
I know you don't mean it when you call me a *@$#*

Dear Sassy,

Remember on Sunday when we were in the kitchen, and you made me laugh so hard when I was seriously trying to learn the top ten tricks anorexics use to lose weight?

You took out a shot glass and were going to give me a shot of hot sauce…remember how we both laughed so hard we almost peed our pants? Each time we looked at each other we laughed and laughed and laughed.

That brief shining moment reminded me of what an incredible gift you are. And even when you scream at me at the top of your lungs, and SAY you hate me more than anything else in the world, I know deep down in my heart… that you don’t.

Thanks for the reminder.

(I am spending time with my kids at the Smithfield County Fair; no internet, and lots of colorful folks. )


LPC said...

It's possible that she means it, at the same time she means that she loves you way too much. Someone said that the ability to believe two conflicting things was a sign of great intelligence:).

LPC said...

BTW you are over 1000 Google Followers! Party time!

darsden said...

woohoo over 1000 up to 1004 look at lil ole you ... you geaux girl! This is hilarious.. but what I really need to know is does it work I could use a lil help ... Enjoy your time!

Mrs. E said...

Ah the joys of having daughters!! Laughing one moment, screaming at you the next, and then oh, so loving!

Top 10 things anorexic do?! You kill me! :) Isn't losing weight a b*$&#!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

The best part of this post? --> "I am spending time with my kids "

Go have fun. And pet a goat for me.

Irish Chick Soup said...

That's sweet. You guys really do seem to have a strong relationship.

Congrats on hitting 1000. You deserve it.

Expat From Hell said...

Every time I come over here, I think, "so THIS is how you write a blog!" As always, terrific stuff.

I will be back again.


Expat From Hell said...

Every time I come over here, I think, "so THIS is how you write a blog!" As always, terrific stuff.

I will be back again.


Desert Songbird said...

Yeah, the surly side of my teen daughter is starting to emerge. I'm gonna have to bitch slap that one away NOW.

Have fun at the fair!

Unknown said...

Oh, you two really do love each other.

Enjoy the fair, eat the corn on the cob, and ride broken down rides till you puke!

LegalMist said...

Aaaaw, how sweet! And so true. They are like joyous angels one moment, and then.... ay yi yi.

We can only hope that in ten years all of us will remember the good times and forget (or at least be able to laugh about) the screaming matches!

Jan said...

A shot of hot sauce? Can I, like, baste it all over some deep fried chicken wings first?


Vodka Mom said...

and to you ALL 1,000 followers, I thank you. From the BOTTOM of my HEART.

And I am buying shots. Shots of HOT SAUCE for EVERYONE!!!!!!


Sandee said...

She loves you, but she's a teenager and they know absolutely everything. They figure out how little they know after they move out. Been there, done that.

Have a great time at the fair honey. Big hug. :)

Sultan said...

It is a fine thing to be close to your daughter.

That pain bottle is making me crave hot sauce!

Sue said...

Those are the best of all moments. It makes you forget all the crappy things kids at that age sometimes can do or say. But, deep down inside they really love us, I know that for a fact!! Take care.

Dee said...

I sure have missed reading your blog. You really hit the nail on the head with these posts.

Hot sauce really does work!

SweetPeaSurry said...

Awww it all just comes flooding back doesn't it? The love, the wee child memories so sweet.

blessings dahlink!

Joanie said...

WOO HOO!!!!! 1004 FOLLOWERS!!!

WTG girlfriend! Now call that fellow you talked to at the writers seminar you went to in NYC and tell him you're ready to talk.

confused homemaker said...

I regret every time I ever said something like that to my mother, she will too. Before you know it though there will be more laughing & less yelling;

Congrats on having over a 1000, busy lady;)

*Akilah Sakai* said...

It's a good thing you can revert to that memory, Vodka Babe.

I never yelled at my mom, but whispered things under my breath and I even felt bad about the whispering.

I hope my kids never yell at me. I'd hate to have to ship them off. ;)

Lynn said...

Don't worry about the girl.
You two will be besties one day!
Trust me on this one.

Kathy B! said...

Have fun at the fair with Sassy! Enjoy all the colorful folk -- and steer clear of the hot sauce!

Anonymous said...

How nice it would be if a few more of those followers would leave comments.. COME ON FOLLOWERS!! Give this poor woman some comments, okay?? Pretty please.

The Blue Ridge Gal

DKC said...

I love having those moments with my parents. I look forward to having them with my kids someday!

cheatymoon said...

Congrats on getting over 1000 loyal readers. Well deserved. And have some fun w/ your kids while you're unplugged. xxoo

Unknown said...

Thinking of going anorexic, huh? You'd probably only have to do it for a couple of months. Let me know when you get it figured out.

Paige Lacey said...

That's sweet! I especially love it when they follow the expletive with "but I love you."

Sprite's Keeper said...

I'm going to call my mom now and apologize for every time I screamed that at her. And remind myself of what good friends we are now. I will also put this post aside for the future when Sprite yells the same thing at me so I can give her a shot of hot sauce.
Many kisses!

Cora said...

A shot glass of hot sauce?! I'd rather be pudgy!!

Captain Dumbass said...

Something to look forward too.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I love this post!

Brian Miller said...

and i am sure she means it. lol. have a great time with the kids! congrats on 1000! woo hoo!

Michele said...

Oh Darlin' ***shakes her head slowly*** These teenagers will say one thing than go psycho on you.

Thank god they turn 20.

Keyona said...

I think the universal teenage language is shouting. It all means the same thing. They love us so much it makes them want to scream.

Pseudo said...

Next time Teen Boy acts up with me I am sending him over to get locked in a room with Sassy and Bitchy. They'll take care of him for me.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I look forward to almost peeing my pants with my own sassy daughter someday...

Heidi said...

So, what are the other tricks anorexics use?
I heard those "I hate you" words just the other morning. I heard "I love you" more though. Guess I'm lucky too.

Paige said...

Some day she will know it too. Just wait

Polka Dot Moon said...

Something to look forward to with my wee one!

Maureen at IslandRoar said...

Ah, the joy of having daughters...
I think they need to be so hard on us as a way to separate, or at least, that's what I tell myself to survive.

Mrs4444 said...

You're a good mommy.... :)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Hot sauce is an anorexic's diet? Seriously???

So sweet...enjoy your trip to the fair. PS..buy me something!!! (That's what I used to say when I was a kid!)

Scope said...

Pain is good.

I mean that hot sauce. Makes a great coating on chicken.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Shinning moment thank god they exist.

Aria said...

It's those moments that keep us from going all Susan Smith on 'em, isn't it?

PippaD said...

One day, many years from now, you will be sitting in your rocker gently muttering to yourself "Hot sauce! and all those around you will smile and nod knowingly not having a clue what you are going on about!

LORI said...


Beth said...

Anorexics drink shots of hot sauce?! Who knew?

Have fun whilst going through the internet withdrawals.

Irish Gumbo said...

A toast to you, Ms. Vodka Mom! Good times, good times...and amazing that you have over 1000 followers! Slainte!

WeaselMomma said...

Kids certainly have a funny way of communicating their affections.

Liz Mays said...

The fair brings out the colorful folks FOR SURE!

c'è montessori said...

hahahah, well I think deep intricate relationships that are actually healthy do have that little element of release along with all the love. I mean vodkamom you do call her sassy so maybe its both ways. Its healthy though I declare it so!

Scary Mommy said...

Can I be your sister wife? I wanna live with you guys. Please?

Bobby G said...

Teenage daughters...Uggghhhhhh. As Seinfeld would say, HAVE FUN W ALL THAT

Unknown said...

Daughters... enough said.

Congrats on over 1,000!!

P.S. Pls tell Lori not to SHOUT!

Hit 40 said...

Congrats on 1000!!! Very cool

I thought only porn blogs could top 1,000!!! Great work.

Real Live Lesbian said...

::going out to buy hot sauce::

Anonymous said...

The problem being that those small moments of niceties give permission for a hell of a lot more screaming! ;0)

Boozy Tooth said...

Sooo... it's hot sauce, is it? And I wasted all that time and money on fricken Weight Watchers.


buffalodick said...

Kids, after they grow up usually appreciate and like their parents more. From the get-go as parents, we will never stop loving them.

Carolyn...Online said...

Ok tried the shot of hot sauce. I think it's working! I did have to cool my mouth off with a pint of ice cream but other than that...

Trooper Thorn said...

If she doesn't really mean it, you obviously haven't worked hard enough to ruin her life. I'll send you a pamphlet from the last parents meeting with some good tips on Life Ruining for Teens.

Diane J. said...

As many have noticed, WOW! Over a thousand followers...congrats!

Anonymous said...

I'm no teen anymore but I sure do give my poor mom headaches! :X

the mama bird diaries said...

Thank god for those moments. Seriously.

The Nice One said...

It's a relief to know that it's not all bad.

laughingwolf said...

yeah, they love ye, deep down

only my older daughter ever yelled she hated me, son and younger, never

Counselormama said...

Every summer I wonder when the neighbors are going to get tired of hearing me yell all the time...but yesterday I heard my neighbor argue with her teenage son, I thought, dear God, what did I sign up for???

Samantha said...

my mother and I had a huge dislike for each other the first 16 years of my life. Now we are best friends! We always say the past sucked but it is totally worth the relationship we have now.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Yep, she really does love you :-)
Happy vacation!