Dear Sassy,
The call I received last week at lunchtime shook me to the core. You were on the bus on your way to the game, and you filled me in.
Your voice was shaky, full of terror as you tried in one minute to tell me that Georgie had been at school. You desribed your actions and quick thinking.
My heart stopped and my brain kicked into gear. Events were set into motion that we had hoped wouldn’t occur. Phone calls were made, and you did the right thing by not calling me first. You did all the right things.
I don’t think I will ever be able to describe the feelings in my heart that afternoon. Fortunately I was distracted as I dodged speeding tractor-trailers making their way through Eugene, Oregon as drove to your game. I knew, however, that I couldn’t speak to anyone for a while for fear I would have a breakdown.
I want to give you strength, I want to give you comfort, I want to wrap you in love- but your fragility has made a coherent conversation impossible.
So, I am writing this note to tell you I’m proud of you. I know this has been an incredible nightmare for you -and all of us– but you are learning some valuable life lessons that your father and I could never teach you. You’re one of the lucky ones, and let’s not forget that.
We will also be ready to kick some major @** if Georgie dares to show his face around this house, this town or your life again.
And by the way, there are about 2.3 thousand people standing right behind me.
Dear Sassy,
Your mom is one smart lady. You were very brave and did everything right. Please try to take comfort in knowing that if that creep continues to follow you around there are about 2.3 thousand people standing behind her ready to kick his @**.
I'm ready, whenever you get the call VM, to go over with you and open up the mother of all cans of whoop ass on Georgie. I got my ass kicking boots on, and I'm sitting by the phone.
"And by the way, there are about 2.3 thousand people standing right behind me."
Literally. VodkaMom, do you realize how close I am to Eugene, Oregon? I will be more than happy to come PERSONALLY kick some Georgie ass.
I am so sorry that you're all (STILL!) going through this, but I'm proud right with you that she did all the right things. That is one strong,smart young woman you're raising, there, and your pride in her is evident.
Proud to be counted among the 2.3 thousand...
Even though I'm clear across the country I'm standing behind you too!!!
Sending positive vibes your families way...
I'm ready to kick some ass too! Thankful that you have such a smart daughter!
2.3 thousand +1 here!
+10, I can rally them in under a second :)
Otin stole my line.. so +2.
Immediately buy and read Gavin deBecker's THE GIFT OF FEAR, and have both your daughters read it. Seriously. I'm so serious I'll ship you a copy if you don't have time to buy it. It has excellent advice on dealing with stalkers and would-be stalkers and explains why sometimes what we think it the right reaction is exactly the wrong one. Could save someone's life.
That bastard needs to be arrested and put away for a long time. Being in prison will fix him.
Good for you, Sassy! Way to be strong. I'm very proud of you. Your mama didn't raise no fool, that's fer sure!
2.3 thousand +3
and I'm only about 3 hours away.
And I'll be near Smyth, OR on Saturday. My oldest kid will be with me and a smart-assed teenager. The kid had her own dealings with a stalker while in college. She'll be up for some ass kicking!
or Sunday. I'll be driving back to eastern Oregon by then.
seriously...this is not funny...waiting ont he call. sorry you are continuing to have to go through this...
The following quote was the Real Simple quote of the day today. It is very fitting for Sassy now. [“It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ―J.K. Rowling] Proud to be behind your family.
First in line among those 2.3 thousand. And I have lots of friends.
Just say the word.
But when the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.
And he better run far and fast.
2.3k + 3
Let me at him!
Stay safe, Sassy! And stay SASSY!
Hey maybe that's not a bad idea. Show the unified front that supports Sassy. How would he like it if a few hundred people gathered in protest in his home town?
Or okay, we could just let the justice system take care of him. I guess.
Someone needs to put the fear of god into this scumbag of a boy!
I am hoping this well be behind you soon!!
I'm proud of her too!
Always remember Sassy that family and friends are important and there to support you, along with the 2.3 thousand friends of your mom's as well! We are all here to kick ass!!! Take care.
Way to go Sassy! You did all the right things, and Vodka Mom, well you just simply are the best.
Putting on my ass-kicking boots right now. Where do you want me?
I am glad to hear that Georgie has gone on a little vacation.. Talk about stress. Stay strong:)
Her wise choices are definitely a reflection of the great job you are doing raising her.
Her wise choices are definitely a reflection of the great job you are doing raising her.
Yes, ma'am!
Shade and Sweetwater,
So glad to hear he's on a mini-vacation!
Stay strong and follow the plan, Sassy! Your strength and courage will get you through this. That and your amazing family, community and all of us bloggers behind you!!!!!!
Oh yeah, I'm with you-- got your back-- kick ass boots on-- crazy woman face at the ready-- Georgie-boy won't know what hit him if he tries to mess with Sassy one more second!!!!
Hang in there! xoxoxoxoxox
Ditto what everyone else says. Stay strong.
UGH so scary to hear. Let us know what we can do to help.
Good job, Sassy! Way to stay strong and make the right decision.
Yet another to add to the kick ass crew coming all the way from the UK. You are doing such a great job of being there for your girl VM so keep it up.
Count me in.....looks more like 3.3 thousand now! See ya Georgie...wouldn't want to be ya....
Sending love and prayers....
Holy crap. I don't even know what else to say. I can't believe this jerk is persisting.
count me in on that can of whup ass....my car has wings;)
Georgie has fucked up. He just doesn't have any idea what he's gotten himself in to.
Stay strong.
Wow. Glad to hear she kept her wits about her and am really sad that it's not a longer vacation.
"And by the way, there are about 2.3 thousand people standing right behind me."
You got that right....
Be calm...Be strong!!
I'll kick some ass...do you have a restraining order on Georgie?
Hell, I threatend to put a restraining order on my bd's girlfriend, LOL!
If you don't have a restraining order I'd be sure to clean my gun in plain sight of Georgie.
much love
Not only are we all standing with her - we are proud of her too. Keep up the good work, VM. Hugs to you all.
Dear Sassy,
Don't ever take your loving Mom for granted. She loves you and cares for your safety. That is something to cherish. You're safe in her care.
Someone Like You
What a beautiful post. Thinking of all of you!
Amen and amen. What a great mom you have Sassy.
Dear Sassy,
Do you know how much your mom rocks?? Yeah, you probably do.
Sorry you have to go thru this; but so relieved for you and your mom, that you are safe and doing all the right things. He wouldn't stand a chance against the strength of one mom (YOURS), let alone another thousand!
Sounds like Georgie may have bitten off more than he can chew! Sassy needs some pepper spray and a stun gun!
Sounds like Georgie may have bitten off more than he can chew! Sassy needs some pepper spray and a stun gun!
Okay, so sometimes you sorta-kinda complain about the shouting matches Sassy has with you... and with Bitchy... and with Golden Boy... and with... Well, *you* know that list way better than I.
Let's look at those "shouting matches" another way:
YOU have taught her to stand up for herself, to look out for herself, and to *defend* herself.
Now all she needs is Karate classes. That and self-defense class by a Marine/Police Officer and/or other Professional BadAss type.
We all have you and yours in our thoughts.
Yeah. . . we're like Sassy's own "network".
Can you hear us now????
I am so glad Sassy has a smart head on her shoulders. I panicked today because I was in a minor accident with a guy who looked just like my stalker. My stalker had backed into my car to talked to me. I knew it wasn't here, but it sent me into such a state of panic that as soon as I saw my car was ok, I told the guy to forget about it and jumped in my car and drove away.
I can't imagine how scared Sassy must have been, and how scared you are for her. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Yikes! You must want to strangle this guy...
VM, never forget I can round the posse up any time you need us.
That Sassy is one smart chick. And that Georgie must be the most dense moron on the planet.
Not sure this really belongs in the comments of this particular post, but thank you so much for the book, VM. It arrived two days ago and I can't put it down! There's a thank you note about it on my blog for you today, because, really, thank you so very much! :-)
Go kick some Georgie ass!!
I don't know where Eugene, Oregon is, but my GPS does. You say the word, and I'm there. And I'm bringing my posse. Give us a little vodka, and we can pull out a whole lot of crazy!
Hey happy to kick that creeps ass all the way from Australia! That kid is a douche bag.
Count me in as one of the 2,000+ ready for the ass kicking!
You effing bet that there's a whole bunch of people behind you! I'm new around here so I dunno what's going on, but still . . . I'll kick some @$$ for you if I need to! Besides, your name has Vodka in it . . . And we all know me and Vodka . . . :)
We're here for you an Sassy! I totally would take my mom's car and try to get to the airport (I can't drive yet.gotta wait to february to even think about it! lol) to help but that prolly wouldn't end well for me. lol. But anyways, good luck with the whole georgie situation, cuz he NEEDS to have his butt kicked!!
Make that 2.4 thousand people. Does he know I can shoot a freakin' shotgun lights out?
I'm so sad to read that this is straggling on and not being resolved. This is the nth blog I've read today that made me cry. Sassy and Mom, hang in there, be safe and I pray for swift resolution.
You know, there's this little strip of road down here in FLA called Alligator Allley that Georgie might enjoy walking down....just sayin'!
PLease don't even tell us that he is still at it! I hope he does some jail time and leaves Sassy alone! Cause Canadian SoccerMoms kick a@@ big time and I will be there in no time to show him :o)
Make that 2.4.....
I'm not close to Eugene but i know where it is and that's all I'm gonna say about that.
As the mother of four girls, I find this story terrifying. Good for Sassy that she knew what to do.
I'm so sorry that you family is having to deal with this. Thinking of you and sending you xox (or, so my fingers were on the wrong keys and I just typed "sending you coc")
As the mom of a boy, I will probably never experience this. Teaching our boys respect for girls is so important. And, I will help kick Georgie's a**, too. I also have friends.
Go, Sassy! Kick some stalker ass!
2.3 thousand, and me.
I cried when I read this and when I cry it makes me mad.
I can come from Texas and help kick butt.
No one messes with our girls, or boys even, and gets away with it.
Love ya gurl!
sad i didnt see this sooner. still sending strong, positive, loving, ass-kicking vibes your way.
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