
Very Important Answers to Very Important Questions from Very Important People

A few posts back I asked some very important questions to the bloggy world at large. Well, it might have been a week ago, but now that I am officially on vacation I refuse to keep track of days.

After careful scientific tabulations (a few drinks, a few friends and reading the comments over and over) the following conclusions have been drawn.

1. People could care LESS if I post every day, and they post when they darn well please. So will I.

2. Most prefer an email response, which to ME is the most personal, and allows an immediate response, which may or may include some words that I no longer feel comfortable uttering on this particular space. (*@&$ it.)

3. Most people STILL don’t have their “handle” hooked up to their email. (Guys- you might THINK you do, but if you are not getting email responses from ANY of the blogs you are visiting, chances are GREAT that it isn’t connected properly. Go to your profile- then EDIT profile, and there should be a place for you to add your email address. You’re gonna have to take it from there.)

4. The sky is blue because that is Santa’s favorite color, and he sprinkles his magic dust on planes to make them fly.

Thanks for your participation in this little exercise; your certificates are in the mail. (Or they would be if people actually USED real mail anymore…)

Oh my God, did I just use a semi-colon? That calls for a martini. (And when I say martini, I mean vodka and Diet Pepsi.)


Kim said...

I'm heading over for a drink.

Kim said...

Oh my, I don't think I have EVER been first at your place.

Kimberly said...

I think I missed a post! Damn it. I would have loved to get in on answering a few of those!

I recently discovered Mamosa's, they are really yummy...But make me giggle.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm..... oysters sound AWESOME right now, I wish I had a HUGE platter of them with hot sauce. Thanks for making the 9+ month pregnant lady salivate for something unattainable. ;-)

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

I usually answer via email but then feel like people don't think I'm answering them unless I do it in the comments section. The opposite is also true (sigh).

Unknown said...

I'll bring some vodka.. cuz I KNOW you couldn't possibly have enough for all of us!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Thank you, VM, for the important BlogLand PSAs. (Make mine an extra spicy Cajun Bloody Mary, please.)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Good enlightening us! I'm not much of a vodka drinker but have at it!

Sandee said...

Vodka and Diet Pepsi? Really? I think I'll have an extra spicy Bloody Mary.

Have a terrific day. :)

Pop and Ice said...

Someone else recently just commented on the lack of email addresses....was it KathyB or Candy's Daily Dandy or Carolyn...Online? Arrgh! I can't remember! But my profile was all correct before correct was cool so we're cool, right?

Pop and Ice said...

Yes, and no need to post EVERY frickin day. You know how many blogs I read? Yes, everyone, don't be so anal about posting every day!!!! You're making me look bad!

Ivanhoe said...

Sorry I did not participate in this one, but I have my laptop at doctor's.
I totally agree with # 1 & 2. I'm not quite sure about #3. And what was #4 about? Oh the heck with it. I agree with those two as well ;o)

Michele said...

All of the above works for me.

If you've got a Costco nearby get a case of the blood orange soda to mix with that vodka. Yummy!!!!!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

Mmmm ... vodka.

IB said...

Is my email address working for replies?

Oh and I'll have a bloody mary when you get 'round to it

The Peach Tart said...

vodka and tonic with lime

Jen said...

Thanks for clearing that all up! Honestly, who has time to go back to every blog they've commented on and see if a response was made? email please! :)

SkylersDad said...

With everyone dropping by for drinks, the chance that somebody will do something they can be bribed with later is good.

I will swing by with my video camera...

The Renaissance Chick said...

Vodka and diet Pepsi? Are you crazy? I just can't imagine that. We need to have a drinking tutorial sometime. :)


Real Live Lesbian said...

How'd I miss you asking for my opinion? ;)

The noreplyblogger stuff drives me nuts!

Unknown said...

I am with the first comment - pass the coke and vodka!

blognut said...

Isn't it freeing to know that we don't mind if you do as you please?

Kathy B! said...

Count me in if you'll change that to Diet Coke ;)

AiringMyLaundry said...

I need one of those drinks. I'm packing for my trip tomorrow and I'm losing my mind.

Mango Girl said...

Cocktail time? I am ALL for that!


Lola said...

You drink the same kind of martini's that my partner's mother drinks. Vodka and Diet Pepsi. Lol! She's the only person I've ever met to drink that concoction. Lol!

Keyona said...

Well I'm glad you cleared that up for me! Weew. Now, I'm headed over there with my empty glass. Thankyouverymuch.

Dr Zibbs said...

I was so hungover on Sunday AND my computer has a virus that it was the first day I didn't post in 10 months.

Nobody noticed.

Michel said...

Holy shit dude, I think this post might have just liberated me!!!

Also, pls do not insult the integrity of the vodka - only olives shall touch the vodka ... until you are done with the first one and then you just get all creative! it's all good

Bobby G said...

I'm hooked up, Did it a while ago I am fully connected when people comment! BOOYAH!!!

Sharon Rose said...

Is it okay that I just love Margharitta's with lots of salt? I really honestly tried to love Martini's but it didn't work. We weren't meant to be!

I get emails from you so I think I'm cool. And I certainly hope your discomfort of "how you respond" isn't because you are being 'stalked' by a pastor, Pray tell. . . .

Craig Glenn said...

I have it on good authority that vodka is best served on ice with a splash of mandarin orange bubbly water; so I have been told; but I have to drink a few before I can hear the voices; what is the semi-colon you speak of?

Craig Glenn

cheatymoon said...

Dontcha just love how you lose track of days during summer vacation?


tamilyn said...

I'll take mine with fully loaded Pepsi, please. Did I use the comma in the correct way?

Joanie said...

I thought the sky was blue because God is an Oregon State fan.

Momo Fali said...

That's my kind of martini.

Zip n Tizzy said...

Hmm... Vodka and diet pepsi is not my drink, but I'll join you for a rum and coke!

Merrily Down the Stream said...

I am glad we got that whole sky color thing cleared up...

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

We are definitely having a martini at BlogHer together.
And by martini I mean a Martini. Apple, preferrably.

Frogs in my formula said...

I didn't get my certificate. Please mail it to:

Drunk Chick
c/o O'Mallorys Pub
Mulletville, CT

Debbie said...

I'm in agreement with all of these. Especially the email response. Who has time to go back and read comments?

Martha said...

My conclusion to the same questions are have a cold one and have fun - blogging isn't some big business for most of us. Who care who does what? :-)

Liz Mays said...

I'm all for the email response too. Either an email response or a visit and comment.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

This means I must get better at email responses. . .

Where will I find the time???

Desert Songbird said...

You semi-colon very well, my friend.

Magpie said...

vodka and diet pepsi?? huh.

Julie D said...

Vodka and diet pepsi. A woman after my own heart.

Lawyer Mom said...

That's a combination I'll have to try. Because diet tonic water? Well, umm, it's *&^%$ . . . not good.

Fragrant Liar said...

Yum, Daytona Beach! That's way better than vodka.

Congrats. On the semicolon,I mean.

anymommy said...

A beautiful summation. Not just because of the semicolon.

flutter said...

you kill me

♥ Braja said...

Chicken. I knew you wouldn't believe that the sky is blue cos of Krishna. Santa is dead. And he was fake. Ha.

Vodka Logic said...

I'll have mine extra dry with olives please.

And if I got comments I would reply.... I think. lol

Vodka Logic *hic*

Anonymous said...
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Suzy said...

Thanks for doing all the work so I don't have to.

One more thing, if you happen to get Asian comments in any Asian language, what do you do?

Smart Mouth Broad said...

WOW! Look at all those Chinese comments.

I'm just catching up here and was surprised to see that you posted about the same things that I did. I just posted my results from my "survey" too. Pretty much the same opinions.

Girl Tornado said...

Oh my, did you get some Asian spam or what?! LMAO

Re: the email handle. Honestly, more of my readers HAVE hooked up their email. I can't believe how many comments I've gotten in the last week that don't have the "no-reply-comment" thingie in the return email field. Yay!

It's just so much easier to respond by email. And I often go to their blog after that, to leave them a quick comment too. :)

And it's Friday. And I'm ready for a drinkie. :-D

A Woman Of No Importance said...

Did the Chinese take all the drinks you were pouring there, VKMom?!

I love your blog, your wit and wisdom, your fabulous parenting (loved that T-Shirt for Skritchy ;)), and your drink-making skills perhaps above all! :) xxx

ahmed said...

نقل المطبخ عند مؤسسة نقل مطابخ واثاث بالعاصمة السعودية
إن العفش الذي يبقى في المطبخ يفتقر إلى دقة هائلة في عملية النقل؛ ولعل هذا يرجع إلى أنه عرضة إلى التلف وذلك ما تدركه المؤسسة جيدًا وترغب في أن تتجنب هذا تمامًا، حيث أن المطبخ يتضمن على الكثير من الزجاج والاشياء العرضة إلى الكسر؛ شركة نقل عفش بالدمام
شركة نقل عفش
شركة نقل عفش من الرياض الى الدمام
شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الدمام