
Guess What? I'm STILL confused.

Today in centers while I was working with one of my reading groups and I couldn’t resist asking John (aka Jae-hyun) about what language he spoke at home. Of course, I KNOW that he speaks Korean, but I always take an opportunity to encourage him to practice English.

“John, your Mommy and Daddy told me that you don’t like to practice your English at home. You even have your sister Susie – who speaks PERFECT English- to help, but you won’t practice with her. Is that right?”

“I don’t know to speak English.” He replied.

“John, we are speaking English right now.” I said with a big smile.

“No, I don’t know English!”

Me: “This IS English. You ARE speaking English.”

John: “I don’t know English. What is English?”

“THIS is English. We. Are. Speaking. English.”

John. “No. I don’t know dat.”

And at that point I wasn't even sure I WAS speaking English.

(You can’t find a better way to start a Monday. Can you?)


thenextmartha said...

Que Dice?

Brian Miller said...

no i am american...i speak it too...unless of course i am not...and yeah i am confused...

Jules AF said...

haha I just want to give him a hug and rub his back.

Anonymous said...

He's speaking American. It's a whole 'nother thing, entirely.

Yep, yep.

Joanie said...

i agree with Titanium... definitely speaking American.

Sprite's Keeper said...

I don't think anyone speaks proper English on a Monday..

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

how cute is that? i'd be thoroughly confused, too.

Anonymous said...

my class gets that way when they don't realize they are actually reading. i have the same conversation- yes you are reading! eventually a lightbulb goes off and they understand- hey i'm reading. goofy kids.

Kate Hanley said...

Well, it had me laughing and yes it sounds exactly like "Who's on first?"

Everyday Goddess said...

I think he is speaking Manspeak.

Frogs in my formula said...

Maybe a pop on the knuckles would help jog his noggin. Oh wait, they don't do that anymore in school. My bad.

anonymouseducator said...

They do in Korea!

Captain Dumbass said...

There's so many kids in my oldest son's class who speak Cantonese as their first language that they are not allowed to speak it in class.

Mellodee said...

There's a definite disconnect going on somewhere in his head, one day it will snap in place, but this wasn't the day!!

Anonymous said...

So, he does not push 1 on the phone dial? Does he push 2 for Korean?

The Blue Ridge Gal

Alexandra said...

And that's what makes teaching Kindergarten so very much fun!!!

Dawn said...

Well...at least he is a kindergartener.

Last week, one of my fellow teachers said, "I can't go to Canada until I learn to speak Canadian."
We all looked at her.
"What??!!" she said. "Oh...they speak French, don't they?"
We have all signed up to take her 'Canadian Language Lessons' when offered. LOL

Suzy said...

***And at that point I wasn't even sure I WAS speaking English.***

heh heh

Jen said...

Too funny! As a literacy coach it makes me happy to read you do centers and work with small groups! Wish more of my teachers would do the same thing!!

Thanks for helping me celebrate my SITS day!!


Unknown said...

Now you sound like me trying to get through a customers head what "How deep will you be digging" means! I swear sometimes I think I switxhed to Korean half way through the call!.

John sounds adorable, even if he can't speak English

Wild Child said...

Yes, that was a tough Monday to start. I had sunny skies and relatively easy problems to tackle, like finding someone to cover for a staff member who DID not find someone to cover for himself, even though that's the policy. I feel like I supervise kindergarteners at times. Except I think yours are easier to manage. Business parenting, anyone?

Mrs4444 said...

Absolutely not. I love this; it reminds me of some eyebrow-raising conversations I've had this year. So funny...

Thanks for the sweet, sweet birthday wish, my friend :)

And hey, be sure to read my post tomorrow; you will love it! :)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

It definitely made sense to him! What a cutie!

mo.stoneskin said...

I don't speak English either. I've never managed to pick it up.

Lynn from For Love or Funny said...

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm thinking in English...

The Good Cook said...

I think that is one of the sweetest, funniest things I've heard in a long time..

WeaselMomma said...

Thanks for this sweet little smile today. I needed it.

natalee said...


ShaunaInKorea said...

Heheheh, such a cute story... sometimes, 'what are you gonna say??'!

I'm happy John's got a teacher who'll trytrytry to help him figure out which way is up, thanks for sharing the smile!

MrsDixon said...

Oh my gosh! I bet you had a hard time not laughing!!