Ring, ring…
"Hello, police? Yes, this is a teacher here in Smithtown, and I don’t want you to think that I condone TATTLE TALE-ing, but I want to report a young child driving a Ford Explorer through our neighborhood!!! I saw it with my OWN EYES...
I KNOW he’s a young boy, because I had him in second grade just a COUPLE of years ago. He cannot POSSIBLY be driving!!!!!
What? How many years? Well, it has to be just two. Wait, um, maybe three…..well….okay I’ve been in first grade for about.....7 years. WOW! Has it been seven years? Then I had that boy my FIRST year of second grade, and I taught there for three years, so that makes…..TEN YEARS AGO??????
That can’t be right.
What? Do I teach math? Oh, now you don’t have to be a smart ass about it.
Jeez, next thing you know you’ll be telling me I had YOU…
Wait, what was your name? Bob? BOBBY MARSHALL??? The tall boy with red hair and freckles that was in my first FIFTH GRADE CLASS??
Oh sweet jesus someone call the Old Timer’s Home. I’m about ready for my room.
Go help out our friend Joanie.....
I know how you feel. The 1st group of kids I worked with at our school are now freshemen. FRESHMEN. That means I am getting old. ME. :-(
Ahhh, you ditzy old bag....
They were JUST 2nd graders a minute ago...
Too funny! We all have those moments when we say "No way can that kid have gotten that big". What I want to know is how the hell do they manage to age when I haven't?
I know the feeling. My 1st grader just graduated high school and her brother MIGHT graduate HS next year.. How the hell do they grow so damn fast?
You are WAY too young for the old timers hoe.. 26 is WAY too young ;P
My cane...my cane!!! Where's my freakin' cane???!?!?!
Yup. AARP is right around the corner for me, you youngun!!
A woman who worked in a college registrar's office once told me, "When I first came to work here, the students looked so young to me. Now the parents look that young!"
Time does seem to pass so fast.
Time flies!!
So sweet, VKMom, and I think I'm at that age myself, where the Policemen don't look old enough to be out from under their mothers aprons! x
Wait until one is your doctor!!!! YUCK!!
If anyone has found my short term memory please let me know & I will come and get it.
Sincerely, A Baby boomer
Maybe it wasn't the kid you thought it was.
Maybe your eyesight is just going. . . .
He he, this is great - and so true!
Relax, VM. You don't have to worry until your former students become Undertakers!
Great post as usual. You give me the giggles.
What's worse is when you think that kid you remember seeing in diapers is hawt!!
Why is it that the older we get, the faster time seems to fly by? That is totally unfair, it should be the opposite. Stopping by from sits! Have a great weekend!
Shit! that's gotta be humiliating and sooo hilarious!
The doctor who assessed my hip last week did not look a day older than sixteen, I do not exaggerate. And then, when he suggested that I might think about a replacement hip, adding, 'It should last you out...if you don't mind my saying'
I thought...'Easy for you to say, matey' seeing as artificial hips have about ten years life span.
wow- time does indeed fly.......
Wait until one of them sends you a drink in a bar, just to be a wiseguy.
They allow 29 year olds in the Old Timers Home? What about vodka? Do they allow vodka?
Time can get away from you. I am still amazed that the last time I saw a kid he was 3 and now he has 3 kids. I am getting old....
i hate to be the one to tell you but before you turn around twice you'll be my age and it will be their children in your class, you will see them at pto meetings and they will look familiar. yikes! how did i get to be this old? there is a young girl trapped in this old body. let me out!
smiles, bee
seriously. ps
My first group of sixth graders will be seniors next year. One of my former students is our new office co-op. Yes, that's right, the one who didn't realize Canada was attached to the United States. Mmm. Should be an interesting year.
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! This made me LOL !!
I taught k-5 for 4 years and my first class (in 2000) will be GRADUATING in like 3 years! WEIRD!
The first time I ever felt "old" is when the police officer who pulled me over was younger than I was...
i've had those moments too. one day i realized the new students in my incoming class have never known a world without Oprah or chicken nuggets. i felt old, so old.
LOL, I am telling ya, it's in the water, they grow so much faster these days!
Great post!
Craig Glenn
You're not quite ready for that room yet. You DO still have your own teeth, don't you?
I have no sense of time anymore. It's ridiculous. Something happened six months ago and I think it was two weeks ago. *sigh*
Old age is that you? Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak up?
Hugs and Mocha,
"In the Blink of An Eye", grown up way so quickly, where does the time go!
One of my most favourite students is graduating from Harvard next year. I take all the credit, of course.
You're reaching that age where they stop saying "Pleased to meet you", and they start saying "Hey! I've heard of you!"...
That's great!! I always wonder about the teachers who have had the parents AND the kids.
If we're getting old THAT fast, then how about another vodka? Just you and me, on the porch, reminiscing while wondering where the time has gone.
Haha. I had teachers that my parents had. I even had one teacher who had taught the principal of our school when he was in high school. It was great.
kids i taught are now teachers!
When it's your OWN kids, you are even MORE startled. Where does the time go?
oh, dear. dear, dear, dear. :)
I hear you! I am teaching WITH some of the students I once had in class...and have taught children of former students.
I keep forgetting because they keep me young!
Oh my. . . how time flies! Who forgets to put a brick on their heads so they don't grow up so fast!
It's also annoying when you come across a crush you had in elementary school on Facebook and find that he's AGED! Someone needs to make sure that is NOT allowed! Because, if he's old, what does that make me?
Sounds about right, from elementary school to driving in 60 seconds.
Yep, time flies even when you're not having fun!
oh, i wish i'd been there for that!!
I still freak out when I see my nieces driving, and one of them has a 2 year old!!! heh ... this was cute!
But we LOOk younger, right?
Oh, that would make me feel old.
You know what makes me feel old? That DR's and other professionals are nor YOUNGER than me!
Excellent post...I have taught for 19 years and sometimes I seriously am in shock when I see kids driving or, um MARRIED. I forget. They will always be 9 years old to me!!!!
my son Dakota is turning FIFTEEN tomorrow
i'm still catching up to the fact he's a teenager
I hear ya!
The first kid I nannied for is now 25.
I hear this same thing from my teacher friends. They live in a vacuum when it comes to kids aging, especially if they stick with one grade for many, many years.
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