
He did NOT say what I THINK he said. Did he?

A woman drove her missing husband’s F150 Ford pickup truck through a local health club today in Smith, Oregon, brutally killing a young, hot trainer at the desk.

It was later determined that said trainer had inadvertently asked the woman if she had grandkids.

There are no real leads in the case because many of the older women at the club at the time are claiming “amnesia”. However, detectives noted a faint scent of VODKA at the scene.

(He totally deserved it.)


The Rambler said...

Grandkids? Was he mad?

Yeah...he did deserve it.

TMCPhoto said...

My Mom is 19 years older than I am so you can imagine how pissed she was when we got into an elevator when I was about 13 and some guy asked my sister and I if we were having fun with Grandma.

c'è montessori said...

I think we can all agree that there are multiple victims here... no one saw anything...

grandkids... the fool!

Sandee said...

You go girl. It was justifiable homicide plain and simple. No jury would convict you. Let's have another martini shall we.

Have a terrific day. :)

Paige Lacey said...

I'll say he deserved it! Has he lost his mind? Next thing you know, he'll be asking perfect strangers, "So when's your baby due?" What a turkey!

Teacher Mommy said...

Um...was the truck missing or the husband? Cuz it looks like we could be looking at a double homicide. Though, if the husband had recently said something about hip size or saggy boobs or said he was starting to understand why some women get plastic surgery, there's no sane jury that would ever convict the woman.

At least not if the jury was made up of women and men who want to keep their wives.

Brian Miller said...

ha. rich. the question is did she back over him on her way back out?

Unknown said...

well there you go, you can't fix stupid...

Peace - Rene

Unknown said...


But did you hear about the guy that walked into LA Fitness, turned off the lights and started shooting?!?! I thought you were talking about that for a second!

Okay, I'm glad yours is just a joke! :)

Sprite's Keeper said...

No jury in the world would convict her. :-)

*Akilah Sakai* said...


Get that woman's autograph!

Rick Daley said...

That's right up there with this bit of advice from Dave Barry:

"Never ask a woman if she is pregnant unless you actually can see a bay emerging from her at that moment."

At least I think that was Dave Barry...

Jan said...

I hope she backed up and ran over him AGAIN just to make sure he was really, REALLY dead.

He did totally deserve it.

SkylersDad said...

Things that I have learned in my 52 years:

Under no circumstances ever insinuate a women is pregnant until you can see the baby emerging from her womb.

Under no circumstances ask any women if they have kids/grandkids/are related in anyway to somebody else.

Everyday Goddess said...


But I'm sure that there are some 32 year old grannies.

Irish Gumbo said...

When in any doubt, say nothing...trainer would still be alive if she had time to learn somethin'...

(bonus points if you can tell me what movie I paraphrased from) :)

That Janie Girl said...

Oh, girl.

The trouble is, I can SO see you doing this.

An Unlikely Retirement said...

He must be totally blind, because if he could really see this woman, he would have just asked her out.

Apparently, HIS mother never taught him any manners at all. She should be found and sternly lectured.

Anonymous said...


Well thank god they all suffered amnesia!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Sounds rational to me.

CJ said...

He he he! Serves him right I guess!

Sharon Rose said...

Evidently, he didn't get much learning or trainin' from home about how to treat older women now did he? Hmmmmm......reckon when he comes back in his next life, he'll be a southern gentleman or will he be punished and be a wrinkly old lady? LOL

darsden said...

I didn't see anything either..LOL but I sure did enjoy the drinks ;-)

Anonymous said...

THAT, is justifiable homicide. As long as the judge is a woman.

In similar news, a Pennsylvania police officer was injured after asking a woman "is that your daughter?" - referring to her girlfriend. He tried to defend himself by saying the girlfriend looked 14, but it didn't help the situation. Detectives are still searching for the (beautiful) 30 year old woman.

Lynn said...

Fackin' BRAT!

Sara said...


The Mother said...

Those guys with the muscles are missing the important one in their heads.

Quinn said...

By "hot" I believe you mean "stupid"?

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

ewww! the nerve of that guy. i'm starting to look like a grandma, but i certainly don't want anyone saying anything. geez.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

The nerve of some people. Didn't their mothers ever teach them to keep their comments to themselves? "If you don't have anything nice to say..."

The Girl Next Door said...

Oh Yeah "Justifiable" written all over it. And lest you think it's gender-specific: my bro-in-law gets VERY angry when people ask him about his "grand" daughter. He's 62 she's 12.

Frogs in my formula said...

Shit, I hope that wasn't my hot young trainer.

Cora said...

That's like asking a woman if she's pregnant. You just DON'T do it!!

Ron said...

He should've carded you

Unknown said...

I clicked on your ads today

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I hope you helped the poor lady escape, because I KNOW that it wasn't YOU he was talking to!

The Mind of a Mom said...

And the story continued on to read...
The judge released the woman as she had been punished enough! LoL

Irish Chick Soup said...


Meanwhile, I'm pissed off because I got carded for an R rated movie (I'm 19) and my NIECE, who I brought with me, did not.


flutter said...

grandkids. douche.

Sultan said...

Politeness kills!

Adiba Nelson, Author/Blogger/Mom said...

LMAO to ALLLLLLL your posts....you are totally a mom after my own heart! I too am a huge fan of the martini and FINALLY(!!!) 3 months after my daughter stole my martini taste buds - they are back! HALLELUJAH!!

I am now a loyal vodka mom follower!

Kevin McKeever said...

I thought vodka was odorless. Must have been one of those fancy fruity types.

confused homemaker said...

Well it does seem justified, kinda like the twinkie defense.

Scope said...

I just went to my high school reunion, and one of my classmates was talking about her 3 grand child that had just been born that week.

Oh, and congrats on 1008!

Keyona said...

I totally trust your judgement! LOL!

Unknown said...

If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

b. luis grey said...

A lady from some island country came home and asked her son if he's seen the new trucks Ford brought out into the market.
Son asks what it's called.
Mom says it's called a Ford FIZO.

KC said...

I AM a Grandma and would still be pissed if someone asked me if I had grandkids. No jury in the world will convict....

Diane J. said...

Yep, that's exactly why I love my truck. Those F-150's bring out the building runner in us all. I contemplated it once, but we were still making payments on it so I figured it wouldn't be wise. It's been paid off for some time now and the service engine light just came on...hee, hee, hee...you've just given me an idea on how to service the engine.

If I get jury duty, I will not be convicting =)

Have a great day!

tkrbl said...

I went to visit my husband in the hospital the other day (he's fine). When my friend (who is the same age as me) and I arrived we had just missed him as he was wheeled away for surgery. After his stint in recovery he arrived back in his room before us and his nurse told him that just after he was wheeled away for surgery his wife and DAUGHTER had come by looking for him.

Now my friend and I are fighting over which one she thought was the wife and which one she thought was the daughter. That nurse just ruined a great friendship.

Diane said...

A 'few' years ago I was at the baby pool with my 6 mo. old daughter. Another 'less mature' mom commented to me how sweet it was that I brought my granddaughter to the pool. I think the sun got to her.

SSP said...

was he related to the woman who asked me how far along I was at the gym a few years ago...I said...not pregnant, just fat, but thanks for thinking about it in a positive light....