
Who let the crabs out?? Who, who, who who...

We often visit a tiny beach here in Noank, CT. It is very small, and visited throughout the day by locals wanting a quiet spot for lunch, or by kids who want to do a little crabbing.

Yesterday we went over with a large bucket, some hot dogs (no chicken to be found) some string and a large net.

While Golden Boy was enjoying the crabbing adventure with his cousin and friend, his sisters were desperately trying to catch some rays on the grassy knoll beside the small beach.

There were two small children romping on the small beach, all the while watching the boys catching crab after crab. ( And when I say crab, I mean TINY CREATURE that might ONE day be a crab...)

One little boy exclaimed, "Look Mom!! A Herman crab!"

I felt like I was back in kindergarten...and I smiled.


Hit 40 said...

I thought you were going to say something about the kids getting..


Rick Daley said...

Did the girls on the grassy knoll see who shot Kennedy?

Mango Girl said...

say in a sing-songy voice: "Hey, hey we're the munsters...people think we are just crabin' around..." what ever the rest of the words are.

Pale Rider and I are going crabbing next week...that is if we don't all burn to death from the heat wave first.

Ash said...

Funny, I thought those things came from a kiosk at the mall?

Hmmm, learn something new every day...

Deb said...

-->I'm glad that's the only crabs your kids were catching. ha!


Formerly known as Frau said...

Cuteness just follows you everywhere!Enjoy the beach!

Bobby G said...

You can hear kids from far ass away, you have a super power! lol

Chris said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm happy for you. :-)

Boozy Tooth said...

A Herman Munster crab? Now THAT would be something.

Unknown said...

LOL..thats too cute! I wish we had a tiny beach near our home with a grassy knoll-enjoy your summer

Unknown said...

All I can picture now is Herman Munster as a crab!

Joanie said...

I wanna be at the beach, catching Herman crabs!

Unknown said...

I am glad you got a button now I can push it all the time ;)

Desert Songbird said...

They were tiny, so they weren't Munster crabs, were they?

Kathy B! said...

Catching crabs is the best!

Run Herman, run...

Karen Harrington said...

Too funny!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Hey....crabs get to have names, too! ;)

Have fun with your family!

SkylersDad said...

Herman isn't a crab, he is a Munster!

buffalodick said...

I won't go into the only kind of crabs you could catch in Michigan...

zelzee said...

I can see the back to school essay now........

"What I did on my summer vacation."

"I got the crabs."

Lucia said...

OK, I accidentally read "Who let the carbs out" cause that's what I'd really like to know. Anyway, you're like a magnet that attracts the cutest sayings. Enjoy!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

You didn't think all crabs had names like Snappy, did you? They have people names, too.

Maggie May said...

I know Herman! And his wife, Boiled.

*Lissa* said...

Aw, Herman crabs.

Keyona said...

Awww...that made me smile. I *heart* kids.

Roshni said...

hahah!! My son just happens to be into that song nowadays...don't know who HE's talking about!!!

laughingwolf said...

quick, hit the drugstore for crab medication ;) lol

Mags said...

A herman crab!!! That's hilarious...I love it.

Sultan said...

: )

KMcJoseph said...

Those Herman Crabs are so lonely.

Sharon Rose said...

Awe I love Herman. . . . crabs! I am intrigued that they never leave home without their house. . . until they do!

Unknown said...

Oh how sweet. I love herman crabs too. And blue crabs. Just not crabs in the pants. LOL

Beth said...

I bought a Herman crab in the mail when I was a kid. When I opened the box, he pinched the shit out of me. He lived for several years and was always a grumpy little thing.

Lilly said...

Aww you miss them dont you, small kids not crabs I mean...

Everyday Goddess said...

And that means a she-crab is called Lily?

Okay, I'll just 'splain that obscure reference,

Herman and Lily Munster.

Come on, you knew that didn't you?

Everyday Goddess said...

And PS, you're in Connecticut and did not call me? Purely an oversight, I'm sure!

DKC said...

Do crabs go for hot dogs? We've only used chicken.

Fingers crossed, we might see the sun tomorrow!

blognut said...

What do the boys do with the crabs once they catch 'em?

peewee said...

I love when kids do that. One kid said to me about my dog...I sure so like your golden achiever.

flutter said...

I had a pet crab named Herman!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

You're like a magnet for cute things that kids say. The Art Linkletter of blogland.

♥ Braja said...

Is that Herman crab married to a Lily crab, with an Eddie crab son?

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Totally adorable!!

Anonymous said...

I knew a girl in college who caught Her man's crabs. Not cute.

Adrienne said...

Oh, crabbing! I haven't done that since I was little. I do love hunting for "Herman" crabs, though!

Fancy Schmancy said...

Bummer, I don't think the sun is really going to come out until after you've gone home :(

The Demigod said...

I would've totally paid attention to the story had my eyes not been drawn to the hotness that is the shirtless man in the picture.

Except if that's golden boy, which would make me kind of a creep.


Meh *shrugs. I don't really care, who is he?! LOL

Annie said...

My girls so want a crab as a pet.

Girl Tornado said...

Somehow I don't think a crab really constitutes a "pet". Although if one calls it Herman, then maybe you feel more emotionally connected. LMAO - I think that is adorable he called it a herman crab.

AND I'm ready for the drinkie....

AS Amber said...

When I'm here and I see a title like this one...I know I'm in for a treat. No matter what direction the "crabs" went.

We're begging for sun in Utah, too.

ahmed said...

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