Hmmm, let’s do a quick recap of the day.
1. Number of students who had Easter candy for breakfast? An enthusiastic ELEVEN!! (Parents, hide the candy the night before. For the love of ALL that is holy, hide the #*&@) Easter candy.)
2. Number of classroom helpers who couldn’t make it to school today? All. (And while I knew this in advance, it did NOT make the herding of the cats any easier.)
3. Number of names that appeared in the “I need to think about what I’ve done while walking the track at recess”? Six (And let’s just say that Easter candy can make even the most incredibly well-behaved children dive headfirst into the dark side.)
4. Number of students who took the ketchup bottle at lunch and put said ketchup up and down his arms and down the middle of his head to make it look like BLOOD? One.
5. Number of teachers with a TAD bit of a headache and a new master plan in order to ensure her possible survival tomorrow?
(Frankly, that's as high as I can count right now. Now, someone fill the tub.)
At least tomorrow isn't Monday again, right? My son gleefully informed me that today was the 141st day of school - "39 days of school left!!" Hang in there!
We had the "Easter" celebration at my house. I had to work and arrived a home a bit late from the store than the rest of my family. My little ones were bouncing off the walls. I swear, candy to a kid must be what crack is like to an adult! I went to bed immediately after our "Easter" celebration ended with a cold bottle of Corona! Or two, or was it three???
Take care, Sue
You have the most wonderful way of putting what must have been a hellacious day into such a fun context.
You are awesome!!!!
Good grief, who let you know who have a bottle of ketchup? I'm guessing it WASN'T you! Because really, what would one expect our good friend to do with a bottle of ketchup except cover his body with it? Hope your Tuesday is a mellow one. Well, relatively speaking, that is! :-)
Who is the genius that decides a day after Easter the kids go back to school?
I would have called in dead rather than face that crazy.
Do we get one guess as to the identity of the ketchup culprit? Does his name begin with F? By the way, you'd better loop up to First Grade with Frank, or get his teacher to start a Frank blog.
Ohhh...Easter Candy. Than makes sense. I was thinking Cheerios and beer.
I feel your pain! I came home and went straight to bed!
Hey, do you have any leftover Casbury eggs? I mean if Frank didn't eat all of them.....LOL
Oh no. Simple reminder: summer isn't too far off!
Wow! It sounds like you're in serious need of some chocolate!
get the autograph of the kid with the ketchup...he will be a famous director one day...
hey... add a LOT of rain and indoor recess to the mix... and you had MY Monday.
I hope "someone" filled the tub with vodka... :)
Number of readers who choked on their easter egg reading this...One. Love you!!
Number of readers who wonders, yet again, how you cope with your ingenious kids? (particularly the ketchup kid who just HAD to be Frank? Or did the sugar high create a new devious member to rival Frank?)
one (at least)
I watched my sweeter than anyone child eat jelly beans and turn into a raving madman. As we were packing up the Easter candy I was already sending healing thoughts to all teachers for Monday. They must not have made it all the way to you!
I'm guilty with the Easter Candy. We love you.
Now I want chocolate. And alcohol. Work is not the best place to read blogs.
Loved your post!
This morning I came into the living room and found my nine year old sitting on the couch with his giant chocolate bunny, just munching away. NO!!!! Why did he think that was OK?
Herding cats on the day after Easter, also the first day back after school vacation... just not fun.
Exhausted here too. But could use some chocolate...
Easter Celebration is OK.But why are you ruining the children by giving more candies?Do you know that sugar absorbs more water from the body.Chocolates ruin the teeth of the children.It makes body immunity system weak.
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