
Hide and Seek

I'm not here, cause I'm over here today. I'm just sayin'.


Ladybird World Mother said...

I love that post. xx

SkylersDad said...

Beautiful, I loved this!

Formerly known as Frau said...

if you have a minute visit my blog a have an award for you. Thanks

Lorraine said...

I'll be sharing that with the staff at my school. Wonderfully written!

Vodka Logic said...

I wish some of my daughters teachers had read that essay.

Well done

Brian Miller said...

loved it. hope your having a marvelous day!

Sprite's Keeper said...

I went. I read. Tears may have been shed.

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

That's terrific!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

Great article! Hope a lot of people come across it.

Lynn said...

Starting again, huh?
Loved your mama admonition.
Have a great year and I hope your class is good.

mo.stoneskin said...

I don't believe you.

Cajoh said...

Excellent Post. Nice to hear words of encouragement from a parent to their teachers to start off a new school year.

justmakingourway said...

Love that so much.

Anonymous said...

Loved that post!! I wish ALL teachers would read this and FEEL what is in it! Most of my sons teachers were great, but it was hard on us having to have a "special" talk each year with a new teacher because we had some special home circumstances. Same school system for 12 years and same speech almost each year! I just wanted to send him to school with an "About my son" essay.
Thanks for caring about the children you teach.

Everyday Goddess said...

I love love love that post!

Anne said...

I linked you on my blog...also I am making copies of the post and putting it into the staff room. Way to go...right now I am all, 'oohhh, they are all adorable...but by October I may forget that they are precious individuals... and that is too important to forget.


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