
What country is that in?:

Mrs. Smith:  "Any of you can grow up to be president of the United States if you were born a US citizen in the United States."

Carl: "Not me. I can't. I was born in Buffalo. "


Kathryn Magendie said...


Sue said...

Out of the mouths of babes ;0}

Beth said...

Well, he raises a good point...

blognut said...

Buffalo? He's just as qualified as that nut from Wasilla, then.

blognut said...

Probably even more so, come to think of it.

KMcJoseph said...

Obviously you've never heard of Buffalo, France.

Hit 40 said...

Hey!! This kid is your student???


I live in fear of running into one of my students at the ER ... as the doctor!!!!!!

SkylersDad said...

Maybe he was born there during that short period where Canada annexed Buffalo?

Pseudo said...

Ah. Well. He's got a few years before he is voting.

Peggy said...

...still laughing!

Unknown said...

I sometimes wonder who writes for these kids! The stuff that comes out of their mouths is too too funny! OMG! I just had the greatest idea EVER. Have parents sign release forms. Contact Fox Network, have them put a hidden camera in your classrooms. It would be the funniest reality show!! I would actually watch it too!

Captain Dumbass said...

What are you teaching those kids?

K Dubs said...

That is comedy! Hope they haven't had geography in any form yet.. LOL

Counselormama said...

Hope all is back to normal with work and all that drama re your blog. I am so glad you didn't disappear!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

My goodness, kids are so precious. They really keep you on your toes. I just don't understand how anyone could ever harm one of them.

Unknown said...

B L E S S ... How do you not bust up laughing?

DKC said...


Is it too late for me to be a Kindergarten teacher? Man, those kids will keep you young!

Anonymous said...

Well, that is CLOSE to the border.

The Gaelic Wife said...

Too funny!

MereCat said...

Well, that might be true...

Travis Erwin said...

Those of us west of the Mississippi definitely consider Buffalo a foreign land.

Mango Girl said...

Thankfully that came out of the mouth of a child.

This is an actual conversation I had on a plane, with an ADULT! (I was living in South Dakota at the time; had a plane change in Salt Lake...)

Seat mate as soon as I sat down:

"Where you from?"

Me: "South Dakota"

Seat mate: "where's that?"

Me: "Right below North Dakota"

Seat mate: "I know that. But how FAR below North Dakota?"

I quickly buried my head in my book and put in my earphones.

mo.stoneskin said...

I don't know much about the US but surely they don't allow Texans citizenship...? Do they?

Kathy B! said...

Aren't kids the best?!

Fancy Schmancy said...

I was also born in Buffalo, I understand why this kid wants to distance himself...

Sarah Lulu said...


Char said...

Well, he could have a point. Who's his teacher? lol

flutter said...

yeah we don't want no buffalo in these parts! *spitooey*

Unknown said...

Kinda like that former Miss America wanna be said, huh?

shrink on the couch said...

Anyplace that can create such excellent hot wings can NOT be of this country. No way.

Desert Songbird said...

A classmate of my daughter's thought that Washington DC was in Africa. She's 13.


Yo said...


Anonymous said...

Greetings from a suburb of Buffalo, NY :) I'd vote for a Buffalo-born candidate!

Joanie said...

Yeah, that pretty much sums up Buffalo.

Da Goddess

Anonymous said...

HA! Reminds me of the time in elementary that another student said I could not be prez because I was born in TX... oh and because I was a Girl :(