I did have a really funny little boy this year. (He was five most of the year.) He was like a grown man in a little boy's body.
One day he was scratching his "private area" outside of his pants- thank goodness! My para asked, "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"
He replied, "No, can't a man have an itch?"
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Jesus. Is he an Aussie???
That is hilarious! I love that!
Most definitely a man can have an itch. How he chooses to scratch it is an entirely different matter.
What a funny little dude!
lol. precious. they do happen you know. lol.
I woulda bust a gut if I heard that.
Sometimes we just gotta itch. Classic funny!!!
Oh, that is PRICELESS. I love when kids talk like adults. I probably shouldn't have any because I would definitely teach them all the bad words for my own amusement.
Asked and answered...:D
Peace - Rene
Excellent! I think if it itches, he should most definitely scratch it.
That's so funny! I can't believe those words actually came out of his mouth.
Wish I could have seen your face, bet you burst out laughing, I know I would have.
rotflmao...too funny, guess he has heard that one from dad ;-) priceless don't blink he will be a man before you know it
If I didn't know better, I'd say you had my son in your class.
Love it! Those kids are too funny.
Was that my son?
Kids are awesome.
I can't wait until my kids says stuff that embarrasses the crap out of me in front of other people and i have to fumble for a way to smooth out the situation.
Yeah, those times are going to rock.
Classic. Just caught up on your last three posts.
How in the HELL do you keep up with all this bloginess??
And of course I voted for your cute little heiney months ago.
What a perfect picture you chose to go along with this hilarious post, too. (Sorry my comment probably didn't make you laugh, as you requested above...now I feel bad... I'll do better next time.)
I love the things kids say. It just cracks me up. Plus I love their artwork. I love their imagination.
That's priceless!
I love what little boys come up with! I had a kid in a CCD church class years ago who sounded like this kids older brother. I asked him what his name was and he told me that "his friends just call him Money". He was in the 2nd grade! Ha! Thanks for the laugh.
LOL!! Hilarious!!
This reminds me...
A few weeks before I came out of vacations, my coordinator told me that she went to see the English teacher over at the kindergarten. She said they began to talk and got distracted for a few seconds only.
Next, she said she saw a bunch of the little ones all gathered in a circle. So she went to see what was up! And saw that all of them were deeply staring at something!
Guess what? One of the kids had his birdy out! And everyone was amazed to see it. LOL! xD
Ha ha ha
Do you think his father was often itchy?? :)
How funny! Children know how to keep it real!
Okay. I signed up and voted for you which was, literally a major pain in my ass.
There are two blogs ahead of you in votes. I checked them out. They are NOT funny.
I don't get it. I'm so confused that I am beginning to question whether or not Global Warming is real, either.
That is just lovely. That kid's going to be fun. I'm so glad I've come back to blogger. I get to read this stuff again.
Well done young man!
My downstairs neighbor does that in front of me. So inappropriate when you're 35!!
Well really--CAN'T a man have an itch?
Valid question. I guess he's just starting early.
Very funny! I think I work with his relatives...
My nephew attends a Catholic school and when they were doing special petitions he asked the class to pray for his privates because they were hurting a little bit.
How the heck to you keep your cool in the classroom? So when does school start back up for you? We don't go back until mid-week after Labor Day in NJ, but I saw some other mom's talking about going back next week...wow! Do you at least have a bit more summer left?
Yeah lady. Enough suggestin' the bathroom.
That's the look I get shot.
Yes, a man can have an itch.
Too funny!
My kinda man. Hand him a beer - tell him it's on me.
he tells it like it is! too cute.
That's too funny! Five going on 30.
Just like a man... so cute
Yeah, seriously, Mom! Jeez, got an itch, gotta scratch...
Funny stuff!
That says a lot about his father, Im sure!
That is funny.
The first grade teacher at the school where I was teaching 6th at the time, happened to look up to see one of her little boys with his tallywacker in his fingers, rubbing it slowly up and down the arm of the little girl sitting next to him.
"It was soft." he explained.
We think he meant her arm.
I have tried to vote for you twice now and I keep getting "try again."
What's up with that?
Those kids! It's one of the little perks of teaching to come home and talk about their funny stuff at the table...
And then there was my own lovely son, who just recently when I asked "Son, do you have an itch?" responded "No, just moving my junk around.."
Dang, i didn't know my neighbor kid was in your class :-)
So thats who my grandson got it from.Hmmmm.
Bloody men!! ;0)
I see you are one follower away from 1000 - You go girl!!
Ps I love the fact that blog comments can make me say American phrases without sounding like Bridget Jones!
But why do they always itch and grab themselves I think they are checking to make sure its still there!!
So it really does start that young? I thought John was joking when he said he's been digging around those areas since birth! I love this and it completely works! You're linked! (sorry I didn't see it til tonight. The kid did not nap today, battles were waged, the hostages were finally released and she's sleeping it off in her cell.)
(BTW, congrats on Kindle! How freaking cool is that!?)
Never gets any easier, buddy.
That boy is going to go far!
Smarty pants...
You have blog blingage awaiting at my place. *scratch scratch* :)
Sounds like he was itchin' for some attention! SITS sent me over...Happy Sunday!
oh my goodness that really made me laugh - thank you !
If you've got an itch, you just HAVE to scratch it, correctamundo?
Do you share these gems with their parents?
Dang, how do people get their blogs so unique looking - I'm so bored of mine I could ...well, yawn I guess....
Some kids are born 80 years old, or at least 40.
that's the very same thing sarge always says! how funny!
smiles, bee
welcome home! ps
When does a man NOT have an itch, for crying out loud?
So great meeting you and hanging out at BlogHer, VM. Sending hugs!
Ha! They grow up so fast.
That is priceless! I read this to my men folk and even my Hubs laughed. That's really saying something!
It was so much fun meeting you at BlogHer.
At that point I would have totally lost it! That is classic
this makes me so happy -- an assured.
GFYO upon seeing McDonald's truck with GIANT FRIES on the side --
"That makes my penis get big."
Hahaha, oh my.
Your blog is so refreshing.
I love it.
Yep. They sure do. And scratch. Scratch. Scratch...In restaurants, at the store, on dates {yep. I noticed} and apparently even in kindergarten.
I could NOT have laughed harder!!!! OMG
The boy, he is honest. Sometimes you just have to scratch.
Haha, that's hysterical! I love little kids! ;)
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