Boys and girls, we have to be very careful about germs when we are in school. It’s important to wash our hands, stay clean, and keep our fingers OUT of our mouths.
“Mrs. Smith,
I had a germ once. I had a germ and it was in my THROAT! It kind of tasted like, well, like MULCH!”
Possibly grow up to be a health food nut :)
I guess that begs the question - how do you know what mulch tastes like my dear?
Art Linkletter was right, "Kids say the darnest things"
I wonder if he knows what bugs tastes like also?
I'm sure he knows that Playdough has a slightly salty taste.
ummmm, or so I've heard.
LOL!!! Y'know, I love when kiddos say things that are clear outta left field. It just makes me grin!
My baby would probably eat bark, but at the moment she has an appetite for stones. And it has to be said, Playdough is very tasty.
Mulch--it's better than Glow Light liquid, any day.
I'll bet he has an affinity for dog biscuits - a real connoisseur, that kiddo.
LOL...yay one more thing I love about school being back in session your student/teacher conversations!
We were born omnivores.. and a certain amount of exposure to germs keeps our immune systems working better! You just gave me a great idea for a new post!
I wonder if that child has been in my yard? All of our mulch keeps disappearing.
we just mulched this weekend...this morning Logan said "that mulch sure doesn't smell polite."
Okay so I see tomorrow's lesson is not putting wood shavings in your mouth either! LoL
Mmmm.... fiber.
And my only follow-up question would be... and we know what mulch tastes like because...?
mulch? haha!
Now that is funny! And of course I voted for you!!!
I mean, in all fairness, who hasn't eaten a little dirt. Right?
Just me?
I know all about mulch in the throat. Comes the morning after one too many margaritas in the throat.
Mulch is great with honey!
oooh. Guess his mom's not SUCH a great cook.
Too funny! So glad school is back I love this part of your blog.
So? Mulch is bad for me, then?
Crap! I brought it for lunch.
thats what I always say after a meal at my sisters house..taste like mulch!
I bet he is the kid that eats all of your paste, am I right?
Well, how else would you describe mom's cooking?
probably will be a vegetarian...LOL oh I have to run from Braja...
Mulch? Haaa!
Be cautious if that kid ever brings in brownies.
Mmm, fibre.
I ate so much grass and dirt when I was a kid, I have grasshopper legs and chirp when I walk.
I had mulch and eggs this morning.
If only they would stay that cute and innocent. Wait 'til you hear what one of my (high school)students said and did today (post coming soon)...
Excellent lesson on fingers in mouths. Could you please create a lesson plan revolving around keeping fingers out of noses. It is urgently needed for my three year old. And my husband.
That must have been one humongous germ!
I've always wondered what germs taste like.
throat mulching sounds like an actual treatment to deter the widespread growth of germs...doesn't it?
Did any parent insist that their child sing the Happy Birthday song while washing hands?..and so the other kids gotta join in, of course...have you ever heard a bathroom full of kindergarteners singing the Happy Birthday song at the top of their lungs ( Cha-Cha-Cha version) at different rates?
Yeah, I have a noise headache...
Peace - Rene
Maybe he ate mulch...
Hello, flu season. Pica, anyone?
Remember Euell Gibbons? LOL
Unfortunately, I've had kids eat mulch before. And grass. They were playing some sick little daring game.
I won when I told them about the dog who peed out there.
Wait. We don't eat bark?
Mmmmm, mulch!
So happy you are back in school with the hilarious kids in your class!
Ah, yes, bark. What about boogers, can we eat our boogers? Yep I'm learning ....
i didn't have Mulch in my vocabulary until last summer... boys a genius!
What kid knows the word mulch? Impressive.
Hehe, I love it!
A mother sent her 5 year old boy to the bathroom with strict orders to wash his hands. The boy wandered into the ladies locker room by mistake, and there were 7 or 8 women in various stages of nakedness (finishing swimming lessons). Most of them screamed as they scrambled to cover themselves up, and the kid asked "What's the matter, haven't you ever seen a little boy before?"
LOL. You're definitely taking me on a roller coaster ride of emotions here. I am perusing, catching up, after all, I plan to keep coming back so I must know more right now. And it's so past my bedtime.
Well, let me quit here and say you seem like an amazing woman, full of strength and sass. I'm glad I came across your space here!!!
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