here in Real, Oregon too.

martha mayhem said...

Lavish with a capital "L"....Did he really say that????? Talk about out of touch with reality. WOW...unbelievable! They may be trying to sale that 51,000 is a Lavish lifestyle but, I am not buying it!

Mrs. is my first name said...

We could probably count on one hand how many of these school-bashing politicians have kids in public school! I'd like to put them in a room of Franks and see if they survive.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says "lavish teacher lifestyle" like sharing a 1 bedroom apartment with your eight year old. I get to have a TV in my room, because I sleep ON THE COUCH!

Lili said...

Yep my parents really lived the sweet life. I got TWO pairs of shoes once back in 1978 and argued to almost to the mat over a 40 dollar prom dress in 1985 :)

I think any parent that is confused about what a teacher does needs to do a volunteer internship in the classroom for a full week-all day long.

If they ever made it mandatory for the kids' parents to spend a full month helping out, teachers would probably be making lawyer wages before the next pay period lol.

Thank you for the excellent reminder :)

cheatymoon said...

Yep, my lavish lifestyle includes an 8 year old car and sharing 900 sq ft w/ my 15 year old.

Also, my browser is so awesome (on my 10 year old hand-me-down laptop), that I can click over from my report cards (been working on all weekend) to visit my smart friend's blog.

Although I'm pretty sure Jon is going to marry me.

Kids, Canines, and Chaos said...

Such a lavish lifestyle, driving my 8 year old car (that I didn't even purchase new, I had to buy from my parents so I could afford it!) and my part time job? Yeah.. I have to teach summer school to pay the bills.

I'm totally in it for the money!

Thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh!

Angie Ledbetter said...

I taught special education at an inner city elementary school. You simply would not believe the salary. (Some of my co-workers qualified for food stamps.)

Have missed you. Email and catch me up on the scoop, ma'am.

Unknown said...

What's the backlash on this (since I don't live in the States)?