
Just be MEAN or something, would ya????

Dear Bitchy,

Can’t you and Sassy have a huge fight again? Can’t one of you try to strangle the other to death on the living room floor with the dogs barking and your brother crying?

Can’t you treat your brother like crap, throw something at him and make him cry like you used to?

And why don’t you scream at me and call me a f***%*# b*&@^# like the good old days? Sigh. Is that too much to ask?

When I opened your top drawer today to help you pack (I was NOT snooping) and I found that folder STUFFED FULL of all my columns, blog posts and articles? It made me cry. Again.

You do love me.

And now I have to send you off to college with that knowledge deep inside my heart.

It was MUCH easier when I thought you hated me.



Deb said...

-->That is so sweet. What will Bitchy's new name be if she keeps this up?


linlah said...

My boy kept every card, letter and note I ever gave him. You never know until you help them pack.

Anonymous said...

I hope she knows how much you love her too.

An Open Heart said...


Adiba Nelson, Author/Blogger/Mom said...

what if she told you she was taking the folder with her to college to use at the freshman homecoming bonfire...would that take off some that "love weight"?

JUST KIDDING! Your girl loves you....you have just been secretly hero-worshipped....bask in it...and remind her of it next time she screams out "I HATE YOU!"

Laura Marchant said...

This is cute!

Sue said...

Sometimes our kids really surprise us, don't they. Even to the point of tears! You did good with Bitchy, you should be very proud!

Anonymous said...

She knows...
You know...
you guys love each other. ;)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Awwwww.. there IS a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's NOT a train. This is dear.

Diane J. said...

Wonderful! See what an awesome mom you are?

Rick Daley said...

She could just be gathering evidence for a lawsuit.

Vodka Logic said...

What a surprise kids continue to be... you have obviously done a good job.


Amy said...

Damn kids. They ruin everything. *sniffle*

Ron said...

I am and I am not looking forward to that day when they go.

Today, I am looking forward to it... they are driving me crazy. I'd like to stuff them in a drawer.

Unknown said...

Damn kids! Damn beautiful, can't live without them kids....why do they have to go and grow up?

Peace - Rene

Anonymous said...

Emptying the nest is so hard! My heart goes out to you! I'm not sure what I'm going to do when my son decides to move on. We want them to have wings, but wings can take them far away. The prayer is they will remember where they started out! I wish they could stay little forever!!!

Unknown said...

*tear* It is odd how college tends to improve the parent - child relationship. I recall that when I went to college my dad and I suddenly started getting along a lot better. Now I can't go the week without calling to talk to him.

Everyday Goddess said...

I am so glad she realizes her mother's talent!

Not like that ingrate, Christopher Robbin. He hated his dad for writing (immortalizing!) him!

Last Place Finisher said...

Love the new look. (Or maybe I've been gone so long, the look isn't new.)

mommakin said...

Oh man, you are on such a sweet sentimental roll.... Loving it.

darsden said...

Oh man, that would make anybody tear up.. but have to say I love Rick's point of view..LOL

IT also tells me...YOU never found out what they did while you were gone..cuz now they are team mates...yepper, no fighting ..team mates for life with secrets..

Now don't you feel better :-))

confused homemaker said...

One day she'll look at those columns and posts the way you do your mother's letters with the same love. That's a gift.

Char said...

AWE...how sweet. And then, poof,
they're all grown up and gone.

Crys said...

Maybe she printed those out to remind herself why she should sometimes be angry at you and sometimes be thankful for you. :)

*Akilah Sakai* said...

That folder was a schweet find! You're gonna clear the Kleenex shelf at your supermarket if they keep this up.

Lori P said...

Ooh. My heart goes out to you. I'll be in your shoes in another year. It's not going to be pretty. :)

Anonymous said...

That is SO sweet that she saves your work.... SEE, she's PROUD of you. And you thought all these years that you embarrassed her!

BTW, my email is now attached to my handle. Or whatever you said that one time. :-)

La Pixie said...

awww, this was really sweet. and so true, too.

p.s. I love your letters to Bitchy.

Brian Miller said...

it can be heart wrenching to watch them grow up...especially letting go...hang in there. smiles.

SkylersDad said...

Sigh, good luck with letting her go.

*Lissa* said...

Aw, she hearts you!

cheatymoon said...

I know you'll miss her. She'll be good.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh honey, that is so sweet-- she saves your posts. I love that.

Susan said...

May those columns and blog posts serve to remind her of your great power. She better love you right - because it will be immortalized either way!

Mrs. E said...

I can hear it now--
Bitchy-"I hate you!"
VM- "No you don't! You clip me! I've been clipped!! You love me."

That ought to get her going!

Anonymous said...

This gives me hope - that one day my teenager will give up the right to the names that I call him.

But does it have to be while you're sending her off to college?? See... she has no consideration for you.

justmakingourway said...

That's just awesome.

Mike said...

It would be so great if we were like the animal kingdom, raise them to a certain age and then say, see ya! LOL!

the mama bird diaries said...

Oh that is sweet. Sigh..

Captain Dumbass said...

Don't worry, Sassy will fill the gap.

Michele said...

There comes a time when the kids stop thinking you're a raving b(*&h. Then you become that strange woman that lives in their old place. Eventually, you are the person they want as a friend because they can borrow money from you.

Ahhhhh....probably not what you were looking for. Sorry. I'm sure Bitchy is just the sweetest thing and none of the above is going to come true.

anymommy said...

She had a folder of your writing in her drawer? That is the sweetest thing ever. I love her.

Zip n Tizzy said...

And I know that when she writes you, she won't be saying "That sister of yours is terrible and not worth wasting your breath on."

The amazing thing about the families we create is that we can correct little things through the generations, should we choose to.

Your mother did well, and so did you.

Maggie May said...

Oh my gosh that really got to me.

LiteralDan said...

Would it make you feel better if I told you she told ME that she planned this all as an elaborate scheme to manipulate you?

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow!! Hold on I need a tissue! So there is hope that my teen could turn into a loving daughter some day!! Yeah!

Michel said...

Maybe she is just using them to blackmail you into giving her money for beer at school? That would be bitchy??

Or, we could just start calling her Sniffley - no wait, that's you. We'll call her sweetie!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

She could just be keeping them to write a book about you some day, so she becomes rich! Just trying to help.

Bitchy's growing up. I might cry.

Unknown said...

Sounds like the love/hate relationship you two have is weighing more towards the love side; isn't that grand?

IB said...

Damn kids, just when you think you have them figured out they go and find a new way to make you cry.


Ann Imig said...

Why does life have to keep motoring past us, parents?

Did you notice the parallel? You holding your postcards, your daughter holding your "letters"??


WeaselMomma said...

You give me hope that my teens may actually turn around some day.

buffalodick said...

One stage ends, another begins...

Anonymous said...

The best is when they start apologizing for things they did when growing up. That really throws you for a loop! Sue's stalker Mother :)

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Don't worry...she'll return to her former self when she comes home for a visit...one taste of freedom, and when you make a request of her after her arrival back at home, and she'll get all huffy and indignant, like before!

Banteringblonde said...

lol love comes in all forms .. I can't imagine college it seems so far away for me but I feel sad already :(

Sharon Rose said...

This is an eye watering post! Either I am very sensitive or the whole finding a stack of your posts has just hit that soft spot.

This is a treasure! Wow, you may be in tears for a while if this kind of thing keeps up!

Ain't love grand?

Joanie said...

but, you're lovable.