
You drank from WHAT?

This particular story came from my friend who teaches kindergarten in Virginia.

She took her class to another school for a field trip to see their "pen pals." After the gathering, she had the class use the bathroom before they went home. Most of the children also took advantage of the water fountain outside the restrooms before boarding the bus to go across town.

Mrs. Smythe: "Johnny, did you want to get a drink here at the fountain before we get on the bus?"

Johnny, "Naw.....I got a drink from the one in there!" And with that, he pointed to the boys bathroom.


Where the urinals were located.

He'll probably be our next senator.


Zip n Tizzy said...

Tasty, with just a hint of salt.

Jessica said...

Oh no he didn't!

Beth said...

We had a student who drank from the potty this past year. Stuck his head in and drank like a dog.

I almost threw up just thinking about it.

*Akilah Sakai* said...

Hey, lemonade is tastier than water!

SkylersDad said...

Does Johnny's school have outhouses or something?

shrink on the couch said...

next Senator, ha! that or head of the EPA!

wow, look at all of those followers! you are amazing, Vodka Mom!

Sandee said...

That is so gross, but your comment about him becoming our next senator cracked me up. Most of them aren't in touch are they? No, they aren't.

Have a terrific day. :)

Kathy B! said...

Blech. I just lost another pound on the VodkaMom diet. There's no way I'm eating dinner now!!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I'm extremely grossed out! Poor guy!

Boozy Tooth said...

With common sense and taste like THAT, it's virtually guaranteed!

Girl Tornado said...

Hey, between your posts and the pics on my photo blog (engorged ticks, big hairy spiders and bull snakes) we could patent a new diet. The Blech Diet. :-) Works like a charm.

Pseudo said...

It even grosses me out when my dog drinks from the toilet.

forsakenidentity said...

There were sinks in there, right?! There must have been.. Pretty please..

Char said...

OMG...NO! I don't want to know that!

laughingwolf said...

did he come out chewing a giant 'mint', too? :O lol

Carolyn...Online said...

Yeah, but I don't think the senators are "drinking" in the restrooms.

Pop and Ice said...

Oh, God, questions that should never be asked of small children. You really don't want to know.

Sue said...

That's boys for you!!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

YEP! Boys do mature slower than girls. Perhaps it's the water that causes it?

The Blue Ridge Gal

Everyday Goddess said...

I just threw up.

Mango Girl said...

Makes sense to me...the bar I worked in throughout college had a sign above the urinal in the men's room:

"Please don't eat the mints."

'nough said.

xo, Mango

SweetPeaSurry said...

One word: disgusting. Kids will be kids!

Anonymous said...

At age FIFTY-SIX, I went into a porta potty and picked up this nice white piece of "smell good" soap. Only after telling my husband about the soap that wasn't, did he tell me about urinal cakes. I did a post on it and it made me famous. OK. I lied about the famous part.

KMcJoseph said...

Don't act like you never drank out of a urinal.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Oh my!

Jennifer and Iain said...

I think I just threw-up in my mouth a little!

Anonymous said...

Ek. Boys are yucky.

Sharon Rose said...

Oh Nasty! Poor kid!

blognut said...


That was nasty - but funny. I hope someone is there to remind him of this when he is about 15.

Michel said...

I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hope there was a sink in the boys room. eww

That Janie Girl said...

Oh, God...

Mimi Lenox said...

I guess this was not a good day to teach a lesson on the "fun"damentals of government....

Pamela said...

My mom remembers going to a friend's house when we were little. She asked th kid for a glass of water. He went in toe bathroom, but she never heard the water go on. However he came out with a dripping glass!
Mmmm, toilet water...

Ladybird World Mother said...

Yeuurrrccchhhhh!!!! Funny though!X

Unknown said...

LOL! It wasn't his day to use the Universal Brain

Unknown said...

ewww...that's nasty. Stopping by to say hi from the SITStahood!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

It gives new meaning to "potty mouth".....blech!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...


As a mom,I'm not sure if I'd WANT to hear that report from the teacher or not...

WeaselMomma said...

Ewwwwww. As my son always says "Those blue mints don't taste very good.

Bobby G said...

YIKES? did he put frosting on the urinal cake too? LMAO!!!

Toni said...

Lol - he isn't the first and he won't be the last...bless them.

Merrily Down the Stream said...

So nicely chilled by the ceramic. Perhaps he is part dog?

Keyona said...

I bet his mother is so proud! LOL!

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

We have this fountain thingee in our office waiting room. I can't tell you how many patients drank from it.
I want to ask them two questions:

Did'nt the mold on the bottom gross you out at all?

Did you happen to wonder why this fountain in so close to the ground.

(I clean it with clorox by the way)

At least this kid was 6. I'm dealing with grown adults in an upscale dentist office.

Belle said...

Interesting. I'm obviously not up on American politics. And I didn't mean up in that way!

The Mother said...

Dogs drink from toilets all the time. It doesn't kill them.

Just think of all the great germ exposures. Kid will never get asthma.

buffalodick said...

You haven't really been drunk, unless you know what one of the sanitizing cakes taste like...

Tamara Dawn said...

OMG I love your blog name! I saw you on SITS and wanted to stop in and see who Vodka Mom was, lmao

Your blog is great, I faved you so I can come back and read more after the kiddies find something to do :)

Melissa B. said...

LMAO! Guess that's why I teach high school, although I wouldn't put it past some of those high school boys to drink from the urinal, too. BTW, chica, you're a WINNER! Please send me your contact info so I can get that Tar-Jay Gift Card out to ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! lol!

Anonymous said...

外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇 , 外遇

Unknown said...

Very funny! Reminds me of the time my husband took Jeff to the bathroom at McDonalds. Coming out, he was so excited to tell me so he yelled loudly for all to hear that "mommy, guess WHAT? I pee peed IN THE SINK!"
And did I mention it was packed for dinner? yeah.... good times.

btw, what's up with all the Anonymous asian writing? Do you speak this language?

Vodka Logic said...

Did you tell his mother so she get him shots. *shakes head* lol..

Thats some spammer or a very frustrated follower

kristi said...

Dang, ANON's comments made my head hurt!

His Sweetheart said...

Love kids! So funny!