
Just another reason to smile today...

I'm preparing for a weekend adventure with an old (girl) friend...only to be followed by ANOTHER two day adventure with one of my junior high school best friends- SHARON!!

I am sleeping well, laying low and finding peace and comfort in keeping very, very busy.   I will catch up when I've refueled and landed.

In the meantime, this is what I stumbled upon this morning.

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And frankly I knew what could be done with classroom instruments, did you?

Please go see this......



ChiTown Girl said...

Holy Hell! That was AWESOME!!!!

Thanks for sharing. =)


Japolina said...

Please get your class to do this in September!

lisa said...

Awesome...I do Zumba to this and sent it to my instructor

Gigi said...

I saw this earlier today and watched it repeatedly for who knows how many times!

Have fun girlie!

SkylersDad said...

I hope that your weekend is full of awesomeness!

Mocadeaux said...

Jimmy Fallon is so ridiculously talented. I love him! Thanks for sharing!

Cappy said...

That was so much fun!!! Thanks for sharing!

Just curious, what sound does the banana make? :-)