When taking a walk along the bay with your nephew, you might want to get a more clear picture about how far away those bluffs are.
Me: "You said they were right around the corner? How far away are they?"
"Don't worry Aunt V., it's only another mile or so."
"Mile? MILE???"
"It's only a couple miles or so to the bluffs. You will LOVE IT!"
Sweet Jesus, my knees are STILL swollen. (Guess what? When you get there, you also have to walk BACK.)
Love makes you walk miles, even with bad knees!
From your beautiful photos, looks like the walk was worth it.
Shit! He's young and healthy; you should have made him CARRY you back!!!
Beautiful scenery though, so you had something nice to look at instead of thinking about your knees...
Beautiful pics!
And the nephew is easy on the eyes too.
Read the linked post as well. Life is confusing at times. You have every right to be proud of your family.
I like viewing nature from the prow of a yacht.
Icy Hot? No Vodka?
Gorgeous! And like Star Child said...your Nephew is very easy on the eyes lol. You should try some Biofreeze...that stuffis AMAZING!!
So it was worth the walk?
Once, I got lost trying to walk somewhere in Scotland. I ended up walking an extra five miles because of it... Oh, the memories.
for that smile it was ALMOST worth it, I bet.
They are beautiful! He looks like a big guy couldn't he give you a piggy back ride back?
Aw. He wanted to spend some time with you. And, I would agree that a couple of miles in the setting is "just around the corner"
What a cute nephew! That is some beautiful scenery, worth the walk I'm sure. And you're saying it's 50 like it's a good thing, right? B/C it was 50+ here this weekend and I thought it was AWESOME.
For a view like that, i'll take swollen knees.
But I agree... your nephew should have carried you back.
LOL sounds like my kids "just around the corner mom".. pics are beautiful! What a fun day with your Nephew minus the swollen joints!
Lovely pictures!
Jeez, just keep on drinking. I thought of you last night as I had nothing to mix with my vodka (out of Fresca) and opened up one of the boys' Capri Suns...GAG ME! Thank goodness I found a packet of Arnold Palmer (half lemonade, half ice tea) or I would have barfed. P.S. Trying to get blogger Single Mom Says (Mindy, single mom of 4) to Las Vegas for her 40th. If there is any way you can help spread the word I would appreciate it. Info is on my bloggy: http://runpippirun.blogspot.com
Thanks VM
Where is that? It's gorgeous.
take two asprin and a vodka tonic and call me in the morning;)
great pics:)
For that hottie, hot face, I'd walk a couple of miles. My husband does it to me all the time. It's just right up the road. Hours later, I'm limping along, throwing curses at him. But, you did it!!!
Looks like it was a beautiful day, like the weekend we just had! It got above 50 here in Maine and I am hoping we don't see anymore snow this season.
Sadly, I don't think I would have made the walk there and back- good for you!
What a pain in the knees (and everywhere else) getting older is, but it sure looks like it was worth it. Beautiful pictures!
And yeah...the nephew is pretty hot.
Great photos, a beautiful looking place.
ha. sounds like fun...yeah their sense of distance is a little off. my son wanted to walk home from the baseball game the other day...only about a 15 minute drive...we might have gotten home by now...
I'm sorry, I was all sympathizing and then I saw your nephew and forgot why I was here.
I love that he's wearing a Hartford Whalers hat.
Advil and Epsom salts. Definitely.
Sure, your knees may be sore, but you can count yourself as hitting quota for the week!
You poor thing. You'd think he would have carried you back on his shoulders.
You got some beautiful photos. I hope you feel it was worthwhile, even with the knees! :)
HA! At least sand is soft!
If I'm not mistaken I think I see my head floating in back of your nephew. My body is still in LA.
Pretty view! Well worth the walk. :)
I would walk a couple of miles for that beauty and peace. The down side is the way you must smell from all that icy hot. Ewwww.
Looks like an amazing walk, but I hope the knees are okay...
Looks gorgeous. Hope the weather was too, and hope you had a nice visit.
Your nephew is HOT! Holy crap!
sweet baby jesus! Since the short (actually long) time since I've been here, you're blog has turned into its own living thing! 1300 followers! bazillions of comments!
Congrats! When's the book come out?
I think I hit the maximum votes allowed on Babble. I haven't been able to vote for you in about a week which really sucks! I want to get you above all those "My Baby is Absolutely Perfect" Blogs. (gag!!!)
Sorry your knees hurt and I agree, your nephew is hot!
Good for you, glad you kept going.
How was the trip back?
That's always the tough thing with nature.
It's gorgeous, but it turns your legs to Jello and makes you sneeze like someone stuffed ragweed up your nose.
Could just be me...
Good for you!!! I'm glad you made it. Did you find out how many miles it truly was?
It looks worth it!
Gorgeous. Glad you had fun. Even if ice was required ;-)
Ouch! That's a long, rough walk for sore knees! But the views are fabulous.
Hi just come across your blog - love it! have been stuck in the house for a zillion days due to the youngest having chicken pox - I KNOW! how selfish. Am trailing through your old posts and enjoying.
It's worth it to get the exercise you need, otherwise we get old much faster...
Because you clearly don't have enough to do, I tagged you in a meme today. (This is my secret way to find out MORE of your opinions...Mwah Ha Ha!)
Gorgeous pictures! :-)
Woohoo to the sweatshirt. I am a UConn alumni!
Sorry about your knees.
Beautiful photos, cute nephew and my knees would be swollen, too! Glad you made it back under your own will.
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