
Oh my GOODNESS, I can't decide who I love more.

Oh sure, you KNOW I love Taylor Mali...

And Jon??? YOu kick @$$!!!

But frankly today, Mr. Damon and his mom have become my new heros. Matt has won the DAY.

Well done, mama Damon. Well DONE.


Leslie said...

Too bad he's not single, right? I mean, he's legal. :)

Just Two Chicks said...

I think he had some very good teachers!

Unknown said...

Love it - go Damon!


Brian Miller said...

smiles. yes this was awesome....

Unknown said...

Aww.. go on and love 'em all!
But I got a special place in my heart for that kid from Cambridge.

Carri said...

Love when he got angry at the camera guy, thanks for sharing!

duffylou said...

$&*#%y cameraman pulled that figure out of his @$$. They will have to replay the tape to figure out the big words Matt used.

Lizzie said...


Sharyn said...

I love them all but I think Mali is best, since he cites personal experience.

SkylersDad said...

These are all great, but the first guy is my all time fav!

Anne said...

I laughed when he said, "I don't know, maybe you are a shitty camera man...'

Yep, I've been a fan a long time... must admit mostly b/c he is sooooooo cute... even bald.... but now I know he's got brains and beauty.

ShanaM said...

That Taylor guy is cool. And Matt. LOVE Matt Damon!!

abc said...

Love all of these.

It astounds me that people still think teachers get paid too much or get too much time off.

Mary Anne said...

Just saw this elsewhere earlier this morning and thought of you!
Matt Damon... hunky, smart, loves his mom, appreciates teachers... gotta love it!

Elisa @ Crazy, Amazing Life said...

Totally. Awesome. :-)