
I try not to be rude...

Bitchy: "Mom, I have a question for you."

Me: “Okay, what is it?”

Bitchy: “Well, come here. Sit down and let’s chat.”

Me: “Oh God, what is it? Are you pregnant or something? Haven’t you been taking your “allergy medicine??? Oh My God...”

Bitchy: “MOTHER! NO, it’s not that. I was on your “blog” today, and I went over to that Humor Blogger thingy. It says that you have 213 votes.”

Me: “Do NOT give me a heart attack. Okay, well, that is great! That is a ton of votes!”

Bitchy: “Are you kidding me? Mom, if you have 980 followers, and 213 votes, something is up. Even YOU can do THAT math.”

Me: “Well, maybe the readers don’t think I ‘m that funny. Or maybe they voted for someone else!”

Bitchy: “I thought you said they could vote for as many as they wanted. Didn’t you help me vote for a LOT of people?? Mother? I voted for every person you ever heard of over there, and then some. And anyway, why don’t you just ASK them to vote?”

Me: “Because. Well, I did it once, and to do it again is, well, that’s just rude.”

Bitchy: “Oh, please. Don’t pretend with me. Cheeze-us, I’ll do it for you.

If you love my mother like I do (Don’t tell her I said that!) then why not go over there and vote? It might make her feel a little better about turning FIFTY in a month.

(Pssst. Anytime something from the AARP comes in the mail I put it ON THE FRIDGE. You should hear her scream! It cracks me up every time.)”

There, I’ve done my job. Now let’s go to Starbucks. You and that wad of money are buying.


That Janie Girl said...

I'll go vote! How did I miss that post? Thanks for reminding me!!

♥ Braja said...

Is that Tightwad's new name? "Wad of Money"? It works...

Joanie said...

Bitchy, I'll vote for your mom.

Vodka Logic said...

I already get the AARP crap and refuse to join, discounts be damned. When I feel 50 I'll subscribe.

Good luck on the vote and early Happy Birthday.

Nice going Bitchy.

cheatymoon said...

Nice angle. Voted.

Angie Ledbetter said...

B&S: We all knew y'all loved your Momma! :)

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, OK I am off to vote - but can you please tell her that 213 votes are a lot less embarrassing than 3! ;0)

mo.stoneskin said...

*wipes perspiration off forehead, slouching slightly due to shame, can't remember if voted or not, think I did, maybe I didn't, it's all a blur now, scratches head in one final attempt to remember, nope, nothing*

Brian Miller said...

ok, i'll go vote but only if i can get some starbucks...

mommakin said...

I have been duly chastised - off I go!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Did it already!! Keep bugging us all.. you deserve LOADS more votes... XX

Michele said...

I think I was one of the 213 but I'm more than willing to do it again.

You turn 50 in a month? Me too....squeeeee.... We should party like it's 1959. You know "a cocktail party".

DeeMarie said...

I'm heading over to vote right now!! :) And look at your daughters being all sweet and loving lately... wonder what's up with that?

Angie said...

Hm. I tried to vote, but it doesn't recognize my login...? I'll try again later. :)

The Peach Tart said...

I heading there to vote now.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

I am NOT having the same birthday in exactly 2 months and 3 days. . . I am NOT!

Hit 40 said...


the darn site is a pain in the butt to join. I finally got the darn thing to work for me about 2 weeks ago.

What is with their word verification being 2 illegible words???

I think I voted for you? I will double check.

If your reading this.... consider it a personal challenge kinda like an evil soduku puzzle to join the site and vote for Vodka Mom!!

darsden said...

Yay Bitchy, that is wonderful and I have thought and said the same thing. They won't let me vote for your mom more than once..but it I could she'd be so far over a million right now :-)

Geaux Vote People

confused homemaker said...

I voted early & if I could do an old school Chicago style voting I would:)

SkylersDad said...

Hey! Come on now, some of us can't do all that highfalutin math type stuff! (did you know that blogger can give you the proper spelling of highfalutin? I didn't either)

I will go vote, but only if math isn't involved.

Beth said...

I did it a while back. I'm off to see if I can vote again.

Christy said...

I voted, of course.

Sprite's Keeper said...

I must get my love in somehow, even if pressing the vote button!

DKC said...

Way to get the word out, Bitchy!

Mrs. E said...

Anybody who names her daughters bitchy and sassy gets my vote! You put me in a good mood every single day!

Unknown said...

Off to vote! : )

Keyona said...

You got my vote girlfriend!

Madge said...

now i feel horrible. going to vote now.

*Akilah Sakai* said...

You had my vote months ago, darlin'!

Er, ... "allergy" mds? LMAO!!

tiff said...


i love this conversation with your daughter...FANTASTIC!

Mike said...

You need to ask. I read most blogs from reader so I rarely make it on to a blog. Where do you vote? I looked around, but couldn't find you.

Anonymous said...

My hubby got an AARP thing the other day in the mail. The hilarious part: he's only 31.

LPC said...

I voted eons ago. Glad to vote again. Don't be shy to ask. Give us a direct link to your part of the website. Play it up. Whip us into a frenzy. Think of us as sitting in the bleachers on a Friday night for a Texas high school football game. Go Team VodkaMom!

Kathy B! said...

Hey, Bitchy!

You voted for me! I'm one of the "and then some(s)!" And since you are so sweet I'm going to get my mom to get an account and vote for your mom.



chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Okay..I'll head on over to vote!! Thanks for the reminder. Go easy on the AARP stuff. That's a sensitive matter.

The Unbreakable Child said...

Lol. Love you, Bitchy and going to vote. LOl!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Done. Now where's my flag sticker?

LegalMist said...

To vote, you have to sign up for an account / log in. I am thinking some folks may have been deterred by that. I've voted before, but now can't remember what I used for a username and password. I'll have to figure that out before I can vote again. Ay yi yi!

Kathy B! said...

Alright... my mom's vote puts you at 239 :)

Anonymous said...

213 votes is great! And Starbucks, ugh, no thanks. Even though the coffee is only $400 a cup these days.

Suzy said...

You had 213 like 56 days ago. It's those 2 20somethings who are RUINING IT.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

I am pretty sure that I voted a LONG time ago, but I will go double check.

P.S. I am glad tour daughter's not pregnant. Just sayin.


Anonymous said...

You see, it's good she did this! Cause I didn't know about this voting situation going on. I'll be heading to vote now. ;)

Elenka said...

What Vodka Logic said.......

Joanie said...

I know I voted a while ago. I'll see if they let me do it again.

Kathy B! said...

Mandandm... is onboard!

anymommy said...

I already voted, so I'm just giving you a comment kiss instead. XO.

Samantha said...

Bitchy can sure deliver a guilt trip... okay! okay! I'm voting!

Sharon Rose said...

Got my vote over there! Go Win BIG!

Bobby Allan said...

Hey...it's direspectful to joke about AARP! One day you won't think it's funny...

Unknown said...

LMAO...off to vote not sure how i didnt realize this....

Captain Dumbass said...

Ok, I'll go vote again.

PhilB said...

Haha...okay, I will go vote again. I mean if your own daughter is on board, I guess I should be too.

You are very entertaining. :)


AARP Age Denial Coordinator

Scary Mommy said...

That Bitchy is smart. I voted (duh) and had my mother vote too. Should Lily get an account, you have her vote too. ;)

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Dear Bitchy,
I love your mom more than Paula Deen loves butter and I've already voted for her. Great idea. Oh and.....don't forget to take your allergy medicine.

Desert Songbird said...

I voted the first time you asked!

The Mind of a Mom said...

Now that I know I can vote more then once I'm so on it! :o) ~ Now can I go to Starbucks?? LoL

WeaselMomma said...

A link would be handy.

The AARP thing, hysterical.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

oh my, i think i voted! i hope i voted. i'm going to go check right now. 7 more followers until you hit 1,000. let's have a big party when it happens!


Stacy Uncorked said...

If I could vote again, I certainly would... :)

rachaelgking said...

Hahahaha! I love your daughter!

Unknown said...

I'm voting right now!!!

Evil Twin Sister said...

I love you VM, I truly do! (*Despite* what Bitchy says!)
And I clicked to go vote. Honest I did!!!
But it says I have to create an account... and I have enough shit to do right now!
I do not need *another* account.
And what's that about, anyway?
I need an account?!
Really?! ::squeaky voice::

I sorry, VM, but... I'm sorry!

Love ya!

Rebecca said...

I voted! You are up to 254 now!!!

ShanaM said...

I voted

Jen said...

Ok I voted! 257...

Anonymous said...

people often read without voting because it is such a hassle to register.