
This makes me smile...

I saw this last night over at Hit 40's place. (She's a doll.) It gives me the chills and makes me smile EVERY TIME I see it.

It lifted me.

I hope it does you....


Anonymous said...

Am I really 1st??

Anonymous said...

Am I really 1st??

Sharon Rose said...

You know, I saw this a couple months ago. And when I saw it again at her sight, my heart felt like dancing!

Wouldn't it be great to see this kind of musical fun in the airports and train stations everywhere?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Have a great flight and a fun time at the convention. Party like a blog star!

Sue said...

It also really warms my heart, but then it also saddens me. What I mean by that, WHY can't life in the US be like that now. And btw, as you know, I'm on the West coast, so do you ever f-ing sleep? How's Chicago going for you, just thinking of you and now will drift off to sleep with that song in my head. But hey, at least it is a sweet song. Have fun on your trip!

Kyddryn said...

Oh, I adore these events - have you seen the one in Grand Central Station, New York, where people just...freeze...?

Knowing that so many people have such a lovely sense of whimsy just lightens my heart. Thanks for the smile!

Shade and Sweetwater,

feefifoto said...

"Whimsy" is exactly the perfect word to describe this gem. Even though it was clearly rehearsed it's completely charming. I would consider myself extremely lucky to come across something like this by accident someday in a public place.

Anonymous said...

You know, people didn't have the same appreciation when I did it - They looked at me like I was a weirdo ... I tried to convince others to join in, they ran away. Youtube fame will be saved for another day ;0)

mo.stoneskin said...

Was Mrs D. really first?

Video is fantastic.

Amy said...


Much to the embarrasment of my children, I often dance in public. Admittedly, I need to work on my choreography.

L to the O to the V-E-D this!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I would love to be in a train station when that happens. I think it is so cool and brings a smile to all. I love how they just walk away like nothing just happen. Thanks for posting and have a great trip.

LadyFi said...

Makes me want to dance!

Don't forget to leave all your worldly goods (but not the kids) to: Lady Fi.

Have a good time! (As if you need even more encouragement...)

Danya A. said...

HA! This gave me goosebumps and made me smile.
I love it.
Whenever I watch a musical (or Barney) I keep thinking, "Man, why can't this happen in real life? Why can't people sporadically burst into song and dance?"
Score, they just did :P

Vodka Logic said...

I love how they make it look like it happens every day.

Thanks for sharing


Ladybird World Mother said...

Cant see the keys... crying and smiling too much. I loved loved loved this. Thank you darling VM for showing it... oh dear, children will think someone is dead in the family, face is so wet.
Once was in Zurich airport when choir suddenly soared into song. The most incredible half hour of my life. Song after song of the most exquisite beauty, in such a back ground. Reminds me of this one.
Right, face a bit drier now.. thanks again!xxx

Gayle said...

Very moving.

mommakin said...

Two words for ya: Improv Everywhere. If you don't know them, google them and check them out. My favorite is the one in the food court (can I get a napkin?) but every one I've seen has been pretty darn amusing. So stuff like this DOES happen in the states...

Hit 40 said...

Thank you for the shout out :-)

The clip is just adorable. I am hoping to get some kids to do a mob flash this summer. Being a teacher, I have access to my own cult of band/choir students. I have the song and location picked out. Just need to text the kids now.

*Akilah Sakai* said...

It's the coolest! I saw one with a Michael Jackson routine the other day and I love how they all just walk off like it was nothing.

cheatymoon said...

I love it. Possibly made my day.

darsden said...

Yes, I love this video a friend sent it too me a while back. I always enjoy it. Then I get the song stuck in my head...so thank, thanks again for that Vodka Mom!

confused homemaker said...

great video, definitely brings a smile to my face. hope your trip is full of random breaking out in song & dance.

Scope said...

Safe flight. Relax. Chicago is a fairly friendly big city. (We want tourist to help with the tax burden! +10% sales tax?!?!)

Unknown said...

Chicago's gonna be alive! With the sound of BlogHer!

Have a great time! You truly deserve it.

Rock it,mujer de la sol!

Peace - Rene

Brian Miller said...

saw this at some point over teh last week. pretty amazing. imagine someone having a bad day only to be surprised by this. think it would be hard not to smile.

Laura said...

Thank you for the smile...& I'm blaming the tears on my pregnancy hormones. Not to mention that my 2 yr. old is staring in awe at me knowing the words (which I'm trying hoarsely to sing through the tears!)

DKC said...

That is about the coolest thing I have ever seen!!! It may be because that is one of my all time favorite movies and I have a mad love for Julie Andrews. And choreographed dance numbers.

I think I must borrow this from you via Hit40. Anything that can bring a tear of joy is worth it in my book!

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

I'm glad I saw this in the morning. It will make me smile all day.

Unknown said...

That. Is. Awesome!

His Sweetheart said...

Everytime I watch this video feels like the 1st time to me!!


Boozy Tooth said...

Those crazy New Yorkers.

Did I mention I was born and raised in NY? Hehehehe

Boozy Tooth said...

Who knew Julie Andrews was so hip and disco? Wow.

Boozy Tooth said...

Good to see Paula Deen joining in the fun.

Shirley said...

So cool! I would have loved to be there in person.

Sandee said...

It made me smile too. Thanks.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Melissa B. said...

We really need to organize something like this at DC's Union Station. Or Grand Central Station in NYC? Super Awesome...

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!

Lorraine said...

I love this. I also love the scene from "My Best Friend's Wedding" when they all break into song at the restaurant and everyone joins in. Gotta love that planned spontenaity.

Captain Dumbass said...

I love these things.

Anonymous said...

It's the first time I see it! It's so lovely! =)

Maureen at IslandRoar said...

Awesome. Thanks. Hard to click away from it...

Kathryn Magendie said...

Oh yes! I loved this! :) wish I were in the midst of it *wheeeeee!*

Angie Ledbetter said...

Hey Kat. LOL

This is the positive side of mob mentality! :)

Miz Q said...

Napwarden actually DID one of these a few weeks ago IN CHICAGO! Check it out:


She'll be at Blogher, if you see her tell her she ROCKED IT!

Samantha said...

it would be so great to be involved in something like that!

have fun on your trip!

Anonymous said...

my all time fav... wow.. thanx

travel safe

Angie said...

That is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen. I totally needed that today, thank you!!!

Fragrant Liar said...

Seen it. It is definitely fun.

More importantly, will my little face EVER appear on the top of your bloggy followers? It's so unfair.

Aren't you supposed to be in Blogherville?

Anonymous said...

I'm SUPER suprised that you don't already have this award (or maybe you do and I just didn't see it)...Any who, I've tagged you for the "honest Scrap" award...Go check out my blog to pick it up!

Joanna Jenkins said...

WOW! I've been in and out of Grand Central Station thousands of times and never once saw this while waiting for the train to/from Croton Harmon. What a glorious sight! Thanks for sharing.

justme said...

you must check out my blog and see the latest you tube vid of a wedding dance entrance, it is just as feel good !!!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I can't wipe the smile from my face even tho I've seen this before.

shrink on the couch said...

Love it.

And those lucky train travelers! What that must be like, treated to such a suprise?

Thanks for posting.

Unknown said...

That's is so cool, but please someone tell me why it made me start crying. Happened last night too when I was watching my DVR'd Army Wives...I'm NOT pregnant and it's not "that time", so I have no excuses at all....

Joanie said...

I love those videos! I've had them up on my blog too. they make me happy.

Mike said...

Why do I never have enough patience to watch a You tube video, I am soooo lazy! You are a teacher, Hit 40 is a teacher, maybe I will learn something! HAHA!

Unknown said...

I LOVE THEM ALL!!! this one definitely brought a few tears ...I'm a sap though.

Rebecca said...

that was better than a prozac the size of a soccer ball

The Rambler said...

This was awesome. I've never been disappointed with their dances.

It actually stirred up a post from me that I'm posting later on.

Grand Pooba said...

Ok, I have the urge to start dancing around my office right now.

Don't think my boss would like that.

Loved it!