
I speak MANY languages these days...

As many of you know, I have a rather LARGE and adorable class - with quite a large contingent of “English as a Second Language” children. It's makes me feel good that the “powers that be” feel I am a good match for these kids. (Even if I DO have a tinch of a headache when I get home.)

We’ve been in school 87 (real feel- one billion) days, and at this point most of them are picking up on all that we do and are participating in our discussions. (Well, sort of...) We are helping them learn our language, and often they help US learn THEIR language. Take yesterday, for example.

We were at the computer lab working on pictures of the desert- including plants and animals from the desert. As we lined up, I saw David (one of our young lads from China) standing right in front of me holding his picture of the desert.

I said, “David, can you say “This is the desert” in Chinese???”

With a huge smile, he said, “THIS is the desert…in Chinese!”

And that little rascal ran away………..


Cora said...

Cuuuuute! :-)

Cora said...

Holy waterbuffalo! I was first and all I had to contribute was "cuuuuute"?????

*hanging head in lame-o shame*

Tara@Sticky Fingers said...

And he went home and said; "i totally fooled my teach today"
They pick up that trait at a darn early age don't they?

Jan said...

I LOVE that kid.

The Muse said...

LOL...he must be reading your blog and getting smarty tips!

Be said...

Ah - the universal language of children: Smart Ass!

Joanie said...

They become smart asses so young these days.

Pearl said...

You had that one coming.



SkylersDad said...

You are doing an awesome job of teaching "how to be littoral".

ChiTown Girl said...

bwah hahaha!!

Toni said...

At least it put a smile on both of your faces haha

steenky bee said...

Kids say the darndest things. Mine say the dirties things.

Unknown said...

Asked and answered..head of the class :)

Peace ~ Rene

Have a great weekend oxox

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

I love kids with a sense of humor. I actually heard the rim shot after the joke.

Lynn said...

Clever little David.
Do you often get to play, "Straight Man?"

Anonymous said...

LOL, he did what you said!

And 25 IS a big class! Thank God you have an assistant, huh? My son's kindergarten class had 23 last year and NO assistant. It was chaos.

Anonymous said...

that is priceless...moments like that must make all the bad days seem better;)

Anonymous said...

that is priceless...moments like that must make all the bad days seem better;)

Captain Dumbass said...

Wah hahahaha! Schooled!

The Mind of a Mom said...

Bwahhhhhhhhh out of the mouths of babes!

Anonymous said...

Kids are usually more clever than they appear.

Lori P said...

Sarcastic little rascals, aren't they?

Brian Miller said...

oh! i can say it too..
pick me!
pick me!

Kelly P said...

Yeah my grandson blame the (spilt chocolate ice cream on the floor)on his sister.His sister has'nt been here in a week.She's been out of town with her mother.They are due back tomorrow.ha!

The Girl Next Door said...

I'd be glad to write his recommendation for law school ...

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

What a cutie!

Malisa said...

Too funny and too cute...unless he was just being a smart ass! :)

Irish Gumbo said...

Takes direction well...he did do what you asked! ;)

Anonymous said...

Next time ask if he can translate chinese spam.

Rosaria Williams said...

Ah. Good memories.

Lawyer Mom said...

Aw, that clever David. Try the old "can you stick out your tongue and touch your nose" trick on him. : )

Kate Coveny Hood said...


Anne said...

My 'keeper' comment this week was, "Teacher...guess what? When my Grandma dies I get to move to Las Vegas.... Wheeeeee - with hands pumping in air." And off she ran.

They are too cute!

SweetPeaSurry said...

That is too adorable!!!

Gayle said...

25 is way too big of a class. They make you laugh everyday. They make you cry everyday, too.

Elenka said...

I, too, have a roster of kids that rival the United Nations. They WANT to speak English, I rarely hear their native language. It's quite amazing what they can accomplish in one short year.

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

Hey, as long as they can follow directions, you work is done, right? ;-)

Beth said...

He follows directions well!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Gotta love it!

Awake In Rochester said...

Oh no! LOL!

Carol said...

Kids can be such smart aleks! I was in Quebec on a French club trip at Easter time. The hotel had a display with rabbits, chicks and such. A couple little girls were watching the animals and talking in French. We wanted to know how to say rabbit in French so I asked her "Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is this?) She rolled her eyes and in very clear English answered "rabbit" and then said something to her sister in French and they walked away giggling!

Bethany said...

Haha, they are too smart ;) I have a lot of Indian and Asian (mostly Taiwanese) kiddos in my class and I ask one little guy how to say something in Chinese all the time :)

Vodka Logic said...

Kids are so smart. I think sometimes life knocks the funny out of them