
My trip toward respectable.

Dear Mother,

Adding murder to trashy romance novels does NOT make it respectable.



(Yeah, well, if adding VAMPIRE to romance equals profitable, surely mystery plus romance can equal respectable. It's the new math. )


Tom said...

I agree with your new maath. Vampires are popular today like dinosaurs were 10 years ago.

LPC said...

The vampire books are all about how he DOESN'T murder her because he's all I love you so much I will kill you if I hold you and I am one thousand years old and I love you more than life itself wait oh yeah I'm dead already blah blah blah shimmer in the sunlight. See? No murder.

flutter said...

what about murdered vampires?

Angie Ledbetter said...

Finally, some math I can get behind!

Mimi Lenox said...

Is there something in the new math that accounts for viagra doses and torrid affairs with old zombies? I suggest you add that to your novel. Bitchy would really be happen then...

mo.stoneskin said...

You're a trashy romance novel reader?

*rolls eyes*

Not that I have anything to say about that.

The Seeker said...

Bitchy is also a little Sassy.

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

I LOVE Vampire, romance series. I've been reading Lara Adrian and JEanine Frost - awesome.

Pseudo said...

So... is the romance novel a good read...

Desert Songbird said...

I don't do romance novels. I did at one time read heavily-sex-laden historical romance novels. Do those count?

Oh, and vampires? Nah, no interest here or with my 13yo, thank God. Now, Harry Potter is a different story...*grin*

♥ Braja said...

I'M BACK!!! My computer!! It's fixed!! Yes!!

OK I've calmed down now.

Well hell, it's been THREE FREAKIN' WEEKS.

And just so you know? I'm gonna copy and paste this comment and post it on all the blogs I visit....:))))

mommakin said...

It's summer - there's no snobbery in summer reading! Get over yourself, Bitchy.

Jeanne Estridge said...

Man, your kids have high standards.

How did that happen?

Rick Daley said...

Oh shit, you went there. Evoking TWILIGHT is always sure to raise a ruckus.

IF vamipres+romance=profit

THEN (vampires+glitter)*codependency=gazillionaire

Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kat said...

I blame new math for my lack of mathematical skills now. Sorry I had to rephrase that.

ToyLady said...

Oooh . . . she calls you "Mother"?


I remember when I started calling my mother "Mother."

Madge said...

i heart the new math

Unknown said...

I heart Edward. No, seriously.

For Myself said...

Lay off, Bitchy! It's summer, and she doesn't have to read Harold and the Purple Crayon for at least another month! Sheesh!

And yoohoo, VM - NINE TWENTY THREE?? Holyheck...

Jan said...

I literally howled when I saw this.

Perhaps the murderer didn't sparkle enough?

And I triple pink puffy glitter heart LPC's response. Atta girl.

Bobby G said...

Actually it 100% does!

FRANNIE said...


Now if only they could work in educational...hhhmmm

How to make respectable money without being a vampire perhaps?

Karen Harrington said...

Too funny. (Alas, I've only had one cup of coffee and can't think of any vampire jokes. Yet.)

Sandi McBride said...

Put a cat or twenty in there and you've got something!!! Hi, and thanks for coming by my place to visit! I've become a follower dear Vodka Mom...make mine a Harvey Wallbanger...with Rose's Lime...

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Tell bitchy to get her own blog. . . it's not like you were doing a book review or anything . . .can't a girl enjoy a trashy novel now and then????

Mrs. E said...

At the bookstore there is a spinner thing that I asked the manager about. She said, "Oh this is just the vampire crap." I take it she is sick of it...bookmarks, slap bracelets, etc. Enough!!!

laughingwolf said...

no sale... not remotely respectable

Anonymous said...

Of course adding "murder" makes it respectable. At least to those observing you reading it in public.

I have been immensely enjoying your blog, so I decided to give you an award for your juicy humor and fantastic wit that keeps your readers in stitches...

You are this week's winner of the Madtexter Manic Muse Award. Stop by my blog to see it.


Sandee said...

Funny how that works isn't it.

Have a terrific day and weekend. :)

Debbie said...

How right you are. I'm thinking of adding a few vampires to my blog!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

I don't get how you can have vampires who are chaste.

Sara said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure it does.

Whenever I read Nora Roberts books, I try to shield the cover from prying eyes. When there's a murder involved, however, I feel no shame for my book just got legit!

Elle said...

I like the way you think ! So far I have stayed away from adding vampires to my reading criteria.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Love your response! I love "that" kind of new math.

Carrieann said...

I can't do the romance thing. Reminds me of what I'm missing out on!

Anonymous said...

Don't tell Bitchy but sometimes breaking the rules is kinda fun...

Michel said...

I read whatever the hell I feel like. I back your choices!

Pretty hilarious though! My hubby is CONSTANTLY telling me that I need to read to LEARN, not for trash. I keep reminding him that I don't LEARN anything. Ever.

Alicia said...

hey i have nothing against a trashy romance with a little murder...makes for a good read!

Alicia said...

hey i have nothing against a trashy romance with a little murder...makes for a good read!

DKC said...

What? Those are the very best ones!! I can't believe Bitchy doesn't know that yet.

Melissa B. said...

Now, you're not one of those TWILIGHT people, are you? If so, please do a Tlight giveaway so I can win and read those durn books. That's the only way I'm gonna get to them, fo shizzle!

Joanna Jenkins said...

I was never good at math :-)

Have a great weekend.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Er, wait. You were going for "respectable?"

Bwaaahaaaahaaaa!!! Oh. That's a good one, hon. ps

Joanie said...

Are we done with vampires yet? Give me a good mystery over vampires and/or some other weird undead thing and I'm a happy camper.

Perhaps it's just me, but as much as I LOVE the night and all its unique rhythms and sounds, vampires do nothing for me. In fact, they bore the living fuck outta me.

A Woman Of No Importance said...

Thinking of emulating the Vampire Shimmering Success = $ Story, VKMom?

Go for it!

I am ashamed to say I quite liked the stories and the Vamp Romance, but it was all horribly badly written, admittedly...

AS Amber said...

I love Edward. That's all I have to say.