
Parlez-vous français ?

When I was walking down the hall I spotted a student I had last year. This was our conversation.

Me:       “Wow, Olivia, that is a BRIGHT Florida sweatshirt! Have you been to Florida?”

Olivia:   “Yep, I went down there on spring break.  It was SO hot.  I got frenched!   

wait a minute..........



That Janie Girl said...

You crack me up....

Rick Daley said...

Je n'vais pas a la bibliotheque avec moi c'est sior, n'est pas?

I am not going to the library with you tonight, am I?

Dorky line in English, but it sounds cool in French.

as I go a wandering..... said...

Hi, I have been following your blog for a while, am a newcomer here and dont know too many yet...but your blog I read without fail. I love to read your posts cos you got such great sense og humor!! In this day many people lack it you know! Am sure you are a great teacher too!! Good luck to you!!

WeaselMomma said...

Those kids are just too darn cute.

Unknown said...

Yep.. I get frenched every day here in Florida. I know just how she feels!

mommakin said...

Oh dear!

♥ Braja said...

She possibly did....

Mr Farty said...

Maybe "Frenched" has changed its meaning?

Anonymous said...

so does the mean if I use "frenched" I'll be thought of as "cool" by all the kids????

Marci said...

How did you respond to that?!
I'm curious as to what the "new" meaning of frenched is?

JChevais said...

Did she mean "Fried"?

I live in France. I'm just trying to imagine getting Frenched.

That's pretty funny.

Unknown said...

At least she didn't get 'freedomed'

Christy said...

Hmmm I have never heard this before. But from the comments above she meant fried?

Lesha said...

Or drenched? So funny!

Who knows though, I'm always thinking those kids keep looking younger and younger.

BioniKat said...

Is that like being french fried?

zelzee said...

I love it when it's that hot!

Jeanne Estridge said...

She was a KINDERGARTNER last year?

Anonymous said...

Frenched as in fried or Frenched as in kissed? She certainly left you with you mouth agape I'll bet.... LOL

The Blue Ridge Gal
(wondering if her mother said, "wait a minute", also)

Dr Zibbs said...

I'm gonna start using that term!

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL....I'm heading to FLORIDA!!!! I hope they ain't done with all that Frenching stuff!

Joanie said...

I do hope that little girl just meant "fried".

Are you going to miss all the kiddies this summer? Ya know... you could sign up to teach summer school.

Susan said...

I got frenched in Florida once. It still itches.

Nicole said...

LOL, nice.

Ash said...

At least she didn't say she got "Amsterdamed."

(no, I'm not sure what that would entail either - maybe some pot and a lesbian? It's all good.)

Kathy B! said...

Wow, they start young these days. I didn't get frenched until high school.


Life As I Know It said...

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

*Akilah Sakai* said...

So you're saying I need to keep my two OUT of Florida? Okay, gotcha! I'm about to go cancel the word Disney from their brains ...

Jackie D. Rockwell said...

You had me at "Parlez-vous français?"

Love YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Oh my goodness!

Ananda girl said...

Oh... it's about location! I guess I'm off to Florida!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow! Florida never sounded so good until now!

Carolyn...Online said...

Oh yeah, I remeber my first french on spring break in Florida...

Captain Dumbass said...

Epais avec un gout riche ressemblant au caramel.

cheatymoon said...

That would totally make phrase of the day in my classroom.


Everyday Goddess said...

I'm clueless here, help me out!

IB said...

Screw Florida, I'm going to France!

Mango Girl said...

Did she need ketchup?

♥ Braja said...

Oh God, Capt Dumbass is from Canada, and they've all got this wierdo habit of speaking French there, right? Holy crap...

♥ Braja said...

Watch out for them Canadians, Vodka...

Marinka said...

Excuse me, we call them Freedom Fries now.

blognut said...

I was thinking that I wanted to get frenched, too. Then I realized that I don't want that at all. I want to be freedomed.

I don't know why, but Marinka thinks it's important and I am THAT impressionable.

So... I'm going to Mexico in another week. What am I gonna get there? I need to know so I can be prepared.

Ganjaxguy87 said...

Hey just showing some love for the funny... New to this blogging thing but it is interesting... Keep up the good work and I will be back to check up on new posts. Take Care TTYL.

LadyFi said...

Better French'd than mustard'd or hot doggied...

♥ Braja said...

Vodka can you PLEASE guide Blognut??? Goddamn, we can't let her go alone without training....

flutter said...

I uh, wow.

me in the pink said...

I am so going to steal that line! Not sure where I can use it, but I love it.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i took french in high school but all i remember is "ferme la bouche" (shut your mouth) and a rock is feminine and verde is either green or wednesday...

smiles, bee

ronnie rock was gay so i remember rock was feminine. ps.

Suzy said...

Sometimes my mother wanders down to Florida and bothers the kids.

Sandee said...

Bit young for getting Frenched isn't she? Bwahahahahahaha. You crack me up.

Have a terrific day. :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hey~ I asked one of my 4th graders to give me 5 with her left hand. She picked the wrong one.
THen? She told me how she had 2 horses, named them, then told me she had 2 horses, including her grandma's pony and held up 3 fingers. I had to leave before my brain popped.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Down in Florida, we get frenched all the time. It's like big hair in Texas..

Kathy B! said...

I've already been here once today, but Braja commands and I listen :)

I'm supposed to do something to kick start your laughter gene with some jokes and expressions of love. Hmm. Shall I read you some sonnets from Romeo and Juliet?! Nah. Knock-knock jokes?! Nope. Ask for you hand in marriage? Suzy's already done that. Hmm. Dance around to MC Hammer like a fool until oatmeal falls on my head? Did that last week... I'm sorry VM. I got nothin'

I hope, though, that whatever has taken your laughter is gone from your life quickly. Take some quiet time and just breathe and relax and let it come back :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Oh lordie! If only she knew!

Joanie said...

Blognut, if you drink the water in Mexico, you just might get Montezuma's Revenge or Swine Flu! Might be hard to tell the difference.

Michel said...

Shit! Kindergarteners get to go on spring break now too!??!

Roshni said...

wow! I have to add that to my vocabulary!!

mo.stoneskin said...

I hate getting Frenched. I wish they would keep their French hands off me.

Amy W said...

I got frenched in Florida, too! And I didn't even get a crummy sweatshirt out of the deal!!!


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Braja is forwarding everyone to you today. What the hell is going on in "Oregon"? Do I need to come over and slap some silly into you? Laugh, girl, laugh! There has got to be something slightly amusing to your day! And school is almost out for summer! Yippee!
If this didn't work, drink vodka with a straw!

Marie Reed said...

I really have lived in France tooo long. I LOVE mayo on my fries now:)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

What is it with kids today? Growing up too fast, if you ask me...

Unknown said...

Funny, you have the best stories. You always put a smile on my face.

we_be_toys said...

I don't know how you keep a straight face - I'm afraid I would have busted out laughing!

we_be_toys said...

Pookie! I just came from Braja's site and she says you're down in the dumps? I'm hating it for you, having just gone on that shitty excuse for a vacation from life. Seriously, I was sharpening knives and thinking bad thoughts - it was ugly. Just know I love you, okay?
Love and top shelf vodka,
the Tapdancer

Expat mum said...

I was going to try it out on my teenagers and report back, but since I'm getting "lamer" by the minute in their eyes, maybe not. Tant pis!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I sincerely hope that she meant that she got DRENCHED. Maybe from the ocean?? Or a ride at Disney or Universal Studios....

Kate Lord Brown said...

Heh - please please tell me some sensible agent has you putting all these in a book by now? x

KMcJoseph said...

Sounds good to me.

A Woman Of No Importance said...

I am over here because a little bird said you were feeling a bit low, and then I read that you were sorry for your feelings because you weren't in a life-threatening state...

Low mood and depression are life-threatening, you nincompeep - Know (please) that you are loved and adored, and that you are a fabulous mother and teacher, and wife and digger, and friend and foe (heaven forfend that I'm ever a foe, but I'd place money that you'd be the best there is - As you are a friend, my dahlink!), and daughter, and sister, and... sick yet??!

You are you and we love you - Be strong, be held by us, and know that you are loved and admired for your strength and your beauty (and your ability to mix strong drinks, obviously!!) Fhi xox

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

oh hell no. that was beautiful.

Queen Bee said...

That's a good one

Roshni said...

I don't know if you are into these things, but I have something waiting for you at my blog!

Ann Imig said...

Ms. Vodka,

HAVE FAITH! And go rent something that will make you laugh your ass off.


Fragrant Liar said...

I thought you taught kindergarten.

Wow, they grow up fast, don't they?

Jenni said...


DKC said...

Hm. Clearly that is where hubby and I need to go on our next vacation!

Gutsy Living said...

Sorry, don't get it, and I lived in Paris for 15 years.

Pseudo said...

Dude. She had her hair braided. That's her story and she's sticking with it.

Lucy Filet said...

Yeah, I'm a little clueless as well!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

You made me remember a very funny story. Of course I blogged it and linked to you.