
Wordless Wednesday? Good, I'll try not to be wordy.

I was THRILLED when I stumbled upon an amazing blog by another kindergarten teacher the other day.

I read with great envy about a cool Earth Day project his kids had completed, and like MOST teachers, I "borrowed" his idea, and thought I'd try it myself.

Here's his project:

and here's MINE.

I'd like to just clarify that I had NO PARAPROFESSIONAL that day (She'll pay for being sick-Show and Tell on her OWN tomorrow), and no parent volunteer. I was the only adult in the room (and sometimes THAT'S debatable) while there were six centers going on.

By the end of the 60 minute frantic rotation of centers, the boys had colored all of the letters with a PATTERN (well, kind of) and try as I might I wasn't sure if I could still make out where the land ended and the water began. (I also had to use the art teacher's special eraser to erase all the little hearts that Jimmy had drawn all around the BIG heart. sigh.)

However, if you stand BACK and SQUINT, our project looks exactly the same as Mr. Jones's.

Don't you think?

Happy Erf Day, People. Happy Erf Day Indeed.


lisahgolden said...

I think it's precious. I've worked with little kids using markers and I declare this a win.

I always figure if they get more on the paper than themselves, it's a success.

Vodka Logic said...

I love it and I am sure the kids are proud of it...

Did you show it to Mr. Jones?

slow panic said...

i'm not kidding you. you are going to be greatly rewarded some day.

Anonymous said...

Guess what Earth Day activity my class will be doing tomorrow. Thanks!

Show & Tell for me tomorrow also. I'd rather wipe 16 butts than do show & tell. Well, you know what I mean....cuz' wiping 5 year old butts is no picnic either.

Zip n Tizzy said...

You know that Martha Stewart's staff put paraproressionals to shame? They also get paid a lot more.

I'd like to see Martha do ANY project with a room full of Kindergarteners. Ha-Ha! That would be funny.

I think your project is awesome!

Momma Fargo said...

Love it!

Joanie said...

I think those kids did a fabuloso job!!

And Happy Erf Day right back atcha!

mo.stoneskin said...

I think you might be the next Picasso. Or something like that.

Cheryl said...

Happy Erf Day to you too. Thank you for this special edition of fantasticness.

SkylersDad said...

Nice work!

Anonymous said...


happy erf day;)

Brian Miller said...

happy erf day! i bet the kids had a blast making it. i think it looks marvelous!

Alexandra said...

Yeah, well, I say hooey! cuz there's only one Vodkamom and if I had my druthers about who was going to teach me kindgergarten? I'd surely go with Vodkamom

How could you resist?

Lorraine said...

It's all about the background. Who can't make a cardboard box look better? I think yours is lovely - especially the sparkly papers. Great "green" group effort!

Anonymous said...

Your erf is twice better than Mr. Jones' erf.


Anonymous said...

I think it looks wonderful! =)

Elizabeth @ My Life, Such as it is... said...

as long as the more marker made it on the paper than the kids, I'd call it good. Still wishing I could ship Charlie to you for Kindergarten in the fall. ;)

Mellodee said...

Your class's effort is the clear winner!! Cut open cardboard box??? They couldn't even tape all the seams to keep it from flopping over! Their earth, waaay too uniform in color. Your kids gave the world some dimension! And the ultimate reason?? Your's looks like it was done by children with imagination. Their's is just boring!

Soooo You Definitely Win!!

Anonymous said...


And that paraprofessional? How dare she leave you like that!


x said...

Damn straight! (Did I use that expression right?) Or is it Damn skippy?

Krystal Grant said...

No Para? God bless you! The project turned out great. Happy Erff Day to you as well.

feefifoto said...

Bravo! Bravissimo! Here's to your sincerest form of flattery.

HoodChick said...

I think it looks great! Although lots of glitter would have make it perfect!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I think it looks even better!!!!

Captain Dumbass said...

Happy Erf Day to you too.

Anonymous said...

I like yours better. The mix of colors on the globe makes it look more realistic.

Pseudo said...

Haapy erf day right back at you Vodka.

Mr. Halpern said...

Ok people, 'Mr. Jones' here - the teacher of the first one... gotta say - first of all, no competition here, just sayin'. I'm glad you borrowed the idea that I found online - not sure I've had a single creative idea myself ever. Secondly, not sure if I'm missing something or not, but I think yours looks just as good as mine. The only real difference I see is that you used paper and I used an old box. Really - what's the big diff, am I missing something here?

Anonymous said...

I think that's pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Great job! Ahh Erf day for us, eeek! It's school vacation week and we are doing vacation care. I happen to have the day off and I think only 6 kids signed up for today.

FranticMommy said...

It's so comical. We haveone in First Grader and one about to enter Preschool. So I "get" all the little grade lingo like "paraprofessional" and "centers". Happy "Errf" Day to you too!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

It's a lovely earth!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Bloody marvellous! Nicking that idea too. Sshhh. dont tell anyone. x

cheatymoon said...

I am so stealing this project for next year. xo

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Great idea! I think I'll "borrow" it for next Erf Day.