
L's are highly overrated.

I put up a Welcome sign high on the wall at the beginning of each year, and conveniently forget it's there.

Last week I happened to glance over to the wall and noticed something was missing.

(I wish.)


Brian Miller said...

well...you know...

ahem...a little early for that kinda education in kgarten right?

Denise Malloy said...

I'm glad I wasn't drinking when I scrolled to that.

The Green Family said...

Ha ha!! Oh, that is just what I needed today :) and yes WE DO WISH.

Gigi said...

LOL! Aren't you glad you teach kindergarten and not, say, teenagers?!

jessica j said...

There's a 3 year old boy in my class who brings toy story toys to school every day and often says, "look, I have a Woody!"
And I just lose it. every. single. time.

jessica j said...

There's a 3 year old boy in my class who brings toy story toys to school every day and often says, "look, I have a Woody!"
And I just lose it. every. single. time.

Grumpy Momma said...

hee hee.

Stephanie said...


G. B. Miller said...


I wanted to ask, since I haven't seen it mentioned in quite some time, how goes the book battle?

Has that been put on the back burner for a while?

noexcuses said...

I work at a middle school...need I say more? Hilarious! Hope it made your day!

Anonymous said...

The world would be a happier place if we all did more of that (with and without the "L").

Principled Slut said...

Ha. I thought you were talking about kids and how difficult the letter L is for them to say.

My L story - My middle son couldn't say L's for years, but his favorite beanie baby was Legs, the frog. It was retired and I found one for him online. I arranged to get it shipped, but told him that he couldn't have it until he learned to say Legs instead of Wegs. I have NEVER seen him work so hard, and by the time "Wegs" arrived, he had become "Legs". Speech therapy with incentives! :)

SkylersDad said...

What the L?

Okay, somebody was going to say it...

Joanna Jenkins said...

I just snorted Diet Coke up my nose....

And then I read Brian Miller's comment and did it again.


xo jj

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