
It's a dog eat dog world out there...

We were playing a little game today on the first day of school.

It was called “That’s Me!” and we had to go to the center of the circle if the statement matched something about you.

When I said, “Whoever has a dog”, my little Frank shouted out…

“I USED to have a dog. But it passed out. Now I just have a cat.”

Friends - my address book was hacked and jacked. If you receive an email (or a billion) about photos - DO NOT OPEN IT.
I apologize for the inconvenience. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.


Vaquerogirl said...

GAH! I did open it! Mikey was hacked too! Does it take your address book?

Mrs. C. said...

Yup, fish on. I opened it too. So far no virus, but it will probably spam everyone I know. They will most likely be wiser than me...

Boozy Tooth said...

My dog passes out all the time! Or, is that me...

Boozy Tooth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PurestGreen said...

I opened it too. Dammit. I should have known better. Nothing has happened yet, but I expect my email list is also getting spammed? Sigh.

Sara said...

Aww, I hate when animals pass out!

Unknown said...

I received 12 from you from WE GAME and I thought that to be a little strange ( and not like you)...so I google'd it and yup. something was indeed fishy!

Peace - Rene

blognut said...

I opened it - but when I saw it was asking for passwords and such, I closed it and ran screaming from the room.

SkylersDad said...

Regarding your post title, Norm from Cheers responded "And I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear!"

Unknown said...

I wish MY dog would pass out ;) I'm so excited school is back in to hear more great stories. How exciting for you to have completely fresh material now. By the way, are you feeling any better?

Brian Miller said...

so thats what happens when you pass out...regretting some college decisions now.

i deleted it. thank goodness. sorry that happened to you. between that and spam comments...i wish the dog would eat their world.

Kyddryn said...

I only got four spams from you...and gee whiz, I really wanted to see the picture you were so desperate to show me...but it wanted my aol screen name and password, and I got all flustered and muddled them up and...well...now I'm sad because I bet all the cool kids got to see your amazing, world changing picture and I'm left out here in the cold. Waaahhh...

Shade and Sweetwater,

Vodka Logic said...

How cute, a whole new year of K-isms, cant wait


Suzy said...

I wish my parents had told me my pets had "passed out" because now I wouldn't HATE THEM SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME THEY WENT TO A FARM.

Mango Girl said...

Our dog passed out well over a year ago. We have 3 cats and a rabbit (we had 3 rabbits; the other 2 didn't pass out, we passed them out...as in we gave them away).

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

His dog must've been tipping the bottle a bit hard in order to pass out.

I also got a spam email from you. I opened it but I'm not sure where it went from there. Hopefully, my address book is safe.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Gee, I hope my dog doesn't pass out too.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Great story. I wonder how old the kids will be before he figures out what really happened to his dog :-)

Sorry about being hacked.

Unknown said...

I love how kids get phrases like that messed up!

Sorry bout your email I do hope it gets fixed soon!

WeaselMomma said...

A. What had the dog been drinking? Maybe all he needed was a little hair of the dog.
B. I opened it.
3. I didn't put in any password or info, so I should be okay.
D. Maybe I am just wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

And here I just thought you really liked me and wanted to send me lots of pics. Damn.

flutter said...

Uh oh, I pass out with some frequency....

Thumbelina said...

Thanks VM for the heads up. I got 'em, several times, and bounced them. Hope you get your email sorted.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Some days I wonder if I've passed out too.

Unknown said...

I got it 3x. It looked kind of shady, so I was going to ask you if it was legit 1st.

merlotmom said...

Frick. I opened it. And I"m too memory challenged to remember whether I gave my freaking password or not? Ugh.

Anonymous said...

"not i" cried manker the b&b dog

gp and manker dog

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I opened it. Shit... I do believe I thought it was legit but that's because I'm such an innocent soul.

blinking eyes prettily...

Anonymous said...

God, I hate when my dog passes out:)

Rima said...

When my time comes, I hope I pass out peacefully . . .

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Oh if only it was like that... My neighors are finding out what they need to do about their wonderful and not-very-old dog's cancer tomorrow. It's looking like she may have to just "pass out". My heart goes out to them since they are young and this dog is like their first born. And she really is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met (and I'm not a dog person...)

This is what happens when I read blogs late night after dinking...

Your kids are hilarious as usual. But I also think they see things in the preferable way...I'd rather think that my dog just passed out...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Oh if only it was like that... My neighors are finding out what they need to do about their wonderful and not-very-old dog's cancer tomorrow. It's looking like she may have to just "pass out". My heart goes out to them since they are young and this dog is like their first born. And she really is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met (and I'm not a dog person...)

This is what happens when I read blogs late night after dinking...

Your kids are hilarious as usual. But I also think they see things in the preferable way...I'd rather think that my dog just passed out...

Laura Marchant said...

I got that! I clicked on the link but didn't sign up. What's going to happen to me? lol

Bethany said...

LOL, that's awesome!! I love kidisms :)

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