
Fare Thee Well...

The family at the heart of our country's Camelot has endured its share of heartbreak. My heart goes out to Ted Kennedy's wife, children and extended family members.

This is an amazing tribute to Ted. It's worth your time.

May he rest in peace.


Sue said...

When I woke up to the news this morning, I thought what an amazing family the Kennedy's are/were. To continue to fight the good fight after everything Ted Kennedy had gone through in his life time was truly amazing. Not many like him!

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

I am too young to know JFK or Robert, so this is my Kennedy. I hope that someone picks up the baton that Ted threw down and contiues his good work.

confused homemaker said...

My prayers are with his soul & his family. He knew his time was coming, I believe.

Schmoop said...

Ted was an unabashed Liberal and I dig that.

While he could have just lived a life a luxury he instead decided to spend his life in public service.

In doing that, he could have avoided all of the criticism he endured (obvioulsy some of it self-inflicted), but he chose to take his life to the higher calling of working for health care, social justice, and being a roaring voice for the voiceless.

In spite of his personal mistakes, he was truly a hardworking statesman. This country will miss and others like him who have preceeded him death.

Cheers VM!!

Everyday Goddess said...

Let's not give up the dream.


Malisa said...

We have lost our voice of reason...our defender of the underdog...our link to families of greatness. Ted Kennedy was never afraid to speak his mind even when his words were not popular. He followed his beliefs. He led many of us in the right direction! Our country will miss him. Maybe his efforts to improve the conditions in our country carry on!


Bobby G said...

While I aprecaite all the legislation he has helped pass (Civil rights, family leave act etc.) Chappaquiddick has been heavy on my mind all day long...

Joanna Jenkins said...

I was touched by how gracious he was after his diagnosis... Truly elegant and gracious.

laughingwolf said...

his good balanced out his bad, what more could anyone want at the end?

Michelle said...

another icon down!

He was a flawed man but great nonetheless.

Brian Miller said...

caught it late last night...sad to see him pass...and i feel for the family as well, so marred by tragedy. he will be missed.

shrink on the couch said...

Tomorrow (Thurs) evening, MSNBC has a Kennedy brothers documentary put together by Chris Matthews (if I got that right). To be shown in lieu of Hardball. Should be good.

c'รจ montessori said...

Check out the blog VM I wrote about our great Teddy Kennedy as well. It was so uplifting when he went back to the Senate after that operation.

Me hates when famouses die... :(

Anonymous said...

I hope you all consider Mary Jo and her family in your thoughts and prayers today as well.

Vodka Mom said...

anonymous- absolutely. That goes without saying.

Life As I Know It said...

He will be missed...what a great man.

"The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on." RIP Ted.

Expat From Hell said...

Terribly coincidental that we lose the history-maker and the history-reporter within weeks of one another. I think this ends the era of American family dynasties. Such an example of dedication he was, in the face of such obstacles.


LegalMist said...

I hadn't watched television / read the paper since Monday afternoon, so I was taken by surprise today at lunch time when I checked the news.

Ted Kennedy had his faults and made mistakes in life, but he was always an advocate for the underprivileged in our society. He was one of the few extremely wealthy folks who understood what it might be like to be born into a family without all the privileges and wealth that he enjoyed.

May he rest in peace.

Sharon Rose said...

This is a sad day. You know, everytime I see the name Kennedy in the headlines, my heart is sad for those family members.

They have lost so many to untimely deaths.

I will go back and watch the tribute now.

*Akilah Sakai* said...

R.I.P., Mr. Ted Kennedy.

Carolyn...Online said...

Ted was diagnosed with brain cancer at almost the same time that my father in law was diagnosed with brain cancer. We lost my fil over a year ago. I can't help but be glad the Kennedy's had this much time with him.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Well said, my friend, well said. . .

Lynn said...

I can just imaging the happy reunion going on on the Other Side right now.

justmakingourway said...

Very sad. He was not perfect, but may he rest well.

Beth said...

A sweet tribute. I was sad to hear about his passing.

Mary Jo Kopechne said...

Yeah, whatever.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I hadn't seen that. It was a very nice tribute. Thanks for sharing.

mommakin said...

Thank you for sharing this tribute. A sad day indeed.

Melissa B. said...

Truly The Lion of the Senate. And of our hearts. My tribute to Teddy's posted today...

Christine said...

Thanks for linking that. AN end of an era indeed.

Debbie said...

That family has shouldered so much tragedy. I feel for them.

Pseudo said...

I've been so busy at work I missed this on the news... Am catching up with reading the news.

He will be so missed.

PictureGirl said...

I do believe that the Kennedy family is the closest thing to royalty the USA has ever had.

They definitely were from a 'Golden Age' and will be missed greatly.

Irish Chick Soup said...

I'm not that well informed about him, but it's sad to hear that anyone's life has come to an end.

Ann Harrison said...

I'm so glad I found your blog today.

Ted Kennedy's passing just brings on a train of thought of all his family has done for their country. What an incredible family. It's just so sad.

Love your post.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I am sorry he passed. He came from an interesting family.

Alan Burnett said...

Thanks for giving us the video link I think I would have missed it if you hadn't pointed me towards it. What little I knew about Ted Kennedy always led me to believe that he was a "nice man" where that phrase has its true meaning rather than the one it has taken on by constant overuse.

cheatymoon said...

Thank you for the video link, VM. A very very sad day to lose him. I loved how he worked so close to the end.

buffalodick said...

Change his last name to Smith, and nobody ever would have known him.. R.I.P., as I honor many dead people that weren't famous..

The Good Cook said...

Thanks for the links - I watched all of them. What an amazing family.. touched by true tragedy but stilled worked tirelessly for the public good.

Some would criticize the man - but who among us could live in the public eye?

Fragrant Liar said...

R.I.P., Teddy. I'll miss you.