This is what THIS kindergarten teacher (and her para) say EVERY morning, twenty-five times.
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
Did you check your backpack?
25 times. And why do we do this, you ask? Because we’ve learned that some children will STILL leave something in their backpack that should go to the teacher.
We just didn’t expect it to be a squirming, wiggling meowing item for Show and Tell.
So, after 73 days of reminding children that they cannot bring anything living and breathing to school for Show and Tell, I was trumped by the “it’s “K” day” card.
And even though the culprit VEHEMENTLY denied bringing said kitten to school, he did manage to hand it over to his frantic mom when she showed up to find the KITTY she had been SEARCHING for all morning.
I need a drink.
That back pack story is a Kute Kitty one!
Damn typical!
Bottoms up!
May I suggest Grey Goose on the rocks.....have one for me
You mean you don't drink on the job? Bwahahahahahaha. You should. Just saying. Cute kitty too.
Have a terrific day. :)
And now the cat's outta the bag...
a kitten I could handle but a snake for "S week" would have me running!
Peace ~ Rene
OMG....too cute but omg...
Did you check your backpack?
Um... why is it moving?
I think it just meowed.
LOL! Here... let me get you a SHOT of something that will take the edge off!
It would not be too bad being a teacher if you had some learners! haha!
How cute!!! I so love reading your blog.
That is hilarious!
We had a kid sneak a dog to school once. It was a riot!
Funny, and that kitty is way cute.
I guess checking backpacks just does not compute with 5 year olds.
O. M. G.
That is to funny!
my mouth is hanging open!!!! what a story!!
Damn cats. I mean kids.
HA! HA! What a funny and delightful surprise. I can't imagine bringing a cat to school...
much love
Oh my goodness I would have paid to see this!
Wait did you really take a picture of the kitty? Is that the backpack, lol?
I hope the kid learned that a backpack is not a good place for an animal.
Look at it this way: excellent blog fodder. Now, don't you feel better?
when i was child, i caught a fleeting glimpse
out of the corner of my eye
i turned to look, but it was gone...
i thought we were singing here
"Ginger, blah blah blah blah!"
If I'm old enough, you're old enough to remember that cartoon, right? Err, sorry I so dated us.
I'm the mom that helps torment the teacher. I have showed up with rabbits, guinea pigs, turkeys, geese, chickens, puppies, rats and a sheep for my childrens show and tell. Don't you wish I was one of your parents? hahaha
*snort* As the mother of a kindergartner right now, I totally get where you are coming from. He can be standing 2 feet from his hat, crying that he cannot find it. He does have a very cool "S" show and tell this week, though -- a solar system diorama he designed and made. Thankfully, no living parts are included. ;)
At least it wasn't the kid's baby sister! Meow!
This makes me need a drink, too! I couldn't deal with animals crawling out of backpacks.
And I'm so glad the only show and tell I get is belly button rings, tattoos, and injuries. (Why they insist on taking off band-aids and showing me gashes and cuts I'll never know!)
holy moley! that's an exciting place where you work, vodka!
How about a nice bowl of milk?
I have to admit, I am loving my time home this year, but these stories do make me miss my 1st graders! I bet that mom wanted a drink too!
No you don't need a drink you need a double!
I need to know what did you do with the "K"at until mom showed up?
Watch out for "s" day, some kid's family might have a pet snake....
Not sure who I feel sorrier for, the mom or the kitten!
I think I told you about the little girl who tried to take the lizard home from the pumpkin patch?
Don't some classrooms have a class pet? He could be yours!!!!
I'm pouring right now. If you hurry, there will still be some left for you when you get here.
Back when I was in college, I got a phone call from our elementary school. When I saw the school name on caller ID I assumed my little brother was sick or something. No, they were calling to ask if I would be kind enough to come pick up our kindergarten neighbor's kitten that she brought to school for show and tell. I guess her parents worked all day and she knew my brother and the secretary put 2 and 2 together and called looking for ANYONE who would come get the animal.
And that's what I got for skipping class that day.
Holy kitty, Batman!
Bwah hahahaha!! I have yet to have one bring a kitten. Unfortunately, I've had plenty of roaches come crawling out of backpacks. :( Oh, great, now I'm all itchy....
I would have known that one immediately. Wouldn't have even had to ask. I break into hives around cats. So once the first welt appeared on my face, I would know.
Yes - very attractive. You think YOU want a drink?
(Reminds me of that scene in Monsters Inc when the little girl opens the closet: Kitteeee!
I love it. Absolutely love it.
AWWWWW!! That is so sad. Except YAY YOU since it wasn't the pet iguana!!
GORGEOUS!! xxxxxxxxx
At my school... we'd be a little worried about 'G' week.
That poor kitty - what an adventure!
hahaha. i think the cat may be hiding under the bed now...and may never come out. lol.
Yeah, you do need a drink! And so must the kitty!
One of my friends tried to bring her two-year-old sister. We were twelve...
Well, ya know.... cats do love climbing in open bags and luggage when we are not looking... maybe he really 'didn't' bring the kitty kat on purpose. It just sort of climbed in the bag when no one was looking. maybe?
The Blue Ridge Gal
OMG, what a good laugh! My youngest so would have done this in Kindergarten if I hadn't have stopped her.
My son STILL needs someone to ask him 10 times a day "Did you check your backpack?" And he's 22. I'm going to make sure promising to give him this reminder is in his marriage vows one day...
And here's the basis for a children's story you can write:
The Kitten's Adventure.
Huh? Huh?!?!
I can see how a kid would "accidentally" take the kitty to school.
Flippin' awesome!!!!!!!
Well, I've wasted some vodka lately and you can find it at my fence. I actually posted about you! ;) Come by for the full report!
i know that it's wrong ... but that would have totally made my day.
at least it wasn't a knife! (that would have required knowledge of the silent k ... ooooo!)
Creative little one I have to say! I'm racking my brain and all I can think of is KITE. How many kites do you get??? smile.
Oh now THAT takes the cat, err, I mean cake!
F.U.N.N.Y !!
Joining you with a Bloody Mary! Kittens and kids: adorable!
I have to tell this one to my MIL; don't think that ever happened to her in 29 years of teaching K. Her best story, I think, was when the kids had to decorate a paper turkey for Thanksgiving as a family project at home. One boy, whose dad was a hunter, grabbed a pair of fresh duck feet and taped them to his turkey. Imagine THAT coming out of the backpack...
I bet that was one popular kitty when it came out of the backpack. Your kids must have gone crazy over it.
Oh. My. God.
I think I'll share this with my first grader, just to see what she says...
We are at 85 days.. and still doing it.
We are getting quite a collection of toys..
Hey Mommy. Come on over to my blog pad and see how I'm helping my niece with her school postcard project. You're a teacher - know any kids who'd wanna write postcards to another school?
So stop by and let's have a drank!
If my cat, Cameron ended up at school in a backpack, it would be because he LOVES to climb into boxes and bags and suitcases, etc. Actually I'm surprised he never went to Pius with Dani at times.
SQUEE, KITTENs. I mean, that is totally inappropriate as a show and should have confiscated it!
We had a little boy pack a 1/2 gallon of ice cream for "I" day last year. Totally melted by the time he pulled it out for show and tell. He said his mom helped him pack it. Hello???
Oh that is adorable and awful and hilarious all at once!!
Kindergarten teachers are special, special people, to deal with stuff like this on a daily basis :) What a fabulous story!
I have throughly missed your "School Adventures!"
Glad the kitty found you...!
haha!! that's awesome!
Honestly, I really thought stuff like this only happened in movies. But then again, I do know a real life story about a kid who stole a penguin from the Camden Aquarium. Wonder if it was one of your students, actually ;)
Kid had a point with the "K" thing, this is my life, too! and I do drink!
"Your lips move but I can't hear what youre saying"
A great line from a Pink Floyd song...oh well so I got the topic of your blog wrong. Was Kute anyway.
Well what do you expect when you make your rules so vague?
It's like Christmas Vacation when Aunt Bethany wraps up her cat. Fun times for you.
This isn't that bad. I have more than one teacher friend in my area who was brought a stray kitten by a student who found them in the morning before school and expected said teachers to give them a good home (which, to their credit, they did).
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