Every morning in 1st grade we have a morning meeting. We greet each other, do sharing, play a game and read our morning letter.
Today, our little Johnny decided to greet in French.
“ Bon Joo Jane. You have to say it with an accident, like this, “Bon Joooooo.” "
Oh yeah. I'm back.
FRENCH!?? Sounds more like.....oh nevermind, no need getting both of us in hot water.
TGIF have a great day!
Oh, I will miss these anecdotes over the summer! You're welcome to tutor/nanny my kids if you ever need blog fodder.
Bon Joo to you, Vodka Mom! Love this one!
Merci boo-coooo. :)
*Are you teaching summer school, or taking a much deserved break?
C'est la vie (?)
Happy Friday!
bon jooo mamacita! oh wait? i'm mixing there....
...and then, to be true to the French spirit, he ran away.
Did you teach him how to say "Oh rib war" when leaving?
Such a little ladies man he'll be.
I'm glad you're back :)
Thanks for the morning smile, and I'm SO glad "you're back"!
Bon Jew? didnt know your students were anti-semetic! lol
What a little smooth talker.
I need to start sayin more things with accidents. They may actually sound cool!
Tray sheek!
Too bad we couldn't see a picture of his cuteness also.
Man, I wish I had been in your 1st grade class - games, sharing AND FRENCH!
I love French but to bad i never had the chance to learn French till now.
At least he's got the correct accident!
Voo-lay vooooo un mar-tee-nee?
Mercy Bo Poop!
did little Johnny also give you the mercy buckets?
Merci for the great story! I'm fluent in Franglish, you know.
When asked what a first grader wanted to be when she grows up, she responded to my friend "A cheerleader"
And then when asked where the first graders want to study abroad, some of the answers were:
New Jersey
Disney World
Fire Station
They're just so cute!
Too cute!
I'm a sucker for a man with a french accident
my last two kids are the result of a greek accident
Amy: that is hilarious!!!
le funni
I'm off to France tomorrow so that will be extremely helpful. 'Bon Joooooo' you say?
And Bon Jovi right back at ya!
Ha! Funny? Mai oui! (I hope that's spelled right)
LOL - i wish i had HIS teacher when I was learning francais!!
I'm glad you're back since I never knew you were gone.
Holy Cow! Hahaha Leaving some Friday bloggy love from SITS
Ahh the life of a frog...
I imagine little Johnny will go far wit ze ladeees, no?
This one time, I was trying to speak Spanish with an accident and couldn't find the restroom and they didn't know what I was saying so I had an accident. . . . Oops!
They are so freaking cute, aren't they?
my daughter thinks she can speak cantonese since most of her class (including teacher) is chinese. she says things like wha-me-cha-pow....and then asks with the most serious face "do you know what i said??"
You have the funniest students!
Glad to see you decided to fuck it.
Emballage qui se referme.
I dated a guy with an accident once...
Bon joo..ahhh! I'm reposting this just so you know.. It's getting nicked in a major way!
Har. That is so very international...
Have a great weekend and au reservoir for now!
Absolutely lovely! Bon joo, VKMom with a twist! x
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