
I didn't know my mouth was even big enough for my foot. Although I DO seem to put it there frequently.

Not the best way to start your day.

Me: “Jackson, how’s your grandfather?”

Jackson: “Which one? You mean the one that’s DEAD? WELL, he’s not that good! Cause he’s DEAD!!!


Me: “Um, I was talking about your other one.”

(What do you do when your amazing computer technician puts your hard drive into another laptop and it LIVES????? You drop the the GROUND and kiss her feat. THEN you thank the LORD and think about the lesson that you learned. Yeah. Back-up EVERYTHING. RIGHT NOW.)


Vodka Logic said...

I hope the other grand father isn't dead too.. or oppps.

Brian Miller said...

lol. gotta love kids...

Mr. Halpern said...

I had a little girl tell me her cat was dead today... not sure WHEN he died, but for some reason she decided to tell me, after a two week break, that he cat was dead.

Irish Gumbo said...

Well, duhhhh!

Grown-ups are so dumb...;)

WeaselMomma said...

Yay! Your back in business! (and smarter for it)

Mrs. E said...

Yep, I'm guessing Grandpa isn't too good! :( So glad you weren't gone long. You're my perk for the day!

T said...

You gotta love kids!

Congrats on getting your computer back!

Gigi said...

They saved your dead computer? You must do more than kiss their feet!!!! You need to, like, buy them a HOUSE!! Or something!!

And yeah - little ones are awesome for their statements. They believe in FACTS!

Anonymous said...

funny how being dead isnt such a good thing...lol

yep I learned after my computer miss hap...back up..back up..back up;)

Scope said...

Backup? Sounds like retreating, and retreating is for sissies! :-)

Anonymous said...

Whew! I'm glad they saved it.

SkylersDad said...

I'll bet Jackson's grandpa sure didn't need no backup!

Joanie said...

I once asked a little girl, about 4 years old, if she had a nice Christmas.

Big sigh, and with TONS of attitude, "No!!!"

Stupid me asked, "Why not?"

Another big harumph. "Because I'm Jewish!"

Put in my place by a 4 year old. The mother was amused.

Beth said...

Yeah, those kids will keep us in our place. :)

Mike said...

Well, he still had another one! LOL!

Lynn said...

Glad school has started again. I missed the kids comments.

Oh, I like your other stuff, too, but those kids!!

Ironic Mom said...

That totally cracked me up. Love the bluntness of kids. My 5yo daughter just told me I'm not very good at finding things. Like my sanity. Thanks for the laugh.

The Mind of a Mom said...

He must have been thinking wow Miss is so nice to ask about my dead grandpa and she is loosing it too! LoL

Unknown said...

bahahaha! I love those conversations you have have with children. They make you feel stupid, yet amuse you all at the same time!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Nice save there; thank goodness they're 5...
Yay for computer people!!! I'll heed your advice; I got an external hard drive from Santa.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Never doubt the motherboard! Or the chick who was able to save it!

Meg said...

Ahh kids. Nature's way of making adults feel like tools.

YAY for computer saver girl!

Zip n Tizzy said...

Glad the Other Computer lives, because otherwise it wouldn't be that good. It would be dead, Jeesh!

I LOVE dead pan little boys. Love them!

Kat said...

I hope you tounge kissed the technician too (cause that is what I would have done).

mo.stoneskin said...

You decided not to pretend and continue talking about the dead one's health?

Anonymous said...

It's worth consulting a computer expert sometimes.

Kids will never stop shocking us!


cheatymoon said...

Congrats on the laptop save!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

Oh funny!

Shirley said...

Oh, I love/hate moments like that. Trying to figure out what you can say to make it right. Blah!

Congrats on getting the computer straight. That's awesome!

Draft Queen said...

I drive my boyfriend *insane* with the lack of "backing up" my hard drive. I can't tell you how many times (in the past) I've called him in a panic... (Now he's learned to just do it for me. See? We both learned a lesson. I think.)

Karen Harrington said...


Madge said...

I am absolutely the worst about backing up my computer......


Barrie said...

You are sooo lucky with the computer stuff! :)

The Half Assed Housewife said...

I don't know. According to my husband dead would be good so he wouldn't have to deal with all my shenanegins.

Dang. I say that all the time but I have no idea how to spell it!

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious! Kids!

Jennet said...

Recently, my laptop fan died and I didn't know it. My computer would randomly die and I can't live without the internet, I cannot. When the boyfriend fixed it, I almost lost my head and proposed right then. I feel you. So very, very glad you got your data back.

My favorite of my own kid moments: following a too-spicy quesadilla from Taco Bueno, my 5 year old said, "That's not Taco Bueno, that's Taco NO Bueno. We will not eat there again." And to this day, we drive past it and she says, "There's Taco No Bueno."

blognut said...

Depending upon who is your computer tech, there are lots of fun ways to say "Thank you!"

You should sign Tightwad up for a computer trouble-shooting class. :)

Stephanie said...

At least he had another one to refer back too :O)

Anonymous said...

I'm so pissed you just reminded me to back up everything because I really don't need to add another thing to my to-do list.


Real Live Lesbian said...

A hinged mouth is what you need....

just like mine! :)

The Renaissance Chick said...

You can kiss her feat or her feet...either one! :)

justsomethoughts... said...

like, when you say "dead", just how "dead" do you really mean?

Joanie said...

You dance the dance of joy. That is all. No feet or feat kissing.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ha! Dead would not be good :-) It's funny where kids' minds go.

Woo-hoo about your computer repair!


Sara said...

Sometimes small children can make you feel awesome ("You look pretty!") and sometimes they can make you feel like a complete twit ("Why did you just pour your coffee into your corn flakes?").

Always entertaining though.

CrazyAssMomma said...

oh, kids. they kill me.
jeesh. lol

Unknown said...

I've been tiptoeing around the subject of "death" with my 4yo since my grandfather passed away a few months ago. She is scared to death to lose me, so for now, she thinks people only die if they are really sick or really old....so, yesterday I, out of curiousity for her reaction, asked her where Max and Ruby's parents are since they're never on the show? She told me, Oh, they're dead. They were SOOOOO old.