Jen from The spin Cycle and I met up at the airport and took the El (several colors, mind you) into Chicago. We didn't have the common sense to realize we would be lugging ALL of our luggage through terminals, up steps, down steps and through tunnels. We laughed the whole way here, and it ended up taking a cab after ALL when we ended up emerging from the underground a BIT too far from the hotel.
Before I make my way to the breakfast and conference festivities, I HAVE to say something.
When Sandi and I arrived in our rooms, she handed me two things. FIRST, she gave me an adorable picture book, "The Elephant In the Room." Being a teacher, I immediately started reading the book. She wanted me to PUT IT DOWN and open the card. (She was so excited and couldn't).
I opened the envelope, card and out popped a WAD of MONEY!!!!!!!!!
seven hundred dollars. SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS!!
She told me that this was sent to her, bit by bit, from my friends.
To all of you incredible, generous, kind hearted, incredible, wonderful people. I thank you.
I cried for twenty minutes. Just so you know.
You are truly blessed!!!! Enjoy every minute....I hope you feel like a princess all weekend!!!!
Damn, I wish I was in that room with Sandi and you. Loved the pic Amy sent me of you all....had an overwhelming urge to hug you like mad, lovely :) Can't wait til we meet.....and talk more on the phone...love to you and squeeze them girls, will ya?
Oh...and SPEND BIG :)) xoxox
btw I'm size 10 I think....and I like yoga pa...what??
Oh ok ....
more pics please too :)
This post makes me smile. You are blessed.
A hacker redirected my email and cancelled my air and hotel. No way to re-book last minute.
Enjoy BlogHer!
How beautiful! I would cry about that for years to come...
Enjoy yourself....
Have a wonderful, wonderful time!!!!
Oh, that is - that is really, really awesome, that's what that is!
-->How many bottles of vodka will that get you!
Wow, that is soooo awesome!
What a wonderful story. Amazing.
Have a fantastic time!!
Can't wait to hear all about it.
OH how Wonderful, Vodka Mom, that is awesome. So, happy for you! Have a blast and send the pictures, I want to see lots of pictures 965 in fact.
oops make that 968 of them..
Have a fabulous time!!
Hmm. Sensing the universe in action. Please spend the money at least in part to enjoy yourself. Or to sell your book...
Awww. Have a FANTASTIC time, Vodka Mom!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
What a gorgeous gesture!
Awww. That made my heart smile. You deserve it.
You see that VodkaMom...HE loves you..he just likes the way you giggle when you are happily surprised!
Enjoy BlogHer, chica!
Life really is good...
Peace - Rene
What a wonderful surprise! Enjoy your weekend.
How wonderful! Enjoy your weekend - I wish I was there to have a drink or five with ya!
That's great! You must feel abundantly loved and blessed. Neat!
What an example of the "good" in the world. If the daily news would have more stories like yours, maybe the world would be a bit happier. Thanks for sharing such a touching story. Have fun!
That's just great! So happy for you :) I won't explain about those airplanes because I'd probably screw it all up like I did when I told Katie what the butcher does. So far, I've had equal appreciative comments and "What the hell were you thinking coments?"...but I know you'd probably laugh.
I just found out you were a rock star. You never told me that?!
Although happy for you, am totally green with envy and speaking of green... I'm a size 12 (damn Braja!).
Vodka Mom, I will just take an ashtray even though I don't smoke. Cuz you biotches aren't getting my size out of me for the love of money..not going to get it.. Esp. with lil thang Braja running around and her sister Jane!
Like Braja said, spend big. ON YOURSELF! It's your weekend, enjoy it.
Every cent a wish for you to have a great time! Enjoy!
wow that is amazing!
smiles, bee
don't tell tightwad!!! ps
Try not to spend it all in the bar, mkay?
How incredibly sweet of your friends. That is awesome. I hope you have a WONDERFUL time.
Very nice, there are some great people out here, aren't there?
Nice, very nice. And even though I know you're all enjoying the bliss of Blogher I'm giving an award because I think your blog like you is wonderful. You can claim it if you like (over at the wordpress site).
You so deserve it. Have fun!x
That is so sweet. You are obviously a very generous person yourself to have such fantastic friends and followers.
Glad to hear that your plane ride went smoothly.
Have a fantastic time and share all about the event.
Oh, that is awesome!
It's your weekend have some fun!
Oh that is wonderful! You deserve to have the time of your life! Go play and have a blast!!!!
cool... stay safe :)
That is so cool, have fun with that dough! Isn't it nice when you it's obvious someone, anyone cares? And you have LOTS of anyones that care- lucky! Enjoy :-)
Splurge on a bottle of Grey Goose to stash in your purse!
Take pics in Chicago...and come back to New York!
You have some wonderfully generous friends! I've been blessed by some of the same generosity when my husband was out of work. It makes one very humble, doesn't it?
So, do you think if I whine and cry about needing plane tix to Memphis for a friend's wedding in early September, someone will help me out? *grin*
That's incredibly awesome...and yes, some photos for those of us who don't go anywhere would be nice.
That is so wonderful!!!! Yay for good friends.
Have a fabulous time - not that there is any doubt about that!
Have a blast!
Wow! Sprinkling you with even more Faerie Dust, darling VKMom, Pppfffttttt! There, you're all sparkly now! Love, Enjoy! x
I didn't know anything about it, but I do know that you deserve it. All that and more. Good things come to good people. xoxo
Have fun and treat yourself to something awesome.
How fun. Just enjoy yourself and don't tell your family about the money. Just saying.
Have a terrific day and weekend. :)
Warms the heart - doesn't it.
Have a wonderful time.
That is one of the dearest things I've ever heard! Savor.
:) Anna
I loved this story Vodka, it teared me up too. Jen told me she was having coffee with you when she emailed me yesterday. Too cool...
Have you mentioned to the powers of blogher my idea for HOnolulu next year?????
Whoa! That is amazing!!!! You are so blessed :-)
Now go have a cocktail and enjoy!
The generosity of the people here are amazing!!! You enjoy yourself!
It is such a blessing to have such a wonderful experience as you are having and much more is the blessing of having those wonderful friends that you have. Take care and have a blast!
Good things come to good people. Enjoy Chi-Town. And come by my place tomorrow. We've planned QUITE the provocative post!
Are you going to the vagina building?
Take a picture of it.
You are lucky!
Can't wait to hear about it.
How wonderful!!! Good karma and love always comes back to you.
We are all looking forward to your blogher posts. Your adventure has started with a nice bang!
so very cool of your friends! need to find me some of those...smiles. hope the rest of your trip goes just as amazing.
Holy cow -- that's soooo awesome!
Wow-that is awesome!! Glad you are having fun at Blogher!! Hope your head feels better-lol!! Stopped by from saturday share fest!
You know you are loved when people throw free money at you. Well, that did not come out right, I'm sure, but you know what I mean. You are one lucky woman. Use it well. Hugs and high fives for your big adventure.
Fantastic! Glad you are there and loaded! Can't wait to hear all about it! :)
Sweet! How can you go wrong with friends like that, heifer?
Gah! I'm crying again!
I get home, check my Reader, see over 80 updates, and head straight to your place first.
You are SO deserving of everything that came to you and completely earned the title of ROCKSTAR!
You stole a piece of my heart that day and will have it for the rest of my life.
i once had a friend bake me a birthday cake and i cried. she learned to decorate in germany and makes beautiful cakes and it was a terrible time for me and i just didn't expect anything for my birthday and when i walked into her kitchen there it was. for me. boo to the hoo.
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