
Pass me those glasses...

A conversation that occurred between two little fellas in kindergarten in Smythe, Oregon today:

“When my dad was little, all he could see was black and white! Then, when he was a teenager, he could start to see color!”

I KNOW I’m supposed to be working on more Blissdom posts, but I am still laughing about this one.


Grand Pooba said...

Oh man, you never get bore with kindergartners around do you? lol

The Muse said...

are you buying votes, yet? lol

ill see what i can do.

Anonymous said...

i love these conversations...lol

i voted for ya;)

Brian Miller said...

lol. that is amazing.

ok, i'll vote again. smiles.

FAIL said...

I voted - for everyone else. The begging, pleading and total lack of confidence really wears on one's nerves after a time. It's just a contest. It doesn't make you a better person. You're funny enough. You're good enough. And darn it, people like you.

Now grow up.

Joanie said...

Hey!! Me too!!! And it was a big deal!

SkylersDad said...

I can't help but wonder if his dad is really telling him these stories!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That must be a sign of growing up...seeing in color.

Fragrant Liar said...

I remember the year I started seeing in color. It was 1966, and it was HUGE in our house. We all started seeing color at the same time. :)

x said...

It would be neat to start a journal with the things you hear come out of the mouths of these babes and then one day make it in to a book, or sell the little sayings to Hallmark for cute cards for Father's Day or Mother's Day.

Anne said...

Wow... I'm worn out... today was our Valentine's Day party. Phew, that was WAAAAAAAY different w/the little tykes than w/third graders. I couldn't count the number of 'I love you teacher' and hugs that I got today.

Megan said...

Do husbands do laundry better as they age? We sure could use that around here!

Miss sleeping with you Vodka mom! ........that'll give your readers somethin' to talk about!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Your classroom is a never-ending source of entertainment.

Char said...

You have to have the funniest kids in the building! lol

Anonymous said...

I love kids' funny sayings. I remember when I was young I thought they actually dressed up and wore black and white makeup for "old movies". LOL.

Trac~ said...

Oh how funny! Out of the mouthes of babe! I love to hear innocent kids conversations! :o) P.S. Please check out my blog today - I have nominated you for an award! Big hugs! :o)

Anonymous said...

The father could have been talking about television of course.


The Half Assed Housewife said...

Ha! One of my kids friends asked me what the things were that looked like a CD but bigger the other day!


WeaselMomma said...

Thank you and your classroom for adding sunshine to my day.
That was awesome and the smile isn't leaving my face.

Beth said...

=) Love!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

that is a good one

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Ah, the good ole black and white days....

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Finally got caught up on all of your posts! I'm woefully behind on my blog reading... Your driving story was incredible (something similar happened to me in Atlanta during 9-11 - but no blizzards or tears of anxiety).

Can't wait to hear about Blissdom. That sounds like such a fun group. Maybe next year...but I AM going to BlogHer this year - yeah!

Angie Ledbetter said...

LOL. Daddy must be as old as me with all that old B&W tv we were stuck with.

Happy St. Valentine's and Mardi Gras!

Anonymous said...

Kindergartners are complete crack ups! Im lucky enough to have 2.

BLOGitse said...

LOL! Kids, they know more than we think... :)
