
We might as well make a bad word chart.

"Mrs. Smith, have you ever seen the Austin Powers?"

Me: "Yes, I have."

Jack: " My favorite character if Fat Bastard!"

Me: "You shouldn't say that word at school."

Jack " You mean FAT?"

Me: "No, the other one. Bastard."

Wide Eyed Jack: "I didn't even know that was a bad word! Huh. My dad calls my dog that all the time."

Me: "Well, how about you just don't say it in school anymore, okay? Okay. "

Just another day in heaven.


Gutsy Living said...

My boys loved that movie. They watched it over and over when they were younger. Now I know why.

darsden said...

LOL, they hear and repeat everything those lil boogers

Kim said...

OMG thats funny!

Angie Ledbetter said...

First day riding the bus, my youngest came home and told me he'd learned the S-word and the B-word. After I got over my near coronary, he shared with me those bad words: "stupid," and "butt head." Oh, for those simpler days. LOL

Malisa said...

Gosh, I got in trouble the other day for saying butt in front of my 6 year old granddaughter!!! WTF???


Joanie said...

Hahaha!!! Great story!!!! And just think, in 3 short months, you'll have a fresh batch!

Fragrant Liar said...

Hey, Fat Bastard was my favorite character too! Yeah, baby, yeah!!

Errin said...

I am working on a Saturday (obviously not very hard because I am here, reading your blog :) ). Thank you for making me laugh today!!! I needed it.

Mrs. E said...

My oldest daughter came home from her first day of kindergarten bursting with her learning! "Do you know we have a bad finger??" Great. Just what I sent her to school to learn.

Paige Lacey said...

Loved this!

Reminds me of that scene in that movie, Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation where Clark's niece says "Shitting bricks." When he tells her she shouldn't say that word. She says, "Sorry. Shitting rocks."

Lol. ;o)

ChiTown Girl said...

That is classic!!!

katydidnot said...

that guy's dad is the same as my dad.

Lee Ryan said...

Could have been worse; He might have said that his favorite character is "Pussy Galore" and that his dad talks about that at home a lot too.

blognut said...

I'm having flashbacks to Fat Bastard in a kilt right now. Not good.

Cute story.

Irish Gumbo said...

Bastard is a bad word? Aww, man, I'm really in trouble now...

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! My son the other day asked me where you find "damn ants"..... on Indiana Jones some "big damn ants" swarmed all over them and he was wondering if we had any ants like that around here. Lol, I had to explain that they were just damn ants and that Indy was just mad at them, that's why they were "damn" ants.

flutter said...


DKC said...

Heh. Yup, out of the mouths of babes....

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it is? sarge said it and he doesn't say bad words so i think you are wrong. you must be. sorry...

smiles, bee

fat too. ps

SkylersDad said...

In many ways, I am lucky Skyler can't talk with the words that come out of my mouth.

Sandi said...

I love your blog! Thanks for the chat today. I can't wait to see you!!

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Oh shit....

The Seeker said...

Yeah, thats how I had to explain words like crap, damn, and sh*! to my K-1 class. Their parents used it all the time, so they didn't know there was anything wrong with it. They got a grace period, but after that it was dots once I knew they knew they weren't allowed to use those words in school.

Mimi Lenox said...

You could make a graphic organizer and put it on the SmartBoard while you're at it. Might as well! lol

Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes, the truth is born.


Hope you're enjoying some time off from school.

Your blog is simply wonderful. It has made me appreciate my teachers of past even more so than I already do. Bless you!

Stop by my site to see the latest news on Bubbles the Chimp and how the Chinese government has banned the upcoming solar eclipse.


Queen Bee said...

Kind of reminds ya of Pissburgh.

Pissssss burgh...

Captain Dumbass said...

My boys call me that instead of daddy.

Sue said...

I worked all day with my "public" and you have to know, grown ups suck, big time! I much rather here "fat bastards" out of the mouth of babes, it makes me smile! Believe me, little kids are much more rewarding to work with than their parents!
Take care, Sue

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love Fat Bastard....! You are probably right little people should'nt use that word. Classic my dad says it all the time!HeeHee!

laughingwolf said...

likely that mutt is a bastard...

The Peach Tart said...

Well you have to admit Fat Bastard is not easily forgettable.

Angie Ledbetter said...

You got linky love at my place today, oh Wise Woman. :)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

What is even more scary is that he probably saw that yucky FB sex scene. I'm shuddering...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

What is even more scary is that he probably saw that yucky FB sex scene. I'm shuddering...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

What is even more scary is that he probably saw that yucky FB sex scene. I'm shuddering...

buffalodick said...

"Get in ma Belly!"

Kathryn Magendie said...

Laughing! :)

Unknown said...

How funny.. he knows it's mean to call someone fat.. but no idea bastard is a bad word.

Toni said...

hehe kids really don't have a clue sometimes bless them. They seem to be able to get away with anything when they smile!

Desert Songbird said...

I'm constantly amazed at what parents will allow their young children to watch. Think this same parent lets their kid watch Harold and Kumar?

Kathy B! said...

That's usually where they hear it!

I secretly love it when they do that thought... I love that moment in your head when you're spinning it around; making sure you heard correctly; then laughing inside!

Jeanne Estridge said...

I recently took a bunch of online quizzes on various topics -- geography, history, literature -- and it turns out my twin fields of expertise are Broadway Musicals and Profanity.

So I was thinking about running a contest for Dirty Showtunes.

Can I count on you? (Because it seems like something that might be right up your aisle.)

Sharon Rose said...

You could always fine them One Million Dollars? Groovy Baby, yeah!

Craig Glenn said...

I am going to have to go with Pastor Sharon on this one... fine them one M-i-l-l-i-o-n Dollars!!!


Eric said...

Bastard was my first bad word too! LOL!

Magpie said...

Mmm, you know there's a wine called Fat Bastard?

Joanie said...

Bastard, shit, fuck, and damn all have secret code words to be used in public in our family. Stabbard (not very original, but it works). 162 (the number of times the word shit was said on the infamous "Shit" episode of South Park). Duckpluckage (stupid, but effective). And damn. Oh, damn. I just realized that one's not encoded. Oh well, duckpluckage it.

Da Goddess

AS Amber said...

Bastard is my most favorite swear word.

My maiden name is Powers and I have a cousin whose son is name Austin. They're the most straight-laced, Mormon family you'd ever meet.

Pretty much the opposite of the fictional Austin Powers. Which is also in my top 5 fave movies ever.